Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 882: compromise

If you can buy them one by one, then Zhou Fan's pressure will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

He only needs to buy two golden qi refining crystal jade to enter the middle stage of martial arts to solve his urgent needs.

Then think about it slowly.

However, Zhao Yazhu said that he would not sell it loosely, which undoubtedly wanted to squeeze Zhou Fan's big gray worm clean at one time.

"Five thousand pieces of golden qi refining crystal jade are so expensive, why don't they sell them?" Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and asked knowingly, "If I add my little girl's big gray worm, I can't get 30,000 big worms at one time. Grey Worm, don't you want to sell it?"

Zhao Yazhu's face was slightly cold: "How can you not do business if you have business? You don't like it if you don't sell it. As for your lack of big gray worms, that's your business."

"I didn't ask you to give it away for nothing, what's wrong with the scattered sale?" Zhou Fan said with a solemn expression.

"I won't sell it loosely, you don't have to buy it." Zhao Yazhu paused and sneered: "It's good if I'm willing to sell it to you. In fact, you understand why I don't sell it loosely. It's useless to ask around."

This is deliberately making things difficult.

Zhou Fan felt a bit of a headache. In fact, even if he had 30,000 big gray worms, he was reluctant to buy them all at once to buy the golden qi refining crystal jade. He had to save some for the little girl.

"Zhao Yazhu, don't go too far." Chufu said with a cold face when she saw Zhou Fan being made trouble.

"How is it too much? Buying and selling has always been your own wish." Zhao Yazhu said with a smug smile on his face.

"Don't have the same knowledge as her." Zhou Fan told Chifu not to be angry. He looked at Zhao Yazhu and asked, "What fishing rod can I use to catch the golden qi crystal jade, and how many can I catch at one time?"

"If you don't want to answer for free, I'm willing to pay for answering the question."

This is what the two agreed, and Zhao Yazhu couldn't help but answer, Zhao Yazhu glanced at Zhou Fan and said, "This question is not worth much, I can tell you for free, you can use a flaming red material fishing rod or a dark gray random fishing rod to fish. Pick up the golden gas refining crystal jade."

"If a fiery red fishing rod catches golden gas refining crystal jade, there will be about two to three indefinite quantities. The same is true for a dark gray fishing rod, but you also know that the probability of a dark gray fishing rod will be much lower."

"It turned out to be a flaming red fishing rod..." Zhou Fan was a little surprised, he thought it would be a light purple fishing rod representing medicine.

The reason why he thinks so is because Qi refining crystal jade is a kind of crystal stone that can be absorbed and cultivated, which is somewhat similar to resources such as medicinal pills.

"That's because it is a relatively primitive and unprocessed material. The fiery red fishing rod is mainly made of forged materials or ores." Zhao Yazhu explained casually and asked, "Are you really going to gamble on luck? After advancing a hundred meters, It takes 16,000 big gray worms to go down one shot, you have to think about it."

"You don't want to sell it loosely, so I can only gamble on luck." Zhou Fan said calmly: "It's you who should be seriously considered. If you don't want to sell it loosely, it's possible that you won't even be able to earn a single big gray worm."

Zhao Yazhu frowned, and she whispered: "I don't believe that you are so lucky every time, I insist on not selling it."

"Think about it with your head, what happened last time you said that, and what happened last time you said that!" Zhou Fan snorted: "Ask you again, do you sell it loosely? If not Ken, then help me move the boat a hundred meters."

Zhao Yazhu's face became gloomy and uncertain. She was very tangled. If she didn't sell it, if Zhou Fan really caught the golden gas refining crystal jade with the same luck as before, he would lose 10,000 to 15,000 large ashes. insect.

But if it is sold in bulk, the effect of her attempt to squeeze Zhou Fan through cultivation resources will be reduced.

"The minimum two golden qi refining crystal jade, if you are unwilling, I can help you move the boat forward and let you go fishing by yourself." Zhao Yazhu said.

Zhao Yazhu was really scared. Zhou Fan's luck was terrifyingly good. She suspected that the boat and the fishing rod were helping Zhou Fan.

10,000 big gray worms are not a small number for her on this river.

Zhou Fan was secretly delighted, but he still looked as usual: "Since you are willing to give in one step, then I will also give in one step, I want two golden Qi refining crystal jade."

It's best not to need to fish. After all, he has always had good luck in the past, and he seems to get whatever he wants, but this is after all a chance. More than 16,000 gray worms.

At that time, if he wants to enter the middle stage of martial arts, it will not be so easy.

So if you can do something without luck, don't do it.

Gamblers have no future.

He just needs two golden Qi refining crystal jade to enter the middle of the martial arts.

Zhao Yazhu's face was not very good-looking, but she still waved her hand to attract Zhou Fan's glass ball. She gently drew a circle on the glass ball, a hole appeared in the glass ball, and countless large gray worms emerged from it and disappeared. Zhou Fan in front of him.

It wasn't until after 10,000 big gray worms that Zhao Yazhu restored the glass ball to its original state, and she took out two golden Qi refining crystal jades from her box containing the Qi refining crystal jade and gave them to Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan took the golden qi refining crystal jade, and he was very happy in his With this, there would be no problem in entering the middle stage of martial arts.

It's really pitiful to think about it, obviously my talent is one of the best among many geniuses of the same generation, but every time I don't wait for me, I can't cultivate slowly, I can only use foreign objects to advance, such a good talent is wasted, Zhou Fan put away the golden refining Qi Jingyu thought a little in her heart.

"Don't be too happy, you chose the most difficult path, even if you can use the Qi refining crystal jade to complete the martial arts training, but at that time the big gray worms were squandered by you. What about Duan?" Zhao Yazhu poured cold water and said, "How to solve the little guy's cultivation resources?"

"I advise you not to be so stubborn and let the little guy agree to my parasitic plan. During this period, I will fully bear the cultivation resources of the little guy."

Qifu was said to be a little moved and glanced at Zhou Fan, she didn't want to drag Zhou Fan down.

Zhou Fan sneered: "Don't even think about it, even if the little girl makes an agreement with you in private, it's useless, because without me passing it in the middle, you can't give it to the little girl, and once you reach an agreement, I will never give it to you. You have a chance to possess me."

Zhao Yazhu's face darkened slightly, and Chifu felt a little happy for no reason. She knew that he didn't let her take such a risk because he cared about her, but she was a little worried because the problem was still unresolved.

"Little girl." Zhou Fan rubbed Chufu's hair and smiled: "Don't worry about the problem of cultivation resources, isn't it the big gray worm? There are not many now, but we slowly hoard it, and there will always be more. There is no need to take such a risk."

"I still have 10,000 big gray worms here, do you need to advance now?"

If needed, Zhou Fan of these 10,000 grey worms can spend it on Chifu without hesitation. Zhou Fan understands the truth very well, raising a daughter will cost a lot of money.

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