Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 883: Middle of Wu Shi

The cost of raising a daughter is high, and Zhou Fan will of course feel the pressure. The big deal is that he will try his best to get the big gray worm after he is busy with the A-class class.

"I don't need it yet." Chofu shook his head and said, "I haven't used up the skills and resources she gave to fight the stage last time, and now I'm only fighting the middle stage."

"But that's too soon, the little guy will be able to fight against Duan Yuancheng in one month at most." Zhao Yazhu deliberately interrupted.

Is it so fast... Zhou Fan's heart twitched, and he laughed dryly: "It's the best, then I can pass my teleportation-level movement technique to the little girl."

As for the training resources required for the speed segment, we have to start preparing.

I can't believe the nonsense that any ship will naturally go straight to the bridge. Everything is foreshadowed.

Don't get the resources that the little girl wants, so what will be the dignity of my father then? Zhou Fan thought silently in his heart.

Zhou Fan began to feel that raising a daughter is such an easy task. It's not easy for parents in the world... No, it's not easy to be a father in the world, little girl's mother... No, I can't admit that little girl has a mother , which is so embarrassing.

Zhou Fan was thinking wildly in his heart, and then spoke to the little girl to comfort the little girl, and then went to practice for a while, and was sent out of the boat.

But Chifu hadn't left yet, she was left behind by Zhao Yazhu.

"Why did you keep me here?" Chifu said coldly.

Zhao Yazhu raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Little guy, are you using Zhou Fan to help you advance through blood relationship? If so, tell me it's fine, and I'll help you."

Chefu's face turned cold on the spot, "Who do you take me for? Do I need to do such a despicable thing? He is me..."

"Father." When Chefu said this word, her little neck was a little red.

Zhao Yazhu found it quite interesting. Based on her understanding of Chifu, Chifu should not have done such a thing. She added, "Are you really not considering the conditions for agreeing to me?"

What Zhao Yazhu said was of course parasitism.

Chufu didn't expect that Zhao Yazhu still didn't give up, she frowned slightly.

"Don't worry, you agreed, Zhou Fan didn't, if you agreed, and I took out the things, would he still refuse to give them to you? You are his daughter." Zhao Yazhu persuaded.

But Chufu quickly shook his head and said, "I can't promise you, because he doesn't agree. If I promise you, he will be sad."

"You will also consider his mood." Zhao Yazhu snorted: "She is really a good daughter."


When Zhou Fan woke up, he first solidified the two golden qi-refining crystal jades, the golden crystal jades had a touch of warmth.

Zhou Fan observed it and put it away. Zhao Yazhu had already told him how to use the golden crystal jade.

He frowned slightly and was a little worried, because his resources had always been stretched, and now he has a daughter. Of course, he felt happy in addition to his worries.

After thinking about how to develop in the future, Zhou Fan got up to take a shower and carefully disguised himself as before.

As long as the big exam is not completely over, he has to hide his whereabouts.

After disguising, he opened the door and went to have breakfast.

After eating a hearty breakfast, Zhou Fan didn't go anywhere, but immediately returned to his room.

There are still two days left for the third item of the martial arts test, and he doesn't want to waste time.

Since he couldn't even know what kind of test it was, there were a lot of things he had prepared for the cross-country test and the ring test before. He had already thought about it, and he didn't need to prepare anything at all.

He has no shortage of basic things, and it is difficult to prepare anything for it.

So the only thing he could do in the past two days was to enter the middle stage of martial arts through the two golden qi refining crystal jades in his hand.

No matter what kind of exam you will encounter, raising your realm should be able to make a difference.

Zhou Fan closed the door, took out several talismans from the talisman bag, and laid out a defensive talisman formation.

Then he called softly, "Little 绻."

Xiao Ling got out of his head, and she yawned sleepily.

If this little guy is all right, sometimes he will sleep until the third day of the sun before getting up.

"Wake up." Zhou Fan shook her little arm up and down.

Zhou Fan didn't stop until Xiao Ling made a snoring sound.

"Good morning, master." Xiao Ling finally woke up, but she still said lazily.

"Keep it for me, I have to concentrate on my cultivation." Zhou Fan ordered, and he didn't bother to pay attention to Xiao Xi, but took out the quirky conch from the talisman bag.

Because he had to practice regularly now, Zhou Fan didn't put the conch in the storage book again.

He picked up the jet-black striped conch and blew it against the tip.

The thick and loud snail sounded, and a circle of golden sound waves spread out, turning into a light that enveloped Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan was relieved when he saw the light mask flowing with runes. If it wasn't for the strange sound of waves from the sea, he wouldn't dare to practice the "Beautiful Sea" exercise.

But fortunately, his cultivation in the past few days is not like the first time he entered the martial arts section, he will see the strange ocean.

Zhou Fan took out a golden qi refining crystal jade, he first sat down and then poured the infuriating energy in his body into the qi refining crystal jade.

The Qi-Refining Crystal Jade was continuously infused with True Qi and gradually melted into a golden liquid. The liquid flowed out in Zhou Fan's palm and spread up his arm, but it was all sucked into the body before it reached his shoulders.

The warm air covered the flesh and blood of the body and the human soul in the soul sea.

Only then did Zhou Fan close his eyes and start the "Strange Sea" exercise.

The tyrannical mentality began to compress the infuriating qi that resisted wandering, and only after gathering the infuriating energy did it begin to strip the cocoon of the infuriating qi.

Zhou Fan soon discovered that with the help of the golden warm gas, he could refine his True Qi much faster than before.

This extremely fast refining of True Qi made Zhou Fan a little intoxicated.

Time passed slowly.

But when Zhou Fan opened his eyes again, it was already noon.

Zhou Fan lifted the mask of the conch, he stretched, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

The time for refining his own infuriating energy and the time for refining the golden qi crystal jade allowed a lot of the infuriating energy in his body to be transformed into higher-quality infuriating energy.

As long as tomorrow, he believes that after cultivating with the help of the second golden qi refining crystal jade, the refining true qi in the body will reach a certain level, thus entering the middle stage of martial arts!

Zhou Fan got busy again, removed the talisman formation, and let the shopkeeper bring the food. He generously rewarded Xiaoxuan with three duck legs.

Xiao Qian ate deliciously, and the complaints she had given Zhou Fan to protect the Dharma all day disappeared immediately.

Entering the Grey River space at night, other than exchanging feelings with his daughter, nothing major happened.

In the blink of an eye, a new day started.

Zhou Fan continued to practice the same way he did yesterday, and didn't stop until noon. He opened his eyes and raised his eyebrows slightly as he watched the sound wave mask formed by the strange conch.

He has successfully entered the middle of the martial arts.

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