Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 932: 1 must win

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Single consciousness often has a fast quenching speed and a wide extension range, while multi-knowledge quenching speed is slow, and its extension range is narrow or has other defects, which makes the classification of martial arts training complicated.

The warriors simply gave up the division and chose the martial arts that suit them.

Among them, the most martial artists choose single or double cultivation of eye and ear consciousness, because eye and ear consciousness have the most martial arts segment exercises, and because the effect of eye and ear consciousness is obvious.

Eye-consciousness can slow down and see things in the distance, ear-consciousness can hear sounds, identify locations, and eavesdrop on distant movements.

Of course, it does not mean that the three senses of the nose, tongue, and body are useless. Sometimes these three can also play an unimaginable role.

The nose sense can smell some special smells in advance. These smells may come from a powerful strange, or it may be some kind of poisonous gas that is spreading in the distance. The nose of the nose sense martial artist has also changed to a certain extent. Even if you smell poisonous gas, don't It is said that the poison gas is in the distance, even if it is close, the martial artist who cultivates nose consciousness will not be poisoned by smelling the poison gas.

These can make the martial artist who majors in nose knowledge avoid grasping in advance, like the deceitful talent 'bear nose' of the Xiong family in Juxiong County, and can even smell the specific location of the invisible martial artist. Cultivating nose consciousness can help them develop their own 'bear nose' better.

Tongue awareness is an increase in taste, which seems useless, but outside the wilderness, tongue awareness martial artists can identify changes in water vapor in the air, and can confirm changes in water quality. Their tongues can detect whether wild food is poisonous, and their tongues It can also isolate cursed toxins and other things.

As for the last body consciousness, because it can extend a special sense of touch, it can reach out and touch something in the distance to confirm whether there is a trap or a threatening grip.

The five senses have their own unique functions, and none of them are useless. If you simply think that the eyes and ears are useful and the others are useless, it is completely wrong.

Zhou Fan kept recalling the knowledge he had read in the book. He raised his eyebrows slightly. The academy could provide him with a good martial arts technique, whether it was a technique that greatly increased his first knowledge, or an excellent second knowledge. The third, fourth, and fifth consciousness exercises will be given to him by the academy.

These are not only what Class A can do, but also what he can get because he joined the faction of the Academy.

But Zhou Fan was not in a hurry to make a choice, because according to his past experience, every step must have a solid foundation. If he wants to practice, he should practice the top martial arts.

And now he doesn't even know what kind of martial arts is the top!

Who knows?

Of course, it is those guides who have cultivated to the highest realm. These guides stand tall and see far, and the time of cultivation is many times longer than his lifespan.

But the problem is that the current leader is Zhou Xiaomao. Zhou Xiaomao once said that unless Zhou Fan can defeat her, she will not give Zhou Fan any help.

Of course, Zhou Fan had thought about asking Zhao Yazhu in advance, but it was useless after he thought about it. He also thought that the facilitator could provide more help than just answering the question.

Even if he asked Zhao Yazhu in advance, Zhao Yazhu was willing to provide good exercises, but he couldn't afford it at that time...

So every time he can only ask the current leader to help when he wants to break through.

But when he thought of defeating a guide this time, even if the guide suppressed the realm to the same realm as him, Zhou Fan's heart twitched slightly, because he had never won.

Didn't even see a chance to win.

The dwarf winter melon's knowledge and combat experience and the degree of use of martial arts are too terrifying.

It is difficult for Zhou Fan to force her kitten into three moves, defeating Zhou Kitten...

Zhou Fan's fist clenched suddenly, not because he didn't disappear, but because he entered the high level of martial arts, because tonight.

That's why he didn't go to the academy today.

He made up his mind to cultivate, if he couldn't defeat Zhou Xiaomao tonight, it would be difficult to find another chance in the future.

In the small courtyard to practice meditation, the day will pass in a flash.

In the middle of the night, Zhou Fan just lay down in bed to adjust his breathing and fall asleep.

When the dizzy familiarity dissipated, Zhou Fan had already appeared on the boat, and he first smiled and greeted Chefu.

Qifu didn't understand why Zhou Fan challenged Zhou Xiaomao every day, but she knew that it would be beneficial to do it, but every time she saw Zhou Fan lose, she felt a little distressed.

After Zhou Fan and Qifu said hello, he looked at Zhou Xiaomao with concentration.

Zhou Kitten was holding a marshmallow and licking it slowly, and the candy sticks on her lips, making her look like a child.

The corner of Zhou Fan's mouth twitched slightly: "If you eat this, you will lose the dignity of any senior."

When Zhou Xiaoxiao and Zhou Fan were fighting, there was always a 'dog junior' on the left and a 'stinky boy' on the right, swearing, obviously pretending to be a senior.

However, Zhou Fan also knew that Zhou Xiaoxiao's cultivation base was higher than him, and his age must be countless times his age. There is no problem with saying that he is his senior.

Zhou Kitten let go of the marshmallow stick, and the marshmallow was swept away by a wisp of gray mist. She wiped the corners of her mouth and said disdainfully: "The majesty of a person lies in the fist, my fist is big, I am the truth, how do you usually do things of course? It's at will."

Zhou Fan shrugged and said, "You can say whatever you want, I'll still challenge you tonight."

Zhou Xiaomao said angrily: "Including tonight, you already owe me 65,000 big gray worms, how dare you challenge me?"

Zhou Fan smiled and said, "I owe it first. Anyway, I challenge you, but you can't refuse."

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you."

The angry Zhou Xiaomao punched Zhou Fan angrily.

Zhou Fan took out the rust knife and went up to it. He didn't look at Zhou Kitten's punch, and the rust knife slashed at Zhou Kitten's small head.

Zhou Xiaomao's fists were like mud cooking the sea, silently, she understood that Zhou Fan was using that unique force.

She snorted and turned sideways to avoid the rusty knife that was slashing quickly. She reached into the gray fog with her left hand, and a kitten knife the size of a door panel came out of the gray fog and slashed at Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan's rusty knife implied dozens of quick knife changes, and he kept slashing towards Zhou Kitten, but they were all resisted by Zhou Kitten's kitten knife.

Zhou Kitten used a new sword technique tonight, or a left-handed sword.

Zhou Xiaomao's left-handed knife was cunning and strange, trying to chop on Zhou Fan's body.

She has already found a way to get rid of Zhou Fan's stupefying hatred. That is, dozens of knives can be superimposed with infuriating energy, and the searcher can't use the superposition of so many knives, but to the boat kitten, this is nothing at all. , she only needs to be able to do it in an instant.

Of course, Zhou Fan did not dare to let Zhou Xiaomao do this. He stretched out his left hand, and the German character knife slashed down vertically, shooting out from the blade. A brilliant golden Storm Feather Spirit!

The kitten knife in Zhou Kitten's hand is in front of him.

All the golden feathers hit the wide blade of Kitten Knife, causing Zhou Kitten to move backwards.

Zhou Fan took this teleport to reach Zhou Xiaomao's back, and he slashed down with a knife.

The meaning of withering spreads immediately!


Zhou Xiaomao didn't expect Zhou Fan to use the stunt of pressing the bottom of the box so quickly, she shouted angrily, and the fierce and unparalleled martial force spread out from her body, hitting the waves and dead wood.

But Zhou Fan's second knife also arrived.

The blood of Zhou Kitten's body also trembled.

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