Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 896: 2nd letter of September

The Sect Master of the Sword Sect watched the enlightenment relics complete his swordsmanship and became the Sect Master of the Sword Sect?

Zhou Fan was slightly moved when he heard it, this enlightened relic is obviously a very precious thing.

"Master, forgive me, the enlightenment relic is so precious, can you really let me watch it?" Zhou Fan thought about it and asked.

After all, Yuanhai is only an abbot of the 105 counties under the Great Buddha Temple. Zhou Fan doubts whether he really has this authority?

"Donor Zhou, don't worry, the first seat of the Great Buddha Temple is my uncle, and I'm sure he will agree." Yuanhai smiled.

"It's a big matter, I need to go back and think about it." Even though Zhou Fan was very moved, he didn't agree easily.

"It should be so." Yuanhai nodded.

Yuanhai also understood that Zhou Fan would not readily agree, so he removed the soundproof talisman and walked out with Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan said goodbye to the three of Zhongtian.

The three of Nakata responded with a smile.

When Zhou Fan came out of the academy, he used a simple disguise to avoid the noisy crowd at the entrance of the academy. These people knew that the number of places for the A-class exam was released, and they did not leave for various purposes.

Otherwise, Zhou Fan would not have to disguise at all.

He just walked out of the academy when he saw the talisman car that the bug girl often rides on the side of the road, still hanging there and not leaving.

Chen Pepi sat on the frame, she looked at Zhou Fan who came out of the crowd, and made a please gesture.

Obviously Zhou Fan's simple disguise could not hide her.

Zhou Fan walked over and entered the talisman car.

"Brother Zhou." Li Chungniang, who was sitting by the car window, stood up and said.

Under the dusky sunset, the girl has a quiet beauty.

"Why haven't you left yet?" Zhou Fan and Zhongtian chatted for a while.

"I'm a little worried, so I'll just stay and wait for Big Brother Zhou." Li Chungniang smiled.

It's not good for you to say that... Zhou Fan thought to himself, he said: "The worm is overly concerned, the three of them are highly respected, and they won't hurt me."

Li Chungniang said with a chuckle: "Brother Zhou, I'm joking with you, of course I know that President Zhong and the others have no reason to harm Brother Zhou, I stayed because I just sent a letter in September, and one was for Brother Zhou. of."

"Brother September wrote to me again?" Zhou Fan asked in surprise.

Li Chungniang didn't say much, and handed the letter to Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan took the letter, tore the seal open, took out the letter and read it.

At the beginning of the letter, he said that he would like to thank him for taking care of Zongniang for him. Zhou Fan was a little embarrassed to read this. In fact, when he thought about it, it was Zongniang who had provided him with a lot of help, but he did not help him at all.

Zhou Fan continued to read.

Li Jiuyue wrote a letter to the sky, saying anything and talking about it. Zhou Fan saw the last thing he saw: Li Jiuyue said that he could go to Gaoxiang City to visit Zongniang and him when he said it. The largest brothel in Gaoxiang City drinks flower wine.

Zhou Fan took his eyes away from the letter. He was a little happy. Li Jiuyue was coming to Gaoxiang City. He hadn't seen Li Jiuyue for a long time.

One of the happy things in the world is getting together.

Zhou Fan put the letter into the talisman bag.

"I don't know what September said to Big Brother Zhou?" Li Chungniang blinked, "If you can't tell, Big Brother Zhou can't tell me."

Your fiancé said he wanted to invite me to drink flower wine... Zhou Fan twitched his mouth and thought, he laughed and said, "I didn't say anything. Brother Jiuyue said that he would be able to come to Gaoxiang City soon."

"So that's what happened." Li Chungniang pursed her lips and smiled: "I know this too, and Big Brother Zhou doesn't know. I think he has already set off with the caravan, and he will be able to reach Gaoxiang City soon. I miss him a lot."

Looking at the happy smile on Li Chungniang's face, Zhou Fan had no reason to envy this guy Li Jiuyue, and even felt a little sour, but he quickly realized that he had corrected his mentality.

"I don't know what Director Zhong and the others are looking for with Brother Zhou?" Li Chungniang asked again.

There was nothing to hide, Zhou Fan told Li Chungniang the whole thing from beginning to end.

"Chongniang, how do you think I should choose?" Zhou Fan asked Li Chongniang for advice after he finished speaking.

In his opinion, Li Chungniang came from a family after all, so he might be able to think of some viewpoints that he couldn't think of.

Li Chungniang pondered for a while and said, "I want to hear what Big Brother Zhou thinks first."

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and said, "Originally, the academy was my favorite, but there is something wrong with the academy's biggest patron saint. I'm a little worried, the aristocratic family is the richest, but those big aristocratic families are conservative and sometimes domineering. I don't like it very much, but I think no matter how domineering they are, if I join, they shouldn't be domineering to their own people."

"As for the Great Buddha Temple, it was not in my consideration at first, but Master Yuanhai said that he would let me watch the enlightenment relic once, if the enlightenment relic is really like what he said..."

Li Chungniang interjected, "Don't worry about this Big Brother Zhou, I also know that the relic of enlightenment is the secret treasure of the Great Buddha Temple. It is indeed as miraculous as Master Yuanhai said."

"So good." Zhou Fan scratched his head and said, "Actually, I don't know who to choose."

Li Chungniang chuckled and said, "Big Brother Zhou has analyzed it very thoroughly. Each of the three houses has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it's really hard to choose. I want to ask Big Brother Zhou if he must enter a certain house?"

"That's definitely not I don't have any prejudice against the noble family, the Great Buddha Temple, or the academy. As long as it is suitable, even the Wild Fox Sect can do it." Zhou Fan shook his head, he didn't have anything for the three families. Special feelings, even if they join, in his opinion, they are just standing in line and cooperating with each other.

It is a joke to make him loyal to a certain force. Of course, the three of Zhongtian also understand that they only need Zhou Fan to show his attitude to which side.

As long as you show your attitude, it is equivalent to putting a label on it. If you choose another company in the future, you will become a traitor, and no one will believe him in the official circles.

Zhou Fan still wants to borrow the power of Yiluan Division, and does not want to leave Yiluan Division, so he must make a choice of standing in line.

"Since that's the case, I don't think now is the time to choose." Li Chungniang said, "Big Brother Zhou can definitely wait for the price."

"How to sell it?" Zhou Fan asked with interest.

"Big Brother Zhou is the leader of the Class A class in Gaoxiang County this time, and he doesn't have any official background. It seems that Big Brother Zhou's situation is very rare and is completely up for sale." Li Chungniang analyzed: "Now the Dafo Temple is offering the highest price. Then you can tell the academy, Mrs. Zhang Li, and even the representatives of the Yehu faction in Gaoxiang County about the offer price of the Great Buddha Temple, and see if they are willing to increase the price, and choose whoever has the highest price."

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and said, "I also have this idea, but I am worried that it will anger the other companies?"

"How could this happen?" Li Chungniang smiled and looked at the moving scenery outside the car window. When Zhou Fan got into the car, the car was already driving, "It depends on what price they are willing to give, they don't How dare you blame Big Brother Zhou?"

"Besides, this matter of choice is going to offend people. Big Brother Zhou joins one of them, and it is a natural opposition to the others. If you offend, you will offend."

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