Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 922: Fu Shishi

"I think you also know that the envoy of the four towns has the responsibility to control the government of the government. The case." Huang Bujue looked at Zhou Fan in the room and explained.

"So for you, you shouldn't need to spend a lot of time on the affairs of the minister. You only need to come over to the academy every day to do your own business."

Zhou Fan thought for a moment and said, "I understand all this, but will it be too expensive for Mr. Huang to fight for this position for me?"

After all, this is already the first person under the four town envoys, and he is on the same rank as the Siping envoy of the Xiangyiluan Division. A little higher.

In Yiluan Division, in order to be promoted to a position like Siping Envoy, in addition to realm cultivation, it also depends on merit and experience.

Zhou Fan's realm has already surpassed that of most Siping envoys, but his achievements and experience are obviously not enough because he joined the Yiluan Division for less than half a year.

Huang Bujue smiled and said: "You joined the academy, of course the academy has to support you, but the support is backed by support, and you still need to be qualified to sit in this position. The threshold is only the third stage of Qi refining."

"However, the threshold is the threshold. Without the Qi Gang section, it is difficult to compete for the position of the four-town envoy, but the position of the Fusi Shi is enough to refine the third section of Qi."

"As for achievements and experience..." Huang Bujue paused and said: "You were a lot worse before, but now this is not a problem. Did you forget that you have been admitted to the academy's Class A? And you are the leader of the Class A class. ."

Huang Bujue showed a sly smile on his face: "Admitted to the Class A, it is like a layer of gold, and he is a genius who will be strongly supported by the official family. The three also couldn't raise too many dissenting voices."

"So it doesn't take much effort for the academy to actually push you to take the position of Minister Fu."

It was only then that Zhou Fan suddenly realized. He didn't expect that he had just entered the Class A class, and the role of the Class A class would be revealed in Yiluan Division so quickly.

"So now the question is whether you are willing to take over the position of Minister Fu?" Huang Bujue asked again: "If you ask me for my personal advice, I naturally hope you can take over this position."

"Master Huang, before me, was this location in Gaoxiang County always vacant?" Zhou Fan thought for a while and asked again.

Huang Bujue said with a smile: "Many people want to sit in the position of envoy of Fusi, but not everyone is qualified to take it. Generally, those who can sit in this position are originally expected to take over the position of envoy of the four towns, but for some reason The competition failed and was given this comforting position from above."

"After that, I slowly looked for opportunities, so half of the county ministers are vacant. Unless there are too many facts in one county, the four towns will consider applying for a minister."

"But this practice is rare, and the reason I think you can understand."

Zhou Fan frowned, and quickly understood that the envoy Fusi was called the first person under the envoys of one county and four towns, and they had to send someone over. .

First of all, the envoys of the four towns are generally occupied by a faction. The Academy, the Great Buddha Temple, the Imperial Palace, and the other is either the Wild Fox faction or the family. However, because the Yiluan Division is the emperor's eagle, the family has always been careful and dare not easily occupy it. The four towns are such a core position, so the remaining seats are mostly the wild fox faction.

There are only four factions in the four towns. If you apply for a Fusi, you will definitely be able to participate in the important discussions of the Yiluan Sifu with the weight of the Fusi. That is to say, the Fusi belongs to which faction, and that faction Take advantage of decisions.

No one wants to let the other party have an advantage, and it is normal for the position of Fusi to have half of the vacancy.

Zhou Fan asked whether he was taking someone's position, so that when he entered the Gao Xiangyi Luan Division, he could also prevent someone from stabbing him in the back. After he understood, he smiled and nodded and agreed to take over the post of Fusi.

After Zhou Fan agreed, Huang Bujue was full of smiles, because Zhou Fan was in the same camp as him, and he was originally the envoy of Zhendong. When a vote was taken against the Yiluan Division in Gaoxiang County, his chances of winning would be even greater.

"It's so good, this matter has already been negotiated by the government. As long as you agree, it will be fine. Now you go through the appointment procedures and receive the relevant tokens. You can come to Yiluan to take office tomorrow..." Huang Bu Jue explained a few sentences, then opened the door and called a small official to bring Zhou Fan to go through the formalities.

After a series of tedious procedures, Zhou Fan officially became the minister of the Luan government of Gao Xiangyi.

"Congratulations, Lord Zhou." Yuan Liwei, the general staff member of Yiluan Sizheng, came over and congratulated him warmly.

There was some feeling in his eyes. When Zhou Fan first arrived in Gaoxiang City, he was only a small inspector in a township, but after a short period of time, he quickly became the minister of the government of Gaoxiang The speed of promotion is one of the best in the entire Great Wei Yiluan Palace.

Zhou Fan didn't have any arrogance on his face, but said a few words to Yuan Liwei with a humble look.

Yuan Liwei is the chief staff officer of the Yiluan Division. Even if he is only a civilian, he is in charge of all kinds of internal affairs in the Division Mansion.

Such a character will be friendly with him, no matter what.

Zhou Fan had to rush back to the academy to study, so he didn't chat with Yuan Liwei, Yuan Liwei said with a smile that he wanted to send Zhou Fan out.

Zhou Fan even said no, but Yuan Liwei must send it, saying that Zhou Fan was not familiar with this place, and he was afraid that he would get lost, so Zhou Fan could only let him send it.

The two walked a few steps and met a middle-aged man with fair face and fair eyebrows in the corridor.

"Sir Shen." Yuan Liwei hurriedly bowed his hands.

When Zhou Fan heard Yuan Liwei say this, he immediately understood that this was Shen Jing, the envoy of Gao Xiangyi's Luan Division, and he also bowed his hands in salute.

Shen Jing took a serious look at Zhou Fan and asked with a smile, "This must be the newly appointed Minister Fu of our government."

"It's the lower official." Zhou Fan replied meticulously.

Shen Jing asked where the two were going?

Yuan Liwei hurriedly said to send Zhou Fan out, and Shen Jing said: "Counselor Yuan, go ahead, I will send Zhou Fusi off, and by the way, have a few words with Zhou Fusi to enhance our relationship."

Yuan Liwei hurriedly replied yes, he gave Zhou Fan a wink and backed away.

After Yuan Liwei left, Zhou Fan hurriedly said, "Your Excellency is busy with official business. If you dare to bother your Lord to send him off, I still know the way, so I can go out by myself."

Zhou Fan was a little muttered in his heart, wondering what was the purpose of Shen Jing doing this?

Shen Jing smiled at Zhou Fan and said, "It's okay, I happen to be free, just a few steps away, it won't delay anything."

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