Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 962: No one sleeps tonight

Ever since he felt threatened, Zhou Fan had built several more defenses against the talisman formation where he lived.

Even if he understood that if the person wanted to come to his house to find him, he should have come before the letter was sent.

When he wouldn't be made to be on guard, he still had to guard.

So many talisman formations were arranged to prevent him from falling asleep and entering the Grey River space. After that person came, he couldn't wake up in time.

Zhou Fan knew that the person had written that letter, so it was impossible not to show up all the time.

Unless that person wanted me to panic and cause chaos, but this possibility is too small. Zhou Fan shook his head. No one would have the chance to sneak attack.

After Zhou Fan arranged enough talisman formations, he asked Xiaoxiao to release Xiaoxiao, and Xiaoxiao was skillfully scattered in the dark places of various corners, tiled roofs, and walls.

Once that person appeared, even if the talisman formation on the bright side could be broken silently, Xiao Xiaoxiao who was hiding in the dark could immediately wake up Zhou Fan.

For Zhou Fan, as long as he can wake up as soon as the person appears, everything will be fine.

Zhou Fan first finished dinner with Xiao Ling, and then he began to practice for another day. After the practice, it was almost time, and he lay down again to sleep.

"Has that Taoist monk appeared yet?" Zhou Xiaoxiao asked in a rare way after Zhou Fan appeared on the boat.

Zhou Fan understood that Zhou Xiaomao didn't care about him, but that Zhou Xiaomao had a chance to possess him only when the Taoist cultivator appeared.

Zhou Fan shook his head.

"It's too embarrassing to be so cautious when dealing with a martial artist of the third stage of Qi refining like you." Zhou Xiaomao said disdainfully.

The one who was not careful is dead, can he be careless? Zhou Fan thought to himself, he ignored Zhou Xiaomao, but had a conversation with Qifu before he started to practice.

It was only after practicing for a while that Zhou Fan felt a sense of separation.

His face changed slightly, and he quickly realized that something was awakening him outside, and he would soon be pulled out of the Grey River space.

The gray fog is coming towards Zhou Fan and Chifu.

"He may be here." Zhou Fan shouted as he looked at the rushing gray fog.

"Zhou Fan, you have to be careful." Chifu said with concern.

Both of them only had time to shout such a sentence, they were covered by the gray fog, and soon disappeared on the boat.

Zhou Xiaomao said excitedly, "It's good to come, I hope that the means prepared by this dog's younger generation will not be used, then I will be able to go out later."

The moment Zhou Fan opened his eyes, he jumped up and looked around.

There was an oil lamp on his desk that could burn all night.

This is to beware of being out of sight when you wake up.

Even if the six senses increased, Zhou Fan's eyesight increased, but this increase would not allow him to see at night, much less allow his vision to pass through walls.

He glanced at the four talismans attached to the beams and pillars. There was no damage, indicating that there was no problem with the talisman formation.

"Little Silk" Zhou Fan didn't let his guard down. He had already reached out and took the rusty knife talisman bag by the bed.

"Little Silk!" Zhou Fan shouted again.

"Enemy attack" a dazed voice screamed behind him.

Only then did Zhou Fan realize that Xiao Qian had been sleeping behind him.

"Shut up for any enemy attack." Zhou Fan said angrily, this little **** must have just woken up.

"It's not an enemy attack, why did you wake me up, master?" Xiao Qian asked, rubbing her small eyes.

"Why did you sleep here? Didn't you sleep on the table all the time?" Zhou Fan asked while looking around.

"Because if an enemy comes, he will definitely find me on the table at the first time, then he will definitely kill me first, but if I sleep in the master's bed, he will definitely deal with the master first," Xiao Ling explained.

"Zhou Fan"

Zhou Fan didn't notice it nearby, and he immediately opened up his six senses. Everything seemed a little different. He said, "Stop talking nonsense, call all your little ones back and see if they find out."

In this kind of environment, the eyes can't play a role, but the two senses of the ear, nose, tongue, body and mind can play a big role.

Zhou Fan has practiced the top martial arts, even if it is only the first stage of martial arts, but the scope of both ears and nose is not small.

His nose smelled all kinds of odors, but around his house, there was no strange human odor.

The scope spread to several nearby houses, and the smells from the nose became mixed and difficult to distinguish.

And the ears also heard all kinds of conversations, and the neighbors were all talking.

But there were so many voices that it was hard for the ear to tell who was talking to whom.

Since he couldn't tell the difference, Zhou Fan closed his eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and five senses, and everything became normal.

He had a solemn look on his face.

At this moment, the little ones all rushed back under the call of Xiaoxiao.

Xiaoxiao glanced at the little ones standing in a row and said, "Master, no more, no less, there are fifty-eight in total, and they didn't see anything unusual."

Zhou Fan just nodded lightly. He took off the talisman from the pillars and beams of the room, frowning slightly.

"Master, did you find something?" Xiao Qian asked cautiously.

"It's very strange, it's late at night, why haven't they slept?" Zhou Fan put the talisman into the talisman bag, which was equivalent to releasing the talisman defense in his room.

The voices he heard through his ear consciousness just now were too mixed, and it was difficult to clearly distinguish what they were talking about, but why didn't the people in the nearby houses sleep?

Zhou Fan didn't understand, and he didn't retrieve the talismans scattered in the room one by one, pushed open the door and jumped onto the tile roof.

Zhou Fan was stunned, because not only the nearby houses, but also where he was standing came into view, all the houses in Xiuwufang were lit by oil lamps.

The cold wind is There are faint sounds of weeping and choking in some houses.

Zhou Fan opened his six senses again, stepped on his foot lightly, and the whole person jumped up again.

He was already on the tile roof, but now he jumped high and saw more.

Most of the residential areas in the city that were supposed to be dark were lit with oil lamps, and countless voices gathered in Zhou Fan's ears.

Zhou Fan's face changed slightly, he immediately closed his ear consciousness, and his whole body was slowly falling.

Seeing that he was about to step on the roof of his own house, but when he breathed out, his whole body fell on the tile roof again as light as a swallow.

His ears were buzzing, making his head a little dizzy. He shook his head and his hearing became normal.

He gave a wry smile. He was still inexperienced when he first entered the martial arts stage, and this kind of situation only occurs when the ear consciousness is activated in this environment.

Zhou Fan was standing on the tile roof, his face was suspicious. He originally thought that he woke up because that person came, but now it seems that this may not be the case.

what happened in the city

Why are the lights in the house on?

Zhou Fan opened his ear consciousness again. This time he controlled his ear consciousness within a certain range and kept shrinking. Instead, he listened to a brightly lit house near his house.

He soon heard the voice of a man comforting his family.

He frowned after listening to it for a while. It seemed that it was because of nightmares, but the problem was that all five members of the family had nightmares.

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