Zhou Fan had the urge to turn around and leave, but thought in his heart, doesn't such leaving prove his guilty conscience?

At this moment, the girl by the window looked over, smiled at him, and blinked again, meaning to ask him to wait.

Students in Class A can leave any lecture hall at any time.

Li Chungniang stood up, politely bowed to the teacher in the lecture hall, and quietly exited the lecture hall.

After Li Chungniang came out, she asked with a smile, "Brother Zhou, are you looking for me for something?"

Zhou Fan nodded and said, "Chong Niang, I might have something to ask you, but whether it's suitable or not, let's talk as we walk."

Li Chungniang hummed.

The two walked slowly in the inner courtyard. It was time to go to court. There were not many people in the courtyard and corridors of the inner courtyard.

The air is cold in the early morning in winter, and the leaves have fallen too much in autumn.

All that catches my eye are the dilapidated and desolate scenery in winter, but it is not interesting.

Zhou Fan recounted what happened to him in detail.

After listening to this, Li Chungniang's face became serious. She looked at Zhou Fan and asked, "Big Brother Zhou, do you remember what that token looked like?"

In Zhou Fan's description just now, he did not mention the specific appearance of the token.

"It's a ghost on one side, and the number three, two, eighty-eight on the other." Zhou Fan explained.

Li Chungniang looked around the inner courtyard, and after confirming that no one was there, she whispered, "If there is nothing wrong, it might be a face-to-face meeting."

"Mian Shou meeting?" Zhou Fan was stunned, the so-called Mian Shou means a male concubine.

Why does this organization have such a name?

"This is a very powerful and mysterious organization. As far as I know, all the warrior monks who join this organization are the heads of this organization...the head of the organization." Speaking of this, Li Chungniang's cheeks were stained with a hint of blush.

Zhou Fan was stunned, it was the face of the same person, and he thought of the gentle face of the cultivator he killed, and he suddenly felt a chill.

"It is said that the weakest members of this organization have Qi Gangs, and they claim to have 5,000 faces." Li Chungniang continued.

Five thousand faces, is the head of that organization busy... Zhou Fan slandered silently, and he hurriedly asked, "Then how does this organization behave?"

"In order to achieve the goal, unscrupulous means are used. Many people who offend the face-to-face meeting will rarely end well." A look of worry appeared on Li Chungniang's face, "If it was really a face-to-face meeting, then this would be troublesome."

"Big Brother Zhou killed their people and took their things. This can't be solved by returning the things to them."

Zhou Fan said with a cold face: "That means they still want my life."

Zhou Fan had expected this.

Li Chungniang comforted: "But Big Brother Zhou, don't worry too much, it seems that the face will commit a lot of serious crimes, it is an evil organization that the official family wants to destroy. Brother Zhou is also the minister of Yiluan Division, even if they want to kill Brother Zhou, it is not so easy."

Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "I'm not very worried, Zongniang, I want to know if Senior Chen has entered the Taoist realm, and what is her strength?"

The senior Chen in Zhou Fan's mouth was the one Chen Pepi who had been following the bug lady.

He had always guessed that Chen Bopi was already a Taoist cultivator, and it was easier to ask Chen Bopi for help than Zhongtian, who was troubled by all kinds of things.

But he didn't know if Chen Pepi was sure?

Li Chungniang said with a smile: "Brother Zhou, please rest assured, Aunt Peiping has already entered the Dao Realm, and she still has a few powerful tools on her body. It is absolutely not a problem to clean up a person who is a face-to-face meeting. I will call Aunt Peiping. , let her hide in the dark to protect you day and night, so that if that person dares to appear again..."

Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "It doesn't have to. I mean that person may contact me to retrieve their belongings. At that time, I will ask Senior Chen to come over to help me and kill him."

Chen Peipi needs to protect Li Chungniang. If it is really released to protect Zhou Fan, if something happens to Li Chungniang, Zhou Fan will not be able to explain to Li Jiuyue.

He only needs to have Chen Pepi come over to help at a critical time, and he doesn't need to protect him all day long.

Li Chungniang frowned lightly and said, "But that person may not contact Big Brother Zhou. He may directly find an opportunity to kill Big Brother Zhou and get back what they want."

Zhou Fan smiled and said, "If he really dared to do this, he would not have written to me. This shows that he is not sure. He will definitely contact me and ask me to give him the things."

"But I'm afraid that if he does this..." Li Chungniang stared at Zhou Fan with her eyes like a winter lake.

Zhou Fan looked away and looked at the dead tree in the distance, he said slowly: "Insect girl, you can rest assured, even if he does this, I have a way to deal with it, even if I can't kill him, I am sure escape."

Li Chungniang hesitated for a moment and said, "In that case, the worm girl listens to Big Brother Zhou, but Big Brother Zhou must not be brave. If you really can't handle it, then quickly notify me with a message sign."

Zhou Fan nodded and agreed. He asked Chungniang to go back to the lecture hall to learn the art of war. After Li Chungniang left, he quietly looked at the dead tree again.

There are still a few brown leaves left on the dead wood, trembling slightly in the cold wind, about to fall, as if to retain something destined to lose.

Sadness in spring and autumn is not suitable for Zhou Fan. After reading it for a while, he felt that it was very boring, so he returned to the library. Now that the plan has been drawn up~www.readwn.com~ it is useless to think too much, so he can only stop it.

But when he was about to leave the library, another student from the academy found him.

"Senior Brother Zhou, there is a man named Thin Monkey waiting for you in the outer courtyard. The teacher asked me to ask if you want to see him?" The student said respectfully.

The students in Class A are stronger than those in ordinary classes, so the students in Class A are all senior brothers and sisters.

Hearing that the thin monkey was looking for him, Zhou Fan had a smile on his face. After the big test, he went to Nanjing Village to search for the thin monkey twice, so the thin monkey also knew that he was admitted to Class A.

Zhou Fan packed up his things, left the library, and saw a thin monkey with a broken left arm at the gate of the outer courtyard.

Thin Monkey remained the same as before, he grinned when he saw Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan took the thin monkey to the restaurant for dinner.

Slender Monkey is in Nanjing Village, but he has been to Gaoxiang City several times. Even if he doesn't have the novelty of coming here for the first time, he is still curious about Gaoxiang City.

The two of them were very happy to meet each other. After the thin monkey drank three glasses of wine, he smiled and said, "Afan, I mainly want to tell you that our Baihong Pavilion has moved."

Move away? Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows, but he looked at the thin monkey without any frustration on his face, so he asked, "Didn't you say you wouldn't move it before?"

Previously, the Nanjing Five Sect had a lot of conflict with the He family, and it was Zhou Fan who intervened accidentally and defeated the head of the Flying Snake Gate.

Why did you suddenly move out now?

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