Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 956: sudden stopper

The cultivation time of each martial artist is not the same, some are in the morning, some are noon, some are night.

The training time of the two warriors may be the same, but the training time of the thirty-two warriors is the same, and they all swallowed the medicinal pills during training, which is very problematic.

If he took the medicine pill at the same time to practice, then Zhou Fan guessed that it was at this martial artist gathering.

It's just that Zhou Fan quickly frowned, because martial artists need to concentrate on cultivation, not easily distracted, and need to be most afraid of having others by their side. Will these thirty-two martial artists practice together?

If there is a problem with this medicine pill, would they be cultivating together to avoid the leakage of the medicine pill?

The more Zhou Fan thought about it, the more he felt that there was a possibility.

At this time, two wrestlers walked in, and one of them said, "Sir, the identities of eleven people have been identified."

"Go check it out, find out why they came to this party, and ask the warriors who are friends with the government. Are there any special things circulating among the warriors in the city recently, especially medicinal pills..." Zhou Fan explained one by one up.

The wrestlers agreed and left quickly.

The cross-examination of such clues cannot be completed in a short time.

Early the next morning, Zhou Fan went to the Sifu and gathered all the people investigating the case to pay attention to the progress of the case.

It just disappointed Zhou Fan, and the inspection of the pill residues by Zuo Zuo still could not guarantee that these pill residues came from the same kind of pill.

The warriors have not made any progress in their tracking of the deceased for the time being. They asked several friends of the deceased, and they all said that it was just an ordinary gathering, and the warriors in the city had not recently circulated anything special, and it was still the same as before.

Zhou Fan scolded them and asked them to continue their investigation, including the case of the warrior who died in his house and was buried in the soil.

After all the subordinates went out, Zhou Fan looked at the dossier again. He firmly believed that his direction was correct, but why didn't the other warriors know about the medicine pill except the dead warrior?

Could it be that this is not some kind of cultivation medicine pill, but a special poison?

But how did the murderer force or induce so many warriors to swallow this medicine?

These dead warriors are all experienced and will not easily trust anyone.

Unless they're under control and can't help themselves...

Zhou Fan shook his head irritably. There were too few clues, and it was useless to speculate.

After he entered the Yiluan Division, Fang He'an's case, and the case of these thirty-two warriors, had not been solved in either case, which really made him feel annoyed.

I used to be called Detective Hunter Zhou, but now the case detection rate is zero... Zhou Fan laughed to himself.

As the chief officer of the case, Zhou Fan didn't need to do it himself. He put away the file, closed the door and went out to explain a few words to the little official. He left the Yiluan Sifu and rented a carriage to head towards the academy.

If there is a clue, the people in the government office will naturally go to the academy to find him. If the matter is urgent, they can use the message symbol to send a letter.

It's just that the carriage suddenly stopped suddenly before it reached the East City Gate.

"Are you looking for death when you suddenly rushed out?" The groom's scolding came from outside.

It seems that someone suddenly rushed out, causing the carriage to have to stop.

Zhou Fan immediately showed a look of vigilance. He opened a curtain and saw that there was no abnormality in the street, pedestrians, and loudly shouting vendors.

Zhou Fan's expression softened a little, and he patiently waited for the groom to retire the man.

Only the people outside shouted: "Please pass the letter to the adult in the carriage for me."

Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment, he opened the curtain and glanced, and found that it was a middle-aged man with a sallow complexion.

The middle-aged man was holding a letter in his hand. When he saw Zhou Fan coming out, he said with a happy face, "Sir, this is a letter for you."

Zhou Fan glanced around and found no suspicious person. He asked, "Who asked you to send the letter?"

When the groom saw Zhou Fan coming out, he closed his mouth and let Zhou Fan deal with it.

The man cupped his hands and said, "I don't know, that person gave me some money to send a letter to the adults."

"Then do you know me?" Zhou Fan asked again.

The messenger shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Zhou Fan said with a solemn expression, "You don't know me, how do you know that this letter was sent to me?"

"Let me send the letter to the adult pointing to the adult's carriage. I can't think of anything wrong. It took me a while to catch up with the adult's carriage." The middle-aged man still had beads of sweat on his forehead.

The carriage in the city was not going fast, but it was not easy to catch up. It was obvious that the middle-aged man took a lot of effort to catch up with Zhou Fan's carriage.

"What does that person look like?" Zhou Fan asked.

He was curious, who would send him a letter like this?

"That person..." The middle-aged man was stunned as soon as he said it. He said blankly, "Strange, why can't I remember what he looked like? I forgot whether he was a man or a woman."

Zhou Fan's face was slightly condensed, he got off the carriage, looked at the messenger and asked, "Then who are you? Where do you live?"

The middle-aged man didn't answer, he looked vigilant: "Sir, I'm just sending a letter, why are you asking about my origin?"

"How do I know if you really sent the letter?" Zhou Fan's face was slightly cold.

The middle-aged man snorted, and he threw the envelope on the ground, "Anyway, I have delivered the letter, so it's up to you."

The middle-aged man turned around and left after throwing the letter.

"Want to go?" Zhou Fan sneered, grabbing his hand towards the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man couldn't even resist basic resistance, so Zhou Fan grabbed one arm.

The middle-aged man immediately screamed, "Murdered, help."

Pedestrians on the road looked over.

Zhou Fan said indifferently: "Office of Yiluan works When I heard that it was Secretary of Yiluan, no one dared to come again.

The middle-aged man turned even paler. If he knew that the letter he was sending was for someone from Secretary Yiluan, he would definitely not send it again. He hurriedly stated his name and address.

It's just that Zhou Fan didn't listen at all, he used his infuriating energy, input from the wrist of the middle-aged man he was holding, and quickly swam around the middle-aged man's body.

Zhou Fan only then let go. He took out a dozen copper coins from his pocket and handed them to the middle-aged man. He said lightly, "Let's go, don't send letters to people you don't know next time, or you will lose your life."

"Yes, thank you sir." The middle-aged man held the copper coin and walked away quickly.

Zhou Fan turned around and picked up the letter on the ground. He got into the carriage and let the groom continue to go to the academy.

The carriage started slowly.

Zhou Fan looked at the letter in his hand, his face was calm, and he did not rush to open the letter.


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