Where did you find such good things?

Sometimes it's the truth that hurts the most!

Zhou Fan's words ruthlessly uncovered the fig leaf of Zhou Xiaomao, so she became more and more angry, she said angrily: "So this is what you want to say, you mean that I not only have to pay 170,000 yuan The Grey Worm has to thank you very much, doesn't it?"

Zhou Fan calmly said: "Thanks is not necessary, I just want to tell you that it is good for you, you can refuse to agree."

If it wasn't for the fact that she had already practiced with her once tonight, and the rules were limited, Zhou Xiaomao couldn't do it again, or she would definitely take another shot to vent her anger.

She felt like she was going crazy, her little chest was like a stove that was about to explode, and her eyes were completely squinted into a line.

This is a little habit she will have when she is very angry.

Zhou Fan didn't speak, just patiently waiting for Zhou Xiaoxiao's decision.

It's just that she couldn't take action against Zhou Fan anymore, so she could only get sullen. After the anger passed, her heart gradually cooled down.

People who can reach this level are not stupid. After Zhou Xiaomao calmed down, she had to admit that Zhou Fan was right. Before, it would not be easy for her to beat Zhou Fan without using the kitten three styles. Now there are more Zhou Fans. If you have a martial art, it will be even more difficult.

Zhou Fan's request can be said to be a once and for all method.

It is undeniable that she was threatened. Thinking of this, Zhou Xiaomao felt angry again, but she suppressed the anger in her heart again. The reason for this situation is entirely because of the boat. This kid is just a boat. props.

Otherwise, Zhou Fan couldn't threaten her at all, and was threatened by the boat... Zhou Xiaomao snorted coldly.

It took her countless years to create the kitten three-style, and she would not allow anyone to meddle in it.

And this is a transaction. As long as it is a transaction on the ship, even as the leader, she must keep her promise. Of course, the boarding person must also abide by the rules of the transaction. She is not afraid of Zhou Fan lying to her.

Zhou Xiaoxiao's mind turned, and she said coldly: "You understand the preciousness of the kitten three-style, why don't you just get it as you said, but choose to make other requests to replace the kitten three-style?"

This is something Zhou Xiaoxiao doesn't understand, and she wonders if there is something tricky hidden in it.

Zhou Fan grinned and said, "Because I don't want to be killed by you again, this feeling is too uncomfortable, and also because I really need the martial arts technique."

"Instead of pursuing the 3-style kitten that I don't know when I can copy it, being killed and tortured, it's better to actually get what I need the most. I believe that after my cultivation level is up, I can always get the 3-style cat that is better than the kitten. Better knives."

No, you can never find a better knife technique than Kitten III... Zhou Xiaomao is full of contemptuous thoughts, since she completed Kitten III, she has never been able to meet an opponent again, and this Zhou Fan actually thinks that Can you find a better knife than Kitten Three?

Of course, Zhou Xiaomao wouldn't say it, she just snorted: "I can only agree to the first of the two requests you made, to forgive you the debt of 70,000 big gray worms, as for the second one, Forget it, if you agree to..."

"I don't agree." Zhou Fan looked at Zhou Xiaomao and said loudly: "Kitten's three types can only be exchanged for 70,000 big gray worms, do you think I'm stupid? Of course it will be very painful to be killed by you, but it's a big deal for me If you grit your teeth and hold on to the day when the kitten's three-form first form is completed, it is impossible to only get these 70,000 big gray worms."

"Either I agree to both demands, or I can just let it go!"

Zhou Kitten's face was slightly cold, looking at Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan also had a cold face.

The two faced each other for a while, and Zhou Xiaomao said coldly: "I agree to the two requests you made, but I will remember today's gift, so don't regret it in the future."

You are not the first leader to threaten me, Zhou Fan laughed in his heart, "I wonder if you have any top martial arts exercises there? If it's too bad, I won't accept it."

Zhou Xiaoxiao suppressed the anger in her heart, and she said coldly: "You junior, think that everyone is as cunning and shameless as you, I will give you the best martial arts, and you will not do anything."

"Even if it is a top martial arts technique, it's just a martial arts technique. I have three top martial arts techniques with all six senses. You can listen to it. If you don't think it's suitable, then I can give you a discount of 100,000 yuan. A big grey worm for you."

"If you refuse to do so, it doesn't matter if the deal is cancelled."

"Let's hear it." Zhou Fan said in a spirited way.

Zhou Xiaomao thought for a while and said, "These three martial arts exercises are all top-notch martial arts exercises. They have complete six senses. There is no doubt, but they are also different."

"The difference lies in the range that can be extended. Even if the six senses are complete, it is impossible to cover everything."

"The first martial arts method is more inclined to the three senses of the eyes, nose and tongue, and the three senses of the ear, body and mind are slightly weaker."

"The second martial arts method is biased towards the three consciousnesses of the ear, tongue and body, and the three consciousnesses of the eyes, nose, and consciousness are slightly weaker."

"The third martial arts method is biased towards the three consciousnesses of the eyes, body and mind, and the three consciousnesses of the ears, nose and tongue are slightly weaker."

Zhou Fan was confused, he asked seriously, "It's hard for me to tell the difference between the good and the bad when you say this. How big is the difference between the weaker ones?"

Zhou Xiaoxiao glanced at Zhou Fan and said patiently, "Comparison can only be done between people who have the same knowledge~www.readwn.com~ If the eyes and ears are different, it is difficult to compare the strengths and weaknesses, so what I can tell you is Rudi One practice is biased towards eye-consciousness, while the second practice is not biased towards eye-consciousness, and the extension of eye-consciousness of the first practice is twice as long as the second-door eye-consciousness.”

"The other situations are similar. Generally speaking, these three exercises are all at the same rank, and it is difficult to distinguish a strong or weak one. It depends on which three senses you prefer, and which three you choose. Got it."

Zhou Fan frowned and said, "Isn't there a practice that is very powerful in all six senses?"

Zhou Xiaomao sneered and said, "Someone once thought like you, the tempering and transformation of true qi is a very complicated thing, and those sages who created the martial arts method naturally also wanted to have all the six senses in addition to the six senses. Law."

"But as far as I know, it is said that there is a martial art called "Shen Shen Jue" that did it, but it is only a legend. The sages who created that practice went crazy because of it."

"Is "Shen Shen Jue"..." Zhou Fan was stunned and said: "But the people who created that practice are crazy, who can prove that "Shen Shen Jue" really can't be achieved by other top martial arts. What did you do?"

"No one can prove it, and I don't even know if this practice still exists." Zhou Xiaomao sneered: "From the news that I have occasionally heard before, it is said that "Shen Shen Jue" does exist, even if this practice is created. The person who belonged to him went mad, but several friends who had made good friends with that person had seen this practice and thought that it was feasible in principle."

"So those few people wanted to take it as their own, and killed everyone who had seen this practice. After a fight, only one person survived. He disappeared with this practice and has since then been No one has ever heard the news about this person and "Shen Shen Jue"."

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