On the inner city wall of the Mirror Palace, the warrior guards monitoring the outer city had already retreated.

Even in a special space, there is still wind flowing. These winds are filtered by mirrors, and some strange things that can evolve into wind cannot enter.

The wind blows on the city walls.

There are seventeen men of different ages wearing python robes standing on the city wall.

There was a three-foot-wide wall, and among the seventeen people standing at the front was an old man with white hair and beard.

The old man seemed to be on the verge of death, with pale age spots on his wrinkled face, and his eyes were so cloudy that he could not see the black pupils.

But the sixteen people behind him held their breaths.

The sixteen people in the Palace of Mirrors are all chief stewards with great authority, but in front of the old man who will die in the next breath, they dare not make any mistakes.

Even if the old man is the same as them, the distance between the sky and the earth is sometimes.

Because the old man is the first-ranked goose in the mirror palace.

All the chief executives in Jinggong know that as long as Eunuch Goose does not die for a day, he will be the first chief executive.

No one can shake his position.

Eunuch Goe has long ignored the affairs of the palace. He usually just stays in his small courtyard and sleeps in a reclining chair to bask in the sun, but today he came to the city wall.

"Except Xiaolong, go back. If he wants to make a move, it's not much use for you to stay." Goose Gong said openly, his voice was hoarse and unpleasant, but he still looked directly at the aisle under the city wall.

The fifteen people bowed slightly and all retreated.

The remaining Eunuch Long walked to Eun Gong Eun's side and said with concern: "It's very windy on the city wall, or the old man will go back first, he probably won't make a move, I'm watching from here, if he really wants to make a move, I'll tell you again."

The second-ranked father-in-law stayed by the saint's side to serve, or else he could stay on the city wall.

"Of course he won't shoot, our family just wants to see him again." Eunuch Goose shook his head and said, "Xiaolong, there are not many people who seem to be so courageous."

Eunuch Long's pupils shrank, and his mind kept turning, thinking about the meaning of Eunuch Eun's words.

Eunuch E is said to be the living fossil in the Mirror Palace. When Eun Gong first entered the palace, Eun Eun was the first-ranked general manager of the Mirror Palace.

No one knows the exact age of Eunuch Goe, and how long he has been the chief executive. Even in the mirror palace, there is no record.

No one in the mirror palace lived longer than him.

It's hard to hide things in the palace from Eunuch Goose. He has seen the ups and downs of the mirror palace, and he has no desire or desire, but today he came out to see the academy saint again.

What the **** does the goose want to see?

"Oh, he's here." Eunuch Goose smiled.

Eunuch Long stared at it and saw that the academy sage swaggered past the palace gate of the inner city and walked straight along the mirror palace.

The academy sage dressed casually, he just wore an old gray cloth that had been washed countless times, with a pair of straw sandals on his feet.

In front of the academy saint, there is a small **** leading the way.

While walking, he stretched out his hand to scratch his creak or neck from time to time, like an old country farmer.

"What are you looking at?" Just when Eunuch Long's mind was all on the academy saint, a voice sounded behind him and Eunuch Eun.

Eunuch Long's face changed slightly, he turned his head to look, and found that it was the academy sage looking at the two of them with a smile.

And the saint below is still swaggering forward with the little eunuch.

Eunuch Long understood in an instant, his fists tucked into his sleeve robes clenched slightly, and the saint entered a certain sublime realm that he could only look up to.

This is very different from the information collected by Eunuch Long. Did the sage hide his strength or did the sage break through?

Gong Gong turned around and said, "Long time no see, Lin Wuya."

Eunuch Goose is fully qualified to call Lin Wuya by his first name.

"Goose goose, how can you live like this?" Lin Wuya asked with a smile.

Eunuch Goose sighed and said, "It's almost the end, it's not as good as you young people, our family's deadline is approaching..."

Lin Wuya twitched his face and said, "That's what you told me a hundred years ago."

"Is there?" Eunuch Goe looked puzzled: "You also know that when people get older, their memory is not good."

"A few months ago, a little mouse stole into the mirror palace. Our family wanted to remember what it looked like and find a chance to catch it, but we just couldn't remember what it looked like."

Lin Wuya was silent for a while, he knew that the little mouse was referring to him, he said casually: "The mirror palace is so big, it's just a little mouse, you old man, don't keep staring at the little mouse, you should be more Look elsewhere."

"It would be bad to avoid something major."

Faced with this vague reminder, Eunuch Eun said calmly: "There is nothing serious in the mirror palace, we can only shoot flies and catch mice."

"Are you so sure?" Lin Wuya raised his eyebrows and asked, "I never believed that there are things in the world that will never change."

"Of course nothing in the world remains the same forever." Egong said: "But the mirror palace is different, it will not change for a long time."

"You think so, then why do you still come to see me?" Lin Wuya sneered: "Go back, there is a lot of wind on UU reading www.uukanshu.com, and I am called a saint, but in fact, how many kilograms are in my heart. Very, daring to enter the palace, it is also a decision made after a lot of struggle."

"How dare I make a fuss about the Mirror Palace? The monks who do this have become fertilizers for the garden behind the Mirror Palace."

"Lin Wuya, you know that our family has never worried about this." Eunuch Goe shook his head and said, "The people who dare to make trouble in the mirror palace are either crazy people or ignorant and eccentric people, but the two are often mirrored together. The gates of the city outside the palace can't come in."

"As long as you know a little about Jinggong, you won't do such a stupid thing, whether it's you or that little monk."

"The big Wei now really dares to go crazy and has the right to break in. Only the sword cultivator who is proud in his bones."

Eunuch Goose's words were very calm, with enough self-confidence.

Lin Wuya is very familiar with this kind of confidence, he is not angry at all, because he has seen it too many times in the past years, he sighed and said with some envy: "It's really a big family, or else It can't go on for so many years."

"It's just that those people aren't envious? If I had such ability, I'm afraid I'd go crazy with jealousy."

Eunuch E was silent, he knew who Lin Wuya was talking about, he meant those who had enough strength to level the Jingdu of Great Wei, he frowned and said, "Of course I'm jealous, but having the strength to level the Jingdu doesn't mean they can take it. Go, what's the point of stepping on the mirror if you can't take it away? You can't come if you can really take it away."

"Why? Can you tell me?" Lin Wuya asked sincerely.

Eunuch Long pricked up his ears and listened with a serious face. This was also the biggest question in his mind.

Who wouldn't want such a gem?

Why can Dawei Li's monopoly?

Why can't those who can take it come?

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