Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 963: haunting nightmare

Zhou Fan constantly adjusted the range of his ear consciousness, and he heard the voices and crying of various households.

They were discussing the same thing, they had nightmares.

Standing in the cold wind of the dark night, Zhou Fan felt a chill in his heart. He remembered the lights he saw in the city before. Could it be that all the people who fell asleep in Gaoxiang City had a nightmare at the same time?

If so, then it makes sense why he was pulled out of the Grey River space.

He thought of the Ring of Horror Dreams of Qianhuan Snow Mountain again.

In Qianhuan Snow Mountain, as long as you fall asleep, you will be dragged into a nightmare, and it will be difficult to wake up again.

Could it be that the terrifying monster from Qianhuan Snow Mountain came to Gaoxiang City?

Zhou Fan looked around.

The night sky above the lights was pitch black and the wind whistled, but it was hard to find more.

This wouldn't be the Ring of Horror Dreams, if it was the Ring of Horror Dreams, it would appear in the Grey River space, and this no Zhou Fan quickly denied his speculation.

"Anyway, things are a bit strange. I don't know if the Yiluan Division has noticed these changes." Zhou Fan picked up the message and wanted to inform the Yiluan Division of his findings.

It's just that his message talisman hadn't been sent out, and his Yiluan commander board lit up with a faint silver light.

Zhou Fan picked up the Yiluan commander token and glanced at it. This was the signal from the government to summon him. If he didn't respond, the token would make a sound to remind him.

Zhou Fan tapped one of the talisman lines on the token, and the silver light dissipated. He put the token and the message talisman back into the talisman bag, jumped off the roof, walked back into the house and took some things before letting Xiao Qian enter his body. , ran towards the direction of Yiluan Sifu.

"Xiao Ling, did you have any strange dreams just now?" Zhou Fan asked silently as he walked.

In the gray river space, he was not eroded by nightmares, but was forced to withdraw from the gray river space because of the influence.

"Yes, I dreamed of duck legs. I can't get enough of duck legs every day, which makes me think about it every day and have dreams at night."

"Zhou Fan"

It seems that Weird will not be affected.

In the middle of the night, only a team of patrols patrolled the streets.

Zhou Fan walked by, and when he was questioned, he had to take out his token and report to his home.

For this reason, it took him some time to arrive at the Yiluan Sifu.

The Yiluan Sifu operates day and night, even in the middle of the night, it is as bright as day.

"Sir, Master Huang said that if you come, you will be asked to go to the meeting room immediately." A small official at the door saw Zhou Fan coming, and hurriedly stepped forward and said.

Zhou Fan hummed, and he went to the meeting room.

Only Huang Bujue and Eunuch Zhang were in the meeting room.

"Sit down, let's talk together when they come." Huang Bujue glanced at Zhou Fan and said with a worried expression.

Zhou Fan nodded lightly.

Soon, Shen Jing and Wen Ti both walked into the meeting room.

When Huang Bujue saw everyone, he said solemnly, "Eunuch Zhang and I are on duty tonight, did the three of you wake up from a nightmare just now?"

Zhou Fan had a strange look on his face, and he immediately said, "I was cultivating just now, and I haven't slept yet."

Zhou Fan can only say this, he can't always say that he didn't have nightmares when he fell asleep, that would be more difficult to explain.

The four envoys from the four towns all glanced at Zhou Fan. They thought that they were still cultivating at this time. They were really diligent.

They didn't think much about it. After all, there are not many warriors who stay up all night to cultivate.

Shen Jing smiled bitterly and said, "I've had nightmares. I haven't tried this feeling for a long time."

"Amitabha, the poor monk also had nightmares." Wen Ti also said the same.

"What kind of nightmare?" Zhou Fan asked.

Shen Jing and Wen Ti briefly described their nightmares to Zhou Fan, but their nightmares were not too unique, and they were not the same.

Just then, someone knocked on the door outside.

"Come in." Huang Bujue said.

Pushing the door and entering were two talisman masters from the Sifu, with serious expressions on their faces.

"Sir, the situation has been counted." The two talismans bowed to Zhou Fan and the others.

The reason why the five people didn't discuss much just now was because they were waiting for the statistics of the people below.

"Speak." Huang Bujue calmly said.

One of the two Fu Masters said, "As for our people and the county magistrate's short-term investigation, we found that many people had nightmares at the same time and were awakened by nightmares."

"The reason is unknown for the time being. The area covers the 12th Square in the fourth district of Gaoxiang City. According to the information sent from the Eighteenth Affiliated Village, the Academy, and the White Elephant Temple, the outside of the city was not affected."

A nightmare covering a city

Even though they had already guessed, but the confirmation made the expressions of Zhou Fan and the five people change slightly.

The population of Gaoxiang City has reached one million, and most of them have nightmares when they fall asleep. They can't help but feel stunned.

Eunuch Zhang said sharply, "There may be casualties"

Master Fu replied, "We are still investigating, and we can't find out yet."

Gaoxiang City is too big. Even if the Yiluan Division is running at full strength, it will not be able to investigate everything immediately.

"Let some of the patrols outside the city come in and check things out for me as soon as possible. Any major findings must be reported immediately. If you can't make it back, use the message sign." Huang Bujue ordered.

"Also, let the talismans and detectives in the house give me a reasonable explanation as soon as possible. I want to know what's going on."

The two talismans led the order away.

Wen Ho said with a serious face, "Amitabha, can make people in a city have It must be caused by one or a group of very powerful monsters entering the city."

"There shouldn't be many such quirks. The people in the manor will soon be able to find out what kind of quirks are responsible." Shen Jing frowned.

There are too many kinds of quirks, no one can recognize all the quirks, but there are classics that can be inquired, and usually it is possible to find out what kind of quirks did.

Eunuch Zhang said in a shrill voice, "The talisman wall of Gaoxiang City and the talisman array arranged underground, if it is touched, our people will definitely know, but no one has reported it now, which means that the monster can avoid our defense. into the city."

Huang Bujue shook his head and said, "The defense of Gaoxiang City is tight, but it doesn't mean that there are no loopholes. Otherwise, there would be no strange attacks in the city."

"I say so, but I have never encountered such a large-scale nightmare. It can cause large-scale nightmares. Who knows if it can kill people who fall into the dream in the dream. If this is the case, Gaoxiang City will be abolished and must be under Find it before it gets dark." Eunuch Zhang said again.

Zhou Fan suddenly asked, "Could it be related to the threat of the masked man?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the envoys from the four towns were all condensed, because it didn't take long for the shadow talisman left by the masked man to threaten, such a thing happened.

"If it's really what the masked man did, then he will definitely have a follow-up, or send a shadow talisman threat or other means," Wen Ho said.

Eunuch Zhang glanced at Huang Bujue and asked, "What's going on up there? We applied for the case of the masked people organization, why haven't we responded for so long?"

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