Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 964: murder case

After being threatened by the masked man with the shadow talisman, Yiluansi applied for an investigation file on the masked man as soon as possible.

Speaking of this matter, Huang Bujue said angrily, "I don't know why, but there has been no response. If there is a problem with this matter, the headquarters must be responsible for it."

Eunuch Zhang frowned and said, "I'll ask about the relationship with the palace later."

No response was given, so there must be something wrong with this matter.

Could it be that someone at the headquarters is protecting this masked organization?

Eunuch Zhang's heart suddenly became tense when he thought of this, so he had to be a little more cautious.

While the five of them were waiting and discussing, someone knocked on the door, and it was a very urgent knock.

The knock on the door can make people feel the impatience of the person knocking on the door, Shen Jing said, "Come in quickly."

A knight pushed in the door, and he said anxiously, "Sir, something has happened. Dead people have been found in the four districts and twelve squares. The current count has reached seventy-five."

The expressions of the four envoys from the four towns and Zhou Fan changed slightly.

Except for Huang Bujue who continued to sit in the Yiluan Sifu, the four of them went to District 1 alone.

Zhou Fan rushed to the third southeast of Gaoxiang City. He rode in the exclusive carriage of Yiluan Division, and the patrols gave way along the way. After a short time, he took people to Tonglifang in the third southeast.

The door of the house had been opened, and inside the house lay the bodies of a man, a woman and a child.

Apparently a couple with their children.

The heads of the three corpses shrank and became smaller, and even the facial features on their faces became wrinkled, like a wrinkled rag, and there was panic on their faces.

Zhou Fan bowed slightly. He glanced sideways at the shrunken head. There were three blood holes on the top of each head.

"Sir, apart from the wound on the head, we have checked and there is no wound on the surface of their body." A man next to him said hurriedly.

"Cut their heads open and see what's going on." Zhou Fan pointed at the three corpses and said solemnly.

Zuo Zuo was waiting for Zhou Fan's order. If it wasn't for Zhou Fan to come to check the scene, he would have dissected the three corpses long ago.

The head was easily cut open, the inside was empty, the brain was empty, and even the skull became a thin layer, otherwise their heads would not shrink to a certain extent.

Even the magician who had experienced all kinds of strange things felt a chill in his heart.

"Take the body back and investigate carefully to see if there are any clues." Zhou Fan stood up and walked towards another place.

Then it was discovered that the dead bodies of Southeast Sanfang all died in the same way, and they all died one by one.

When I asked the neighbors of the deceased, they all said that they did not hear any movement.

Zhou Fanyi took a look at the past, he looked carefully, but at the end, he sighed, such cruel and strange methods were largely done by eccentricity.

It's just that I don't know if it's the same thing that caused the nightmare

The night was about to pass, and a white border lit up in the sky.

Zhou Fan and the four envoys from the four towns reunited in the meeting room again, and they looked at the information summarized by the people below.

The tea on the table is cold, not because the people below forgot to add tea, but because no one is allowed to come in to disturb him at this time.

They have been sitting in silence for a while.

The difficulty of the matter has exceeded the imagination of the four.

The number of people who died overnight has been counted, and a total of 157 people died.

These one hundred and fifty-seven people included ordinary civilians, warriors, and merchants.

Because the Northeast Sanfang is rich in aristocratic families and powerful, the murderers avoided the aristocratic families.

It has been basically confirmed that it was done by strange things.

However, according to the fu masters in the Sifu, there are currently seventeen kinds of ghosts covering such a large area of ​​Gaoxiang City that spread nightmares, but these seventeen kinds of ghosts are not ghosts that like to devour brains.

So either the seventeen kinds of weirdness that Talisman looked up were not the one or the group of monsters that gave off nightmares, or the weirdness that gave off nightmares was not the same kind of weirdness that liked to eat brains.

It's just that the time nodes of appearance are so close, and Gaoxiang City is not a wilderness full of monsters. The possibility that these two monsters are not the same monster is not high.

One hundred and fifty-seven people died in one night, which was an unspeakable pressure for Si Luan.

Bang, the door was pushed open, and Eunuch Ao walked in arrogantly.

When Eunuch Zhang saw Eunuch Ao, he was a little stuck in his heart, so he looked away.

Huang Bujue glanced at Eunuch Ao, but still focused on the file.

Ao Gonggong looked around the five people, and he said sharply, "What happened last night, the whole city had a nightmare, and more than 100 people were sucked into their brains and died. Has the murderer caught it?"

No one answered Eunuch Ao.

Eunuch Ao continued to shake off his prestige and said, "If you don't speak up, that means that the murderer has not been caught. Has anyone told our family when the case will be solved, and if not, I will definitely report to the sage and dismiss all of you."

"Eunuch Ao, everyone knows that the Sage has long since ignored the state affairs. Go back and forth wherever you go." Huang Bujue said calmly.

"Bold Huang Bujue, how is it that you can criticize the saint, you are waiting to be chopped up by the whole family?" Eunuch Ao shouted.

"Okay, I'll wait." Huang Bujue said coldly, "But you are just supervising the special envoy. If you like it, you can listen while you like it. If you don't like it, leave. I don't want to hear your voice."

Ao Gonggong was shaking all over with anger. He threw his sleeves and said, "Then let us have a look. We can't solve the case within three days. Our family wants to make your Aunt Huang look good."

After Eunuch Ao finished saying this, he went He got out of the office and got into the carriage, cursing Huang Bujue freely and loudly.

The dog next to him sneered and said, "Don't be angry, my lord, you can't be guilty of being angry with this kind of villain. When you go back, read him a book and let him lose his post. Let's see if he still drags him."

Grandpa Ao slapped the dog's face and scolded, "You idiot, our family is just to scare Aunt Huang Shi, what's the benefit of this kind of thing to our family. Godfather said that only idiots will do things that hurt others and not themselves. "

Goujie covered his face and felt a little aggrieved. It was obviously Eunuch Ao who said that Huang Bujue was going to perform a performance. Why did he agree that this would be the result?

It's really hard to be a jerk.

Grandpa Ao ignored the dog-legs beside him, a trace of fear appeared on his face, "The nightmare last night was terrible, but forget the nightmare, what happened to those who died?"

"No, it's not advisable to stay here for a long time. Our family has to go outside to avoid it. Fortunately, I'm no longer a member of the Yiluan Division. Otherwise, I'll have to hold my nose and stay in the city again."

The dog couldn't help but said, "Sir, you are the special envoy of the palace, will it be possible if you leave like this?"


Grandpa Ao gave the dog leg a slap again.

"Father-in-law, did I say something wrong again?" Goujie said in a mournful way, covering both sides of his face.

"You're right." Eunuch Ao's face was a little ugly. "If our family doesn't come to Gaoxiang City, there will be no big problem. If we leave now, if we pass it back to the palace and let the godfather know, he will definitely take our family to feed him. his scumbag"

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