Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 897: 2 farewells

After Li Chungniang said this, Zhou Fan also came to his senses. He smiled and said, "Just do as Chungniang said. Chungniang helped me a lot."

Li Chungniang said gently: "Even if I don't talk about this kind of thing, Big Brother Zhou will soon understand, Big Brother Zhou, it's not too late, and it's not suitable to talk about it face to face, if Big Brother Zhou doesn't mind, I can ask someone to give it to me. President Zhong and Mrs. Zhang Li sent a letter, saying that you might want to consider the Great Buddha Temple because of your enlightenment."

"Then I'll ask Insect Girl." Zhou Fan thanked him a lot, he has no one under him, and Insect Girl has seen this kind of thing a lot, and it is indeed more suitable for him to deal with.

"By the way, the Wild Fox faction should also let you know. They must also be interested in Brother Zhou." Li Chungniang thought for a while and said, "The more people there are, the better it will be for Brother Zhou."

"Who is in charge of the Wild Fox Sect in Gaoxiang County?" Zhou Fan asked.

Li Chungniang said, "It's Shen Jing, the envoy of the town north of Gaoxiang County."

Zhou Fan was a little surprised. He had heard of Shen Jing, but he didn't know that Shen Jing belonged to the Wild Fox Sect. He didn't expect that Li Chongniang would even know about this, but when he thought that Li Chongniang came from an aristocratic family, she must have been born before coming here. Learn about the situation in Gaoxiang County.

He thought of Li Jiuyue again and sighed in his heart. He only hoped that the incident in Nogu Village would not put these two familiar people in danger, but it was not something he could stop.



Because of the big test of the A-class class, all the students in the academy were on vacation, and only a few people were allowed to stay in the academy.

As the only winemaker of Gaoxiang Academy, Gu Yan has a detached position in the academy, neither needing to help with the exam, nor worrying about being kicked out of the academy during the exam.

As long as he doesn't walk around during the exam, that's fine.

Now Gu Yan is sitting cross-legged, sitting opposite him is a man in a green shirt, and the two are drinking in a big bowl.

Outside, students who made wine for him came in, told them the results of the Class A exam, and then withdrew.

"That boy Zhou Fan really did it." Gu Yan laughed and said, "Xiaoyan, this matter is worth our three hundred drinks."

The man called Xiaoyan twitched the corner of his mouth. He drank the wine in the bowl and said, "Teacher, you can call me back or Yan back. Calling me Xiaoyan will be misunderstood."

"Didn't I call it that before?" Gu Yan snorted.

"But I was against it before." Yan returned helplessly.

"The objection is invalid, come, drink." Gu Yan raised his glass to persuade.

The two drank several more glasses of wine, and Gu Yan said, "Aren't you really going to meet Zhou Fan?"

"No." Yan returned to take Jiucheng and poured wine for Gu Yan and him, "I'm here to accompany the teacher to drink, and I'll rush to Jingdu after drinking."

Gu Yan took the wine bowl and said silently: "If you don't see it, you may never have the chance to meet again."

Yan returned with a smile and said, "Is the teacher going to persuade me?"

"Old Daoist Huang Ye asked me to persuade you, but I ignored him." Gu Yan drank the wine, and he said with disdain: "My disciple of Gu Yan will do whatever he wants, the big deal is a big scar, if A good man lives a useless life, he might as well just die."

Yan returned with a trace of worry on his face, he didn't speak, he just drank.

"Xiaoyan, I understand you, you are not timid and afraid of death, are you worried about dragging me down?" Gu Yan said exactly what Yan returned in his heart.

Yan Huilai nodded lightly and said, "There is no one in my family, the only thing left is the teacher who has a good relationship with me..."

Gu Yan laughed and said, "If this old guy needs my disciples to worry about things, it's really a waste of life. When Yan comes back, am I so useless?"

"Do those people dare to target me?" Gu Yan said here, his face sank and scolded: "Don't talk about the academy, even if I leave the academy, my cultivation is nothing, but I still have a few friends, you can go if you want. Go, such a mother-in-law, I'm not old enough to need someone to take care of me."

Yan returned without speaking, but kowtowed three times to Gu Yan and said, "I don't know when I will see you again. I hope the teacher will take care of your health."

Gu Yan smiled cheerfully: "Come and drink, I hope to see you again when you return home."

This is a hearty farewell drink.

There was also a farewell in Tianliang City, where Yan returned from the post of Anton's envoy.

The person to leave is Yuanhui, and the one who sends him out of the city gate is the father-in-law.

The two had many disputes in Yiluan Company. Eunuch Ao often called Yuanhui a bald donkey, and Yuanhui also disliked Eunuch Ao for being too stupid.

But it was Grandpa Ao who sent Yuanhui away today.

Yuanhui had some feeling in his eyes, and when he saw that the sky was getting dark, he said, "Thank you Eunuch Ao for sending me off, please come back now."

"How long has it been since Yan returned, and you, a monk, have to resign from the position of the Yiluan Company, why is that?" Eunuch Ao asked with a sigh.

He suddenly felt a little lonely.

The air is a little cold, and it seems that he is also sad about parting.

Yuanhui was wearing a thin monk's robe, he looked back at Tianliang City, where he had been staying for a long time, and remembered the monk who died in this city, he said slowly: "It's nothing, it's just that I've been away from the temple for too long, and I miss the temple a little, especially It's the honeysuckle in the I don't know if new leaves have grown?"

"How can a wanderer who goes abroad miss home? A monk will miss his temple too."

"I'm thinking of a temple, you can go back and have a look, and then come back, why give up your career?" Ao Gonggong said helplessly, he thought Yuanhui's idea was very strange.

"But after all, it's still too much trouble. I don't know how much of the matter of the Yiluan Division will be delayed. It's better to quit and go back easily." Yuan Hui said with a smile.

"But it's getting dark." Eunuch Ao frowned at the darkened sky, "There's no need to be in such a hurry, you can stay for one night before leaving."

"The return of a wanderer is like an arrow, and so is a monk." Yuan Hui said.

Eunuch Ao had no reason to think of the mirror palace and the godfather in the palace. He suddenly felt that he understood Yuanhui's mood, and said, "Take care."

"Take care." Yuan Hui smiled kindly and turned away with the package on her back.

Grandpa Ao watched Yuanhui's figure disappear into the darkness, and he turned around and walked towards the city gate.

The patrols guarding the city gate greeted Eunuch Ao in succession. They all knew that Eunuch Ao was stingy and timid. If he offended him a little, they would wait to wear small shoes.

Grandpa Ao maintained his majesty but nodded slightly, and entered Tianliang City through the city gate.

Until he was far away from the city gate, the corners of Ao Gonggong's mouth were slightly raised, and he couldn't help laughing: "After waiting for a long time, I finally waited until today..."

"Hey, it's strange why our family feels like they want to sing?" Eunuch Ao laughed to himself.

But even if he wanted to sing, there was nothing strange about it.

"Yan Huilai, a strong enemy, was finally forced away by our family!"

"Yuanhui saw that the opportunity was not good, so she also left and returned to the Great Buddha Temple."

"Hahaha, my father-in-law still had the last laugh."

I've been waiting for a long time until today.

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