Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 875: root of the problem

Eunuch goose looked up at the illusory blue sky.

The world inside the Palace of Mirrors is no different from the outside. There are also day and night here, as well as four seasons.

This is a small world.

"You ask our family, who should our family ask?" Eunuch Goose lowered his head and asked almost to himself.

"Doesn't the chief executive who ranks first in the Jinggong also know?" Lin Wuya asked flatly.

"Your faction is good at divination and studying the destiny, don't you know it?" Eunuch Eun laughed.

"Fate is always changing. Who dares to say that he can do everything in the world?" Lin Wuya said indifferently: "Besides, the mirror palace can isolate the inside and outside, so I can't see anything."

"Knowing your own life is sometimes not a good thing." Eunuch Goe walked towards the city wall corridor, his back was old and haggard, "Lin Wuya, our family doesn't know what you want to do, and I don't care about it. , but don't do stupid things."

"Don't target the royal family of the Great Wei Li family, don't target the mirror palace, this is not something you can covet, if you do it, you will die."

Eunuch Long glanced at Lin Wuya, followed behind Eunuch Eun, he never interrupted the two of them.

"This broken mirror is powerful, and the Li family's royal family is powerful, but if one day they stand on the opposite side of the world, can they still live?" Lin Wuya said solemnly.

Eunuch Go stopped in his footsteps, and he turned his eyes sharply and said: "There is no reason for you to say this, we all know very well that Jinggong and Li's royal family are the foundations of Wei, and Jinggong and Li's royal family are there, the great Wei won't fall."

"The royal family of Li is the Great Wei, and the great Wei is the royal family of the Li family. Have you ever seen someone who wants to betray you?"

"Goose, goose, there is more than one member of the Li family." Lin Wuya said with a serious face: "Their ideas are not unified."

Eunuch Goe's eyes became more and more severe: "Of course there is more than one member of the Li royal family, but as long as the Holy One is there, there will be no problem with this kind of thing."

"The problem lies with the Holy One!"

"Bold!" Duke Long said sharply: "Even if you are a saint of the academy, you can't arbitrarily talk about the saint."

Lin Wuya ignored Eunuch Long, he just looked at Eunuch Goose.

What he wanted to see in the palace was not only the Emperor Wei, but also the living fossil of this mirror palace.

Eunuch Goose was silent for a while and said, "There is no problem with the Holy One."

"Then why were you hesitating just now?" Lin Wuya asked.

"The royal family's affairs will be resolved by the royal family... It won't be more than three hundred years of madness." Eunuch Goe said something inexplicable and left.

Lin Wuya watched the two father-in-laws disappear in front of him, his expression was still solemn, he understood the meaning of Gong Gong's words, but it didn't mean he agreed.

His body disappeared in place, as if it had never appeared.

Eunuch Long followed Eunuch Ego down toward the city wall, but his heart felt like a stormy sea.

He has always been keenly aware of the changes in the palace, as if an invisible vortex had formed, swallowing everyone in, otherwise Xiao Ao would not have been sent out of the palace.

Such a frightening and ominous premonition appeared three times in Eunuch Long's life.

The first time was the death of Empress Dowager Tang. At that time, palace maids and eunuchs were executed every day in Jinggong. After the storm, the number of palace maids and eunuchs in Jinggong decreased by one tenth. Twelve of the nobles were also involved in this turmoil.

In the end, very few were implicated and were able to get out of it, and Eunuch Long was just a despondent **** at the time. His master was also implicated in this turmoil, and he was not immune.

He thought he would die, but fortunately, Xiao Ao helped him through this disaster and survived.

The second time was when the emperor ascended the throne. That time, the palace was in chaos for a year. The old emperor died and the new emperor ascended the throne. For everyone in the palace, it was a **** storm. This time, Eunuch Long really rose to the top.

But the turmoil in the Mirror Palace that year was treacherous, and Eunuch Long also had lingering fears when he remembered it. There was still a certain element of luck in being able to survive that time.

The third time was the death of that woman fifteen years ago. Thinking of that woman, Eunuch Long felt a little depressed, and her name became a taboo in Jinggong. After this incident, Jinggong executed thirty noble people to death. Really calm down.

And now the fourth omen has finally come, and he can vaguely see the root cause through the words of Eunuch Goe and Lin Wuya.

It is the Holy One!

Eunuch Goe's last sentence was almost outrageous, but it also allowed Eunuch Long to see the root cause.

There was a shudder in his heart, if this storm was related to the Holy One, how many people would have died by then?

How many of him and his adopted sons will survive?

"Little Dragon." Eunuch Goose who was walking down the stone steps suddenly said.

"Yes." Eunuch Long hurriedly responded.

"As slaves, we only need to follow the master, there is no need to think too much." Eunuch Eun said a little tiredly: "Our family has experienced a lot of ups and downs, but why did our family become the longest-lived **** in the palace?"

"That's because our family has always been loyal to the Li royal and has never rebelled."

"The chief executive is loyal, even the little **** who has just entered the palace knows it." Eunuch Long said with a look of respect.

In the hearts of all eunuchs, Eunuch Goose is a legendary figure, and Eunuch Long also respects him very much.

"You are very good, you don't look like a small tongue." Eunuch goose said with a light smile, he waved his hand, "Go, go and do it, you don't have to accompany me, the old thing that is about to go to earth, Jinggong will still have to do it in the future. Depend on your younger generation."

Eunuch Long said with a smile: "The chief executive is in his prime. Even if my lifespan and Xiao Tong are exhausted, the chief executive is still in good health. How can we say that we are old?"

"Keep these flattering words to the sage." Eunuch Goe laughed and walked towards the depths of the palace.

When Duke Long turned the corner, he sighed. It was the first time he had seen Duke Goose showing a tired state. Obviously, things were not simple.

Even the goose father felt the pressure.

No matter how many turmoils happened before, it was difficult to implicate the Dinghaishenzhen of this mirror palace. Could it be that Eunuch Go is also worried?

Who can influence the Holy One?

Three phase?

College saint?

The old head of the Big Buddha Temple?

No, as long as the Mirror Palace is there, no one can influence the Sage.

Eunuch Long was startled, could it be the saint himself...

The sage Lin Wuya thought so both inside and outside of his words, and Eunuch Goe refuted him for his nonsense.

Lin Wuya is not necessarily cranky.

But the saint is still as absurd as before, and he doesn't need to do this...

Eunuch Long's back was dripping with sweat, and he didn't dare to think about it any longer.

He still didn't understand.

But he quickly made up his mind to tell the six godsons who stayed in the palace, let them be careful, and think about not letting Xiao Ao return to the palace.

Xiao Ao must never go back to the palace!

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