Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 920: dead and alive

As a prominent figure in the academy, Duanmu Xiaohong also has a lot of things to do. Even if he cares about the A-class exam, he will pay attention to the overall situation.

Duanmu Xiaohong also read the "Chrysanthemum Terrace" that gradually spread in the literary test, and I vaguely heard that it was written by a candidate named Zhou Juhua.

But of course he didn't know it was too specific.

Now Zhongtian told him that "Slow Voice" and "Chrysanthemum Terrace" were actually made by the same person, which made Duanmu Xiaohong silent for a while.

Duanmu Xiaohong's mood is very complicated. Now even if Zhongtian says he is a woman, it will not give Duanmu Xiaohong a sense of shock.

For a scholar who likes poetry, "Chrysanthemum Terrace" and "Slow Voice", one is bold and domineering, the other is graceful and sad, these are completely two different styles.

Duanmu Xiaohong counted forward silently, and found that there are few poets or lyricists who can master both styles at the same time, but there is only one person who can master both styles so well.

"Senior Brother...Senior Brother..."

Zhongtian called twice before Duanmu Xiaohong came back to his senses. He blamed him a little: "Junior Brother, why are you only talking about such an important matter now?"

Zhongtian was speechless for a while, is this important?

The big brother doesn't say anything, how does he know what's important and what's not?

"Forget it, I forgot to explain that you need to record their past backgrounds in detail. Even if you have told me before, it is still not comprehensive enough." Duanmu Xiaohong reflected on herself again.

Then Duanmu Xiaohong explained a few more words before disconnecting this time.

Zhongtian held the jade pendant and didn't speak for a long time. Did the senior brother specifically look for him to understand Zhou Fan's "Slow Voice"?

What connection can such a thing have with the life and death of the academy?

Could it be that Big Brother is also crazy?

Nakata fell into deep doubt about what he was going to do.

Duanmu Xiaohong didn't know if there was any connection. He just recorded it carefully. In his room, one hundred and five leaders had become his primary research objects, followed by nearly a thousand A-class classes. candidates.

There were so many people that Duanmu Xiaohong spent all her time on it.

Of course, as the teacher said, that person is likely to be among the 105 leaders, so Duanmu Xiao Hongniang still pays more attention to the leader.

What are the characteristics of that person?

Teacher Lin Wuya doesn't know.

Duanmu Xiaohong didn't even know.

But Duanmu Xiaohong understands one thing, if that person can let the academy and Dawei survive the catastrophe that the teacher said, then this person must be extraordinary!

No matter how he hides, it will gradually show up.

This extraordinary might not necessarily be the cultivation of martial arts, but may also be in other aspects.

Among the 105 leaders, after several days of research, Duanmu Xiao Hongniang has locked down another ten people, and Zhou Fan was originally among these ten people.

"I'm good at writing poetry. From the perspective of divination, there is an indescribable fate with our academy." Duanmu Xiaohong thought back to "Chrysanthemum Terrace" and "Slow Voice" again.

Duanmu Xiaohong prefers the word "Slow Voice", because the words are exquisite and exquisite, he sighed: "Unfortunately, the teacher has already said, don't tell him anything about the leader of the Class A class."

"Otherwise, this poem can be given to the teacher to have a good taste."

But Duanmu Xiaohong quickly shook his head again and again, and he should not show it to the teacher, because he could guess what the teacher would say.

"Oh, not bad, if this poem is used to deceive those good-natured women who are lonely in body and mind, they will definitely be cited as confidants, and then sit in bed and chat to comfort the loneliness in my heart..." I'm afraid it will be a series of words after that. Obscene laughter.

Duanmu Xiaohong's face stiffened when she thought of this, and she completely dismissed the idea.



Zhou Fan left the academy gate after disguising himself.

As Li Jiuyue said, there were many carriages parked at the door, surrounded by many people.

There are good scholars and maids who look around.

These maids were naturally brought by the lady on the carriage.

Because of this, Zhou Fan became more and more ashamed and angry. He did not expect that he copied two poems, one won the title of Zhou Juhua, and the other made him a friend of women in Gaoxiang City.

No, I will never copy poetry again... Zhou Fan thought through gritted teeth.

While the house was still being searched, Zhou Fan said goodbye to Li Chungniang and returned to the inn.

After a series of things like eating, practicing, and washing up at night, Zhou Fan just lay down to sleep, and he soon appeared on the boat while he was sleeping.

As soon as Zhou Fan appeared, he greeted Qifu, he turned his head to look around, and when he found Zhou Xiaomao's figure, he shouted: "Zhou Xiaomao, dare to fight with me!"

"Looking for death!" Zhou Xiaomao said angrily.

After some fighting, Zhou Xiaomao was still forced to use the first of the three kittens, almost splitting Zhou Fan in half.

But it was so, Zhou Fan was still injured, he could only watch Zhou Xiaomao come over and raise the knife.

"We'll continue tomorrow night." Zhou Fan laughed.

"I'm sick." Zhou Xiaoxiao was annoyed and slashed with a knife, splitting Zhou Fan into two halves from the Even if Zhou Fan has a self-healing talent, it's useless.

Zhou Fan turned into a gray mist and dispersed.

And Chifu, who had been watching all this coldly, also left the ship with Zhou Fan's departure.

The kitten knife in Zhou Xiaoxia's hand dissipated, and her mind calmed down. She frowned and thought, "Is there really something wrong with the bead that the boat gave him?"

"Otherwise, it doesn't make sense at all, why did he try so hard to challenge me to seek death?"

"Just what's the problem? Could it be beneficial to be killed by me?"

and many more!

Zhou Xiaomao thought of a guess, which made her pupils shrink suddenly, "Such a thing is not impossible."

If so... But Zhou Xiaomao quickly shook her head again, she didn't believe that the boat would help that Zhou Fan like this.

"Maybe he's just bluffing and trying to scare me not to beat him in the future. If it's just bluffing and he tries two or three times, he'll give up."

"If it wasn't for bluffing, it would definitely keep going and challenging me."

"But whether it's a bluff or not, I have to be on guard. If it's true, the consequences will be disastrous." Zhou Xiaomao thought coldly.

When Zhou Fan woke up from the bed, he was sweating profusely, not only his head but also his clothes.

With a pale face, he stood up, fetched a bucket of cold water, fell head-on, and the cold washed away, which made him wake up from the chaotic feeling.

He wiped the water droplets off his face and changed into clean clothes before he breathed a sigh of relief.

This is different from dying in a dream. The pain of being injured on the ship is real, and the feeling of being killed is naturally the same.

Zhou Fan, who was killed for the first time, naturally felt very uncomfortable.

Living and dying is such a unique experience that few people experience it.

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