Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 931: 5 knowledge of martial arts

Ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

These ten days have been quite calm for Zhou Fan, and not much has happened, but there are two things worth mentioning.

The first is that he has changed to a new house. The new house is still in the Xiuwu Square in the northeast area of ​​Gaoxiang City, while the old house that he bought and hasn't lived in for a day is still blocked.

The second case is related to the first case, that is, Fang He'an's case has no clues at all, and even the suspect cannot be identified.

It was about to become an unsolved case, and Zhou Fan was helpless. He didn't expect that the first case he took over as Fusi Envoy would end like this.

But Gaoxiang City is so big, it is not easy to find the murderer without more evidence, Zhou Fan can only wait patiently.

For the past ten days, Zhou Fan went to the Yiluan Sifu to sign in in the morning, then spent all the time in the academy during the day, practiced at night, and challenged Zhou Xiaomao after falling asleep.

Speaking of the challenge of Zhou Xiaomao, Zhou Fan was so angry that his teeth itch. If the challenge for these ten days was to force out Zhou Xiaomao and Xiaomao, he only succeeded four times, and the rest of the days were lost. in the hands of the boat kitten.

Every time Zhou Xiaomao used the kitten 3-style, she was furious, but sometimes she could not use the kitten 3-style to win Zhou Fan, and Zhou Fan could only constantly adjust his fighting method to force Zhou Xiaomao to use the little cat. Cat trio.

This greatly slowed down Zhou Fan's progress.

But for Zhou Fan, the situation has changed.

Zhou Fan got up early this morning and went to the Yiluan Sifu to report first. Then, instead of going back to the academy, he went back to the new house he bought.

He first activated the talisman array he had arranged in the small courtyard where he used to practice the exercises, isolating sound and prying eyes.

After finishing these, Zhou Fan took out a red qi-refining crystal jade, took out the quirky conch, blew the quirky conch, and then ran the "Bad Sea" exercise to practice.

The red qi refining crystal liquefied and entered into his body, helping him to refine the true qi in his body.

Time is passing slowly.

When Zhou Fan stopped and opened his eyes, the infuriating energy in his body quickly spread out, and the apricot tree in the courtyard made a rustling sound as if being swept by a gust of wind.

The tempered infuriating energy gathered into the body, Zhou Fan let out a light sigh, he did not encounter any bottlenecks and successfully stepped into the high level of martial arts.

When he stepped into the high level of martial arts, all the true energy in his body was tempered for one round.

This is certainly something to celebrate.

But while Zhou Fan was happy, he was still annoyed that he would face the problem of entering the martial arts section.

It's not a matter of the resources needed for cultivation. With the red qi refining crystal, it only takes one or two months to complete the cultivation of the martial arts section with the huge amount of true qi in his body.

Exactly how fast will depend on what kind of practice he is practicing.

Therefore, Zhou Fan is troubled by the martial arts training exercises.

During this period of time, he has been making relevant preparations for entering the martial arts section, which seems to be the library of the relevant knowledge academy in the third stage of Qi refining.

Zhou Fan read all the books that introduced Wu Shi Duan.

Once you step into the Martial Consciousness Stage, the second change of True Qi causes the five senses of the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and body to grow in vain. If the eye sense grows, within a certain range of the whole body, any subtle things, even an ant crawling on the ground, cannot be avoided. Conscious gaze.

This seems to be only an auxiliary function, but as long as a martial artist in the third stage of qi refining knows that the martial arts stage is no less terrible than the martial arts stage, even if the true qi is tempered and the power increases, a martial artist who has not entered the martial arts stage is It is very difficult to beat a martial artist with martial knowledge.

Or, for example, the growth of eye awareness, no matter how you move, you will be seen by the martial artist at a glance. In the eyes of the martial artist, your movements seem to be slowed down ten times or even a hundred times, and the loopholes in the tricks will naturally be seen in the eyes. , so as to break it.

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