Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 921: adults please

Zhou Fan sat for a while before recovering, he smiled wryly, it was really uncomfortable.

But he had to challenge Zhou Xiaomao, which was the only way for him to break the game, and for him, it was rewarding every time.

Zhou Fan didn't think about it anymore, but stood up and got busy with things.

After arriving in the Class A classroom of the academy in the early morning, Zhou Fan immediately searched for Du Ni's figure.

Du Ni was in the classroom, and he was walking towards Zhou Fan with a smile on his face.

Zhou Fan held down the handle of the knife without hesitation, wanting to slash this fellow alive.

"Brother Zhou, calm down." Du Ni hurriedly said.

Zhou Fan said coldly: "Okay, don't say I won't give you a chance, I'll cut you after you finish."

Du Ni called Qu and said, "Brother Zhou, I was doing this for your own good, but I didn't expect you to kill me."

"Is that all you want to say?" Zhou Fan's knife showed a trace from the scabbard.

Du Ni said: "The words that Brother Zhou wrote yesterday were indeed spread by me. I am here to solemnly apologize to Brother Zhou and ask Brother Zhou to surround me."

"If an apology was useful, there would not be so much right and wrong in this world." Zhou Fan still had a cold face.

Du Ni said helplessly, "How can Brother Zhou forgive me?"

Zhou Fan let go of the knife handle with a snort and said, "I haven't thought about it yet. After I think about it, I'll tell you, how about you owe me a favor?"

In fact, Zhou Fan didn't know how to deal with Du Ni, he couldn't beat this abominable guy alive, that was the only way.

"I'll do what Brother Zhou says, as long as it's not too much." Du Ni breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn't help but persuade: "Brother Zhou has such a talent for poetry..."

Zhou Fan didn't bother to care about him, he just turned around and greeted Li Chungniang and others. Today, in addition to the people from yesterday, there is another Wen Xiao.

It's just that Wen Xiao was sitting in the corner, and Zhou Fan greeted him, he just hummed.

Zhou Fan didn't care much, because the people of the Western Barbarian Insect Sect were mostly eccentric.

In the morning, Zhou Fan was as before, staying in the library to supplement the knowledge he lacked.

If it was all right, he could stay for a day.

It's just that in the afternoon, students from a college soon found the small room where he was studying.

"You said that Department of Yiluan sent someone to find me?" Zhou Fan said in surprise after listening to the student.

The student nodded again to confirm.

The reason why this student came to Zhou Fan was entirely because Secretary Yiluan had a close relationship with the academy. Secretary Yiluan asked the academy, and the academy naturally asked the students to inform Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan packed up the things on the table, and followed the student to see the people from the Yiluan Division.

It was a small official from the Yiluan Division. After the small official saw Zhou Fan in the outer courtyard, he immediately saluted, "Master Zhou."

Zhou Fan was the inspector of the Yiluan Division in Luoshui Township. It was not surprising that this little official called Zhou Fan an adult.

"Why are you looking for me?" Zhou Fan asked.

The little official said: "Master Huang sent me here, and let Master Zhou go to the Sifu to find him when he has time. He has important matters to discuss with Master Zhou."

Mr. Huang in the mouth of the official can only be Huang Bujue, the envoy of Zhendong.

Zhou Fan nodded slightly and said, "I'm fine this afternoon, is Mr. Huang free now?"

The little official said respectfully, "Master Huang ordered him to come down, and he will be in the Sifu for the next two days. If Master Zhou can spare time, just go there directly."

Zhou Fan didn't speak any more, but left the academy with the little official. It is worth mentioning that those who came to the academy to see Zhou Fan had already given up and left after learning that Zhou Fan had avoided seeing him.

I hope these things will calm down as soon as possible, and don't call me Zhou Juhua again... Zhou Fan twitched, but he knew that with the power of those two poems, it might not be an easy task.

Zhou Fan arrived at the Yiluan Sifu, and after a short wait, he was taken into the room where Huang Bujue was handling government affairs by a small official, and he saw Huang Bujue, who had not been seen for a while.

Previously in the Snow Mountain, Huang Bujue was injured because of Zhou Fan. After returning, Zhou Fanlai visited the east envoy of Gaoxiang County.

"You kid, you entered Class A and became the leader of Class A, so you look down on my little temple, right?" Huang Bujue asked with a chuckle.

Huang Bujue's tone obviously treated Zhou Fan as his own, not only because of the friendship of the snow mountain, but also because Zhou Fan was already in the same camp with him: the academy.

Zhou Fan smiled and said: "Master Huang, you have wronged me. I wanted to come here for a long time, but class A officially started yesterday. I can't skip class on the first day, right? No, it's only the second day. As soon as you called me, I immediately skipped class and came over."

Huang Bujue laughed and said: "You don't do this, do you think I don't know that the students in Class A are all free to study?"

The two laughed a few times before Huang Bujue turned to the topic and said, "I asked you to come this time to tell you that your file has been transferred from the Yiluan Division of Luoshui Township to the Yiluan Division of Gaoxiang County."

Zhou Fan nodded slightly, but he didn't say much, no matter what era, the transfer of work will definitely bring a lot of changes.

Huang Bujue paused and said: "That means you are already a member of the Yiluan Division in Gaoxiang You have been taking leave to take the class A exam, and now that the exam is over, you You also successfully entered Class A, and someone in the Sifu asked you when will you go back to work in the Sifu?"

Zhou Fan frowned slightly. He has a lot of things to do now. He was a little reluctant to let him go back to Yiluan to do things. He didn't answer and asked, "Who asked about this?"

Huang Bujue glanced at the closed door and said in a low voice, "It's Monk Wenti."

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows, and Monk Wenti was the envoy of Zhennan from Gao Xiangyi Luan's house.

Huang Bujue shook his head again and said, "Don't worry, this is not aimed at you, he is just doing what he thinks to do, so he asked, I want to know what you think?"

"I was originally a member of the Yiluan Division, and it is my duty to do things for the Yiluan Division, but..." Zhou Fan turned and said: "Master Huang, you also know my current situation, it is really inseparable. Too much thought is on the Yiluan Division."

Huang Bujue was not too surprised, he just chuckled: "Of course I know this, so I won a good position for you. Of course, if you think you can't do it, I can carry it for you even if you continue to take vacation."

"But if you continue to take vacations, it will be very detrimental to your future career." Huang Bujue reminded.

"I don't know what position it is?" Zhou Fan decided to listen first.

"Gao Xiangyi Luan Minister Fu Minister." Huang Bujue reported the position name.

Zhou Fan looked surprised. His familiarity with the Yiluan Division was far from what it used to be, and he knew this position.

This is a position second only to the four-town envoys of the county-level Yiluan Division!

The Minister of Fu was known as the fourth person in the County Yiluan Mansion.

This position is mainly set up as a supplement to the envoys of the four towns, to prevent the phenomenon that all the envoys of the four towns are vacant or are absent from the government office.

The word fu of Fu Shishi originally means to suffocate.

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