Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 937: This is conspiracy

what are you laughing at?

Facing Zhou Xiaomao's question, Zhou Fan smiled and said, "This is a conspiracy."

"What conspiracy?" Zhou Xiaomao asked.

"You said that you won't use Kitten III in the future, but it's not that you don't want to use it." Zhou Fan pointed out: "Didn't you also want to use Kitten III before? But I was still forced to use Kitten III. Mode."

"After I entered the high level of martial arts, I have a new martial arts, which means that I am more difficult to deal with than before, you will still be forced by me to use the kitten three-style, otherwise you will You will still be killed by me like this tonight."

The reason why Zhou Fan is willing to tell the role of the beads is because Zhou Xiaomao has already guessed it, and he will not give up this guess unless he says Zhou Xiaomao, and secondly, he can force Zhou Xiaomao to keep going. Use kitten three, so the result is the same whether you say it or not.

That's why Zhou Fan said that this was an upright conspiracy.

Zhou Xiaomao's face was slightly cold, because what Zhou Fan said was the truth, and it was really not easy to win Zhou Fan at the same level. Every time she didn't use the kitten three-style before, it took a lot of effort to win.

But the used move Zhou Fan will not be fooled again next time. She has to think of new moves. Sometimes the new moves don't work, so she has no choice but to use the kitten three moves.

This is not the first time this has happened.

Zhou Fan's new force is very strong, and she can think of several ways to deal with it, but those coping methods have great limitations and may not be effective.

As for not using the kitten three-style, let Zhou Fan kill it?

This is undoubtedly a huge humiliation for Zhou Xiaomao, she can't bear this humiliation, even if it is a tie, she can't accept it, let alone being killed by Zhou Fan.

If this junior dared to provoke her, she would kill him!

Zhou Xiaoxiao had no bottom in her heart, but she still said disdainfully: "Your new martial arts are not incomprehensible. If you want to force me to use the kitten's three styles, you have to see if you have such skills."

"Before I would use the kitten three-style, I couldn't be sure whether the bead was really what I thought, but now it has been determined, and you will never see me using the kitten three-style again."

Zhou Fan smiled and said, "If you can't see it, you'll find out tomorrow night."

Zhou Xiaomao did not speak with a cold face. She walked to the side and thought about how to deal with the new martial arts she saw tonight. Because of the suppression of her realm, she had too many methods to use, otherwise she would not be attacked by Zhou. Fan is so embarrassed.

Zhou Fan also pondered, thinking about what is the most appropriate way to do it. Tonight, he defeated Zhou Xiaomao and made Zhou Xiaomao return to the route before the guide, but he owed so many big gray worms before... …

The trouble now is not to get the kitten three-style, but how to get the top martial arts with all six senses.

There is definitely no need to count on the outside, there is no information about the sixth sense, let alone the exercises with complete six senses. Even the disciples dare not choose.

Zhou Fan didn't care about the difficulty, but now he only wanted a martial arts technique with complete six senses.

After a while, Zhou Fan looked up at Zhou Xiaoxiao with a strange look on his face and said, "I have something to discuss with you."

"Speak!" Zhou Kitten said impatiently.

"I can no longer challenge you in the future, but you have to promise me something." Zhou Fan smiled.

Zhou Xiaomao said with anger: "Do you think I'm afraid of you? I will follow you if you like challenges, and nothing else."

"It's not that I'm afraid, but don't you feel annoyed? I'm always buzzing in front of you like a mosquito." Zhou Fan took advantage of the situation and gave Zhou Xiaomao a step.

If this kind of person doesn't give her steps, then there is no need to say anything next.

Zhou Xiaomao's face softened a little, she snorted: "You are mediocre, and it is really boring to compare with you."

This statement made Zhou Xiaomao feel a little guilty, so she said angrily, "Just say what you want to say, and I'll listen."

"Actually, there are only two requirements. The first one is that I don't need to pay back those big gray worms that I owed before. The second one is that you have to give me a copy of the top martial arts exercises you have." Zhou Fan said in one breath. There are two conditions.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Xiaomao sneered: "Dream, you want to ask me for peace, do you think I will agree to such absurd conditions?"

Zhou Fan said with a dry smile: "Don't worry, just listen to me first, and then say the first request, I owe you 70,000 big gray worms now, and I can't afford it at all, and then I will challenge you every night. , it will roll more and more, what will I do if I can't afford it, I'm afraid even the big gray worm will not collect it again."

"This is in a vicious circle. You said that you may not even get a big gray worm before you fall into a deep sleep. What good is this for you? It's better to forgive my debt, so that we can return to normal in the future. The you can get quite a few big grey worms."

Zhou Xiaomao said with a stern face: "I have no shortage of big gray worms, and I didn't intend to trade with you."

Zhou Fan added: "The second one requires you to give me the top martial arts section, then I will be able to step into the martial arts section faster. The higher the level, the faster you can collect the big gray worms. You are good."

Zhou Xiaomao sneered: "How thick-skinned do you dare to say such mindless words, do you want me to give you all the resources and let your realm grow rapidly?"

"You are shameless, this dog junior?"

Chu Fu also gave a wry smile. She felt that Zhou Fan's first statement was acceptable, and the second explanation was to treat Zhou Xiaomao as a three-year-old child?

Zhou Fan raised his head and glanced at the blood **** suspended in the sky, and he still said nonchalantly: "If these two claims can't convince you, I actually have another one, do you want to hear it?"

Zhou Xiaomao didn't speak. She felt that Zhou Fan was too whimsical and might not be able to say anything good.

"Actually, these two demands of mine are just to make you lose 170,000 big gray worms, but you have to think about it, your most proud kitten has more than 170,000 big gray worms, and even millions of tens of thousands of big gray worms. You can't even buy a big gray worm, I can keep challenging you, as long as I can learn the three kittens, I will make a lot of money."

Zhou Fan said slowly: "Don't shout that you can kill me without using the kitten three-style in the future. If you have enough confidence, you won't listen to me here."

"Now I'm giving you a great opportunity to stop stealing your kitten three-style, and you just need to erase the debt I owe you and pay an extra copy of the martial arts, and you can do it."

"Where did you find such good things?"

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