Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 958: girl by the window

Zhou Fan believes that he is not a fool. After he got the box, he checked it carefully and confirmed that there was no tracer attached to the box.

Later, the box was inspected by the talisman of Wanbao Pavilion. If there was a tracking rune, he would have already reminded Zhou Fan.

Apparently there is nothing to track on the surface of the box.

But what about inside the box?

There may be some tracking items hidden in the box.

After all, since the box can't be opened, he can't detect what's hidden inside.

Zhou Fan thought of another question. If there are tracers hidden in the box, why did it take so long for someone to come to the door?

Was it delayed by something or...

A more reliable guess might be that it takes a certain distance to detect the existence of the box.

"The person who left the letter obviously already knew my identity in the Yiluan Division, and even kept staring at me for the past few days." Zhou Fan broke out in a cold sweat thinking of this, "but why didn't he do it? Instead, he wrote directly. A letter exposing his existence?"

"He's afraid of Yiluan Si?"

"He's worried that he won't be able to take me down for a while? Attract the Taoist masters from Gaoxiang City?"

"Or is there a reason for both?"

"The reason why that person is worried about not being able to take me down is that he still doesn't know why his companion died? What kind of role do I play in it."

"That's why he wrote a letter directly to test my reaction."

"Now I don't know if he just wanted to quietly threaten me to get the box back or if he wanted to get back the box and kill me to avenge his companion?"

Various ideas appeared in Zhou Fan's mind. When he returned to the academy, he suppressed all kinds of ideas, leaving only one idea: no matter what kind of ideas the person had, since they all surfaced On the surface of the water, then you must think about eliminating this threat!

"The letter didn't leave any contact information, and it didn't say how I should return the things to him. He must be waiting for my response, or he will contact me again in a short time. I have to think of a safe way to kill him as soon as possible. took him."

Zhou Fan quickly entered the inner courtyard of the academy from the outer courtyard. He believed that the man could not sneak into places like the inner courtyard of the academy and the Yiluan Sifu, because such places were equipped with powerful talisman formations and strict monitoring.

Especially in the inner courtyard of the academy, with a master like Nakata, that person has no such courage.

So Zhou Fan was very relieved in the inner courtyard. He didn't have to worry about being here, and he was being watched by the Taoist monk hiding in the dark.

The question now is **** him?

Zhou Fan can think of three ways to kill a Taoist monk.

The first is to play by himself. He has seen the black dragon attached to him to kill the cultivator of the Dao Realm before, so he still has a certain degree of certainty. Besides, his teleportation-level movement technique, as long as he is careful, he is not trapped, and it is absolutely not a problem to escape. .

But the premise is that the rank of the Taoist cultivator cannot be too high, otherwise he will definitely have to play hard. The gap between the Taoist cultivators is huge.

The Taoist cultivator who seemed to be killed by the black dragon, she once said that it was only the lowest level in the Taoist realm. If the strength was too strong, it would be troublesome.

Therefore, it is too risky to do it yourself, and this is the last resort.

The second way is to ask the kitten Zhou to help him like he did last time. This has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that kitten Zhou is possessed, even if it is only his body, but there are still some truths based on the experience of kitten Zhou. The understanding of the Taoist cultivator will definitely win the Taoist cultivator.

Don't look at Zhou Xiaomao being forced to use the kitten three-style in his dream, but that's because his foundation is too solid and his skills are too strong, and Zhou Xiaomao, who is suppressed in the martial arts section, does not have so many means to do so. use, but using his body is different.

With the combination of teleportation, dragon language, dead wood, and strange sea, and relying on Zhou Xiaomao's understanding of Taoist monks, it is impossible to lose.

But the downside is that it will be possessed, and there must be no good thing to be possessed.

Zhou Fan's heart twitched when he thought of this. No matter how he was careful, those guides who possessed him made him tremble with fear.

Who knows what the boat kitten will do?

But it is always less risky than taking a shot yourself. This is the middle policy.

The third way is to ask a Taoist cultivator to take action!

Does Zhou Fan know Taoist monks?

Of course I know, like Mr. Zhang Li, Master Yuanhai of Baixiang Temple, and Dean Zhong of the academy are all Taoist monks. He is now on the side of the academy, so if he asks Dean Zhong for help, Zhongyuan Growing up will probably agree to him.

As for the fact that Dean Zhong couldn't defeat that Dao Realm cultivator?

This is a complete joke. Dean Zhong is also a disciple of the sage of the academy, so I am afraid that ordinary cultivators will not be his opponents.

But this method is not without problems. The problem is that the person does not know when he will appear. Even if he pays the price and asks Dean Zhong to take action, it is impossible for Dean Zhong to protect him at twelve o'clock every day.

Zhou Fan thought for a while, and then he corrected his thinking.

First of all, the first method is the impossible method. Until the last moment, he will not take the risk of doing it himself, and the second method and the third method can be combined!

When Zhou Fan thought of this, he suddenly had an idea. The third method was to ask the Taoist cultivator for help. He might not have to choose Zhongtian, he still has a more suitable candidate!

Zhou Fan wandered around the He first met Yelaitianxiang.

"Miss Yelai, I wonder if you have seen Insect Girl?" Zhou Fan asked.

Now, the three women, Li Chungniang, Yelaitianxiang, and Xiong Feixiu, have a very good relationship, which is why Zhou Fan asked this question.

Ye Lai Tianxiang had a hint of envy in her eyes, and she quickly replied, "Sister Li is watching the Art of War class."

Yelaitianxiang explained to Zhou Fan which lecture hall it was in.

Zhou Fan smiled and thanked him. He was about to turn around and leave, but Yelaitianxiang stopped him again.

"Miss Yelai, is there anything else?" Zhou Fan asked in surprise.

Yelaitianxiang hesitated for a moment and said, "Brother Zhou, you also said that Sister Li's fiancé is your brother, and the rumors are terrible. It's best not to get too close to Brother Zhou and Sister Li, otherwise it will always attract criticism. "

Does she care about me? Does she really like me? Zhou Fan thought so in his heart, but he said calmly: "Thank you for reminding me, I will pay attention."

Separating from Yelaitianxiang, Zhou Fan was still thinking about Yelaitianxiang's words of concern. He felt a little troubled. It wasn't that Yelaitianxiang was bad, but that he didn't feel anything about Yelaitianxiang.

Soon he came to the lecture hall Yelaitianxiang said, and he saw Bug Niang sitting by the window, looking seriously at the direction of the podium.

The winter light fell on her fair face, as if it was covered with a hazy holy light.

Zhou Fan watched silently, he sighed and looked away.

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