Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 961: discussion

But if the price paid is not equal to the gain, Zhou Xiaomao would not agree. After thinking about it, she said solemnly: "There are no 50,000 big gray worms, you can ask me to be possessed and solve the cultivator of the Dao Realm. , the rest of the time is mine."

"You can agree if you want to, or forget it if you don't want to."

Zhou Fan sighed and said, "Actually, maybe you possessed me and escaped successfully? Then the big grey worms you left here will be useless, so I say fifty thousand big grey worms"

Zhou Xiaoxiao interrupted Zhou Fan's words and sneered, "Do you think I'm an idiot? How could it be so easy to get out of the boat's control? If it were easy, the first two leaders would have fled long ago."

"This is just an attempt. I probably won't be able to get out of the control of the ship, so don't think about it, big gray worm. You let me be possessed and I will help you. The rest of the time is mine, it's fair. A transaction."

Zhou Fan pondered for a while and said, "Okay, that's a deal."

In fact, he also understands that if he wants to trap a big gray worm from Zhou Xiaomao with his possession, it is only possible if his possession does not require Zhou Xiaomao's help, but only through simple possession.

Next, according to Zhou Fan's request, Zhou Xiaomao swore to the boat and Dao Xin, and made a detailed oath that possession would not hurt Zhou Fan.

All the preconditions for this deal are met.

After the goal was achieved, the three of them didn't talk anymore, Chufu and Zhou Fan went to practice separately, while Kitty Zhou did not eat the marshmallow, but closed her eyes and seemed to be thinking about something. When she opened her eyes again, Zhou Fan and Qifu has left the ship.

"I just hope that the Taoist cultivator is not too troublesome." Zhou Xiaomao thought with a cold face: "He must be killed in one move, so that there will be enough time to implement the escape plan."

"I didn't expect the possession to come so quickly. You have to prepare well to get out of the plan."

Zhou Fan woke up from the bed, and he recalled the agreement he had made with Zhou Xiaomao last night. For him, this was a complete preparation. There was a Taoist monk Chen Bopi outside, and Zhou Xiaomao could be there. Possesses at critical times.

Now let's see when the person from the first meeting will come to look for him.

In the blink of an eye, another two days passed.

In the past two days, the possible Taoist cultivator in the face-to-face meeting showed no sign at all.

There was no letter written, and no sudden appearance.

What is he waiting for?

Zhou Fan's heart was inexplicably agitated. He held his temper and listened to his subordinate's report on the case of the death of 32 warriors.

After so many days, there are still no good clues in this case, and everything seems to sink into the sea.

Zhou Fan kept his face calm and did not get angry, but strictly ordered the subordinates who were investigating the case to continue to investigate patiently.

Thirty-two warriors died suddenly in the city. Naturally, such a big case would not be solved easily.

Zhou Fan also didn't believe that there would be cases without a trace in the world. He sat in the room and thought about it for a while. Because the door was not closed, the official came to the door and called, "Sir, it's time."

Zhou Fan nodded lightly, he left here and walked into the meeting room of the Yiluan Division, where Shen Jing and Wen Ti were already there.

Zhou Fan smiled and greeted the two of them.

Shen Jing and the two also smiled and nodded to talk with Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan is not a arrogant person, so during this period of time, he and the four envoys from the four towns of Yiluan in Gaoxiang County were quite pleasant.

Soon Eunuch Zhang and Huang Bujue also entered the meeting room.

Since the last time Eunuch Ao and Huang Bujue quarreled, he has never been to the meeting room again, but he only occasionally comes to Yiluan Company to pick on him.

For example, the number of ledgers was unclear, which made Yuan Liwei and other staff members jump around.

The case that Zhou Fan was in charge of remained unsolved for a few days, and he also felt that Eunuch Ao's face became unpleasant. He estimated that after a while, he would also be published by Eunuch Ao to him because of his poor handling of the case.

With Eunuch Ao away, the atmosphere in the meeting room was relaxed. After a few gossips, it gradually got to the point.

The five don't get together every day, but every once in a while to discuss some intractable issues.

After discussing various matters, Huang Bujue said with a solemn expression: "Last night, a caravan of the Bai family was attacked on a footpath near Gaoxiang City, and only one person came back alive."

As soon as Huang Bujue said these words, the four Zhou Fans were all shocked.

The Bai family of the five families in Gaoxiangcheng is not weak. Their caravan must have strong enough warrior guards to ensure the safety of the caravan.

If there is a problem in the wilderness that is too far from Gaoxiang City, it is not surprising, after all, anything can happen in the wilderness.

But there was an accident in Chidao near Gaoxiang City. This kind of thing has not happened for a long time.

The area outside the city is often searched by the detectives of the Department of Yiluan. Generally, when encountering too much strangeness, they will immediately tell the Department of Yiluan, and let the Department of Yiluan think of it.

This is really unusual.

"Was it a human attack or a strange attack?" Shen Jing asked.

Shen Jing suspected that it was a human attack.

Huang Bujue said: "The man fled back, and when he passed the city gate for verification, he refused to say anything. Later, the people of the Bai family came forward to pick him up, and we were told that it was an unknown slander. attacked."

It was actually a strange attack?

The four Zhou Fan looked at each other.

"Could the Bai family be lying?" Eunuch Zhang asked coldly.

Huang Bujue shook his head and said, "I don't know, whether it's true or Bai's side is such a statement, but if it's true, then we have to be more careful recently."

"Let the detectives of the government office go and investigate the area carefully to see if they can find any traces of powerful monsters."

Wen Ho nodded and said, "That's the only way to do it. The family never wanted us, Secretary Yiluan, to interfere in their affairs, and they wouldn't provide us with too much useful information."

Especially if this matter is man-made, the Bai family would definitely want to handle it themselves, and they don't need to be too busy.

After Huang Bujue explained the matter, he discussed some trivial matters with Zhou Fan and the others, and ended the meeting.

Zhou Fan had nothing to do with the fact that the Bai family caravan was attacked by the government. He rushed to the academy in a carriage as usual.

What he cares most about now is when will the person at the face-to-face meeting appear?

It's really troublesome to prevent thieves for a thousand days, but Zhou Fan had already asked Zhou Xiaomao, and Zhou Xiaomao said it was just a letter, and it was difficult for him to use any means to track down that person.

Now he can only wait patiently.

To say that the person at the Mian Shou meeting is most likely to appear when he is not in the Sifu and the Academy, that is, when he is on the road or when he is staying in his own house.

But unfortunately, one day later, he went back and forth between Gaoxiang City and the academy without being stopped by anyone.

Returning to the second new house he bought in the evening, Zhou Fan patiently used various methods to search the house again. After confirming that no one was hiding in his house, he began to arrange the talisman formation.

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