Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 955: the same laugh

The corpses in the hall did not move in any way.

Thirty-two warriors were four women, and the rest were men.

But what shocked Zhou Fan the most was that the thirty-two warriors had smiles on their faces, just like the corpse dug up in the mansion he bought.

It is also for this reason that the four town envoys of the Yiluan Division asked Zhou Fan to come over and take charge of this case.

Zhou Fan watched in silence for a while before he nodded and said, "Let's talk."

The Silver Seal Statue and the Talisman next to them all started talking, from the name of the owner of the manor to everything.

The reason why there are so many warriors gathered in this manor is because this is a relatively common gathering of warriors in Gaoxiang City. They gather to exchange martial arts experience and trade the materials, techniques and martial arts.

All died.

"What about the cause of death?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Zuo Zuo has been here for a while, but we asked him to wait for the adults to see it first." Yin Yin Li Shi replied, "However, he and the two of us did a preliminary examination, and these martial artists did not see any fatal injuries on the body surface. "

"Let him check further." Zhou Fan calmly said.

The so-called further examination is naturally an autopsy of the corpse.

Zuzuo quickly obeyed the order and cut open a corpse. Since there are too many methods of killing people in this world, Zuzuo's autopsy was also very detailed. All parts of the corpse were dissected and carefully examined with the help of a talisman.

The scene was bloody.

But the three of Zhou Fan did not leave, just watched calmly.

After a while, Zuo Zuo put down the blood-red saw and sharp knife in his hands and shook his head: "Sir, I didn't find any obvious internal injuries."

The man named Fang He'an who was buried in Zhou Fan's room before was smashed to death by someone's internal organs. Now the corpse found out is not the cause of death, which made Zhou Fan frown.

"As for the inspection of the poison curse, it will take a while for us to complete it." Tsukuru replied again.

"How long do you want?" Zhou Fan asked.

"An hour." Zuo Zuo replied, "What should I do with the rest of your corpse?"

"Did you draw all their faces?" Zhou Fan asked the Luxurious Master next to him.

"It's all drawn, and their identities are being verified." Master Fu replied: "But most of these people do not have families, and most of them are wandering warriors who make a living in the wilderness. It is not an easy task to verify their identities."

"Do as much as you can, even if you can find a few, and finally find out all the friends they know, since the faces are all drawn, then cut up all the corpses, and I want to see if they look like the first corpse. That's it." Zhou Fan said coldly.

These things are done by the people underneath.

Zhou Fan walked around the manor. This manor is located in Mingfengfang, the third northeast corner. The location is a bit remote, but it is not inaccessible, so the body was found so quickly. Otherwise, it would be troublesome if it took a long time.

Zhou Fan was thinking about the similarities between this case and the case where he bought the house. To say the same thing is that they were both warriors, and they all had smiles on their faces after they died.

Who would have killed them then?

And what's with the smiles on their faces?

This kind of smile made Zhou Fan feel a chill.

First, the autopsy results came out, and all the corpses were the same as the first autopsy, without any obvious trauma.

An hour later, Zuo Zuo came to report again, saying that he did not find any signs of the poison curse.

Zhou Fan's face suddenly turned cold: "Then tell me, how did they die? Did you die of laughter?"

The cold sweat seeped out from his forehead. There are dozens of people in the office of Gao Xiangyi, and all of them are top autopsy experts. This is the person in charge of the autopsy. In such a big case, the cause of death could not even be found out. It is really unreasonable. .

But he can't make up random things, otherwise, once he is discovered, the sin will be even greater.

"My lord, this subordinate really doesn't know, but please give me some time, I will go back and think about it, and I will find out the cause of death."

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Have you seen their stomach bags, have you compared the things they haven't digested in their stomach bags, and are there the same things?"

In forensic science, the contents of the stomach can reflect the diet of the deceased. These people have the same symptoms after death, they are all smiling, and they may have taken the same poison, which is why Zhou Fan said this.

"I checked." Zu Zuo said with a bitter face: "The things they have eaten are all very ordinary things, and there is no trace of any poison."

"Of course it is also possible that this is a poison that disappears without a trace after killing people. Such poisons are rare, but it is not impossible. Unfortunately, in the classics recorded by our government, there is no one that matches their death. characteristic poison."

Zhou Fan frowned slightly and said, "It doesn't have to be poison, you go and bring me all the same things that you have compared, and I will take a look at it for myself."

Tsukuru quickly brought the paper over.

Zhou Fan hurriedly glanced at the ordinary grains and meat, and then his eyes stayed on the pill residue, and he asked, "What's the matter with the pill residue?"

Zuo Zuo was stunned for a moment and said, "The remnants of medicinal pills are the residues left by the warriors who swallowed the medicinal power."

As long as the martial artist is not too poor, he will buy some medicinal herbs to assist his cultivation and improve his strength as soon as possible.

"I'm asking if the residues of these medicinal pills are the same?" Zhou Fan asked again.

Zuo Zuo shook his head and said, "Your Excellency may not know, the residue left by the martial artist's refining medicinal power is difficult to check whether it is the same medicinal Because the medicinal properties of the residue mixed into a ball are too complicated."

"Is there really no way?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Sir, this is really difficult." Zuo Zuo said, "But at your request, we will try our best to verify it for you."

"Come on." Zhou Fan waved his hand.

Zuzuo nodded and turned to leave. He kept muttering in his heart. He didn't understand the use of checking the residues of these medicinal herbs. He had already verified that the medicinal properties of these residues could not kill even a mouse, so they could not be classified as poisons at all.

Of course Zuzuo didn't understand that Zhou Fan was thinking differently from him.

Zhou Fan sneered at the pill residue written on the paper. The pill residue may not be poisonous, but if a martial artist swallows the pill, the residue will not stay in the body forever. It may be further absorbed by the body or excreted from the body. .

Zuo Zuo overlooked a very important thing, that is, these thirty-two warriors all have medicinal pill residues in their bodies, which means that the time for them to swallow the medicinal pills is probably almost the same!


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