Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 969: where did it originate

"If I want to solve the case, what do you think is the best way to do it? Maybe someone or somewhere?"

Zhou Fan waited patiently. This was the last question he asked Tan Yuan, and it was also the key to whether the 32 murders could continue to be investigated.

He once tentatively asked Tan Yuan how many warriors in the city had taken this medicine, but Tan Yuan said he could not answer.

Even if Tan Yuan couldn't answer, Zhou Fan guessed that there might be a lot of people.

The more warriors involved in this case, if the mastermind is not caught as soon as possible, I don't know how much trouble it will cause.

"I can't answer who the lord should go to, but I think there may be clues to solve the case somewhere." Tan Yuan replied cautiously.

The three wrestlers who haven't spoken much are a little excited. There are clues in this case.

Zhou Fan asked calmly, "Where?"

Tan Yuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "Sir, don't ask me how I know, otherwise it will trigger my ghost oath. That place is Nanjing Village."

Nanjing Village?

Hearing this familiar name, Zhou Fan looked surprised, but Tan Yuan would not lie to him. If Nanjing Village really had a clue, what kind of clue would it be?

Zhou Fan tried to ask several questions around Nanjing Village, but Tan Yuan said he couldn't.

Zhou Fan gave up asking again and the three warriors turned around and wanted to leave, but Tan Yuan hurriedly said, "Sir, sire, what should I do?"

Zhou Fan stopped again, he turned around and said, "You should know that at this time, I can't let you go."

"I understand this, I mean my medicine..." Tan Yuan said in a panic, "The medicine must be given to me."

Zhou Fan said, "Don't worry, someone will give you medicine every time you get sick, but how long will your medicine last?"

"I'm going to eat one a day, and now there are only eight left. Before that... Sir, you must let me go, or I will die." Tan Yuan pleaded with a bitter look on his face.

"Don't worry about this, I have my own arrangements." Zhou Fan didn't talk nonsense with Tan Yuan, but left in a hurry with his subordinates.

The door to the quarantine area was locked again.

"Sir, why didn't we let him go and follow him?" a wrestler asked in confusion.

Zhou Fan shook his head and said: "He made a ghost oath, he definitely can't take us to find the person who mastered the medicine pill, once he is released, he will only find a way to get rid of us, even if you are sure to follow him, but if he finds out , will only put him in a dilemma."

"Don't use this method unless you have to, and he still has medicines to take. Now that he is released, he won't be looking for the person who sells medicines. Let's wait and see."

After leaving the prison, Zhou Fan looked at the three subordinates and began to explain the task.

Let a wrestler stay in the prison to watch Tan Yuan, and give him medicine every once in a while when he falls ill.

Ask a wrestler to take an elixir and bring it to the alchemist in the Sifu to verify its ingredients.

The last knight was to collect the information of the He family and give it to Zhou Fan.

Yes, the He family.

Speaking of Nanjing Village, Zhou Fan couldn't ignore the He family. The He family has been plotting the site of Nanjing Village recently, and the five Nanjing factions will be relocated at all costs. If there is really any problem with Nanjing Village, then the He family may be something wrong.

It seems that the kind of pills sold to warriors is not something that a small force can make. In Zhou Fan's eyes, the He family has naturally become a suspect.

In the past two days, Zhou Fan did not plan to let the manpower in the mansion go to Nanjing Village to investigate, because Nanjing Village is not small, and it is not easy to find out what is wrong. In terms of priority, he also does not have so many people.

If only a few people were sent over, it would be hard to say whether they could find out, or they might startle the snake.

Zhou Fan wanted to touch the bottom of the He family.

After arranging things, Zhou Fan turned to busy with the tasks assigned to him by the envoys of the four towns.

After finally arranging everything, Zhou Fan didn't breathe a sigh of relief when he returned to the room, and two more people were already waiting for him.

"Your Excellency." The Lux and the Talisman clapped their hands together.

Both of them were his subordinates who investigated the Thirty-two Warriors case for him.

"My lord, this is the information I collected about the He family." Lux handed over the dossier in his hand to Zhou Fan.

This file was read and copied from the archives of the Yiluan Division. Basically, all the information about the He family in the Yiluan Division is in the file.

"Apart from the people in the archives, does anyone else know?" Zhou Fan glanced at the file and asked with a serious face.

"No more." Lux shook his head: "I watched the whole process. Only me and the two clerks who copied the file knew about it, and it was impossible for the rest of the people to know."

"Very good." Zhou Fan nodded with satisfaction. He had warned before, because even the Secretary of Yiluan might have news leaked, and the fewer people who knew about it, the better.

He didn't want to surprise the He family so quickly. If the news really leaked, only a few people would know about it, and it would be easier to investigate.

Zhou Fan didn't look at the file in a hurry, but looked at another Talisman.

Master Fu then cupped his hands and said: "Sir, that medicinal pill was tested by our medicinal pharmacist, and he said that it was a medicinal pill they had never seen before, and the analysis of the ingredients only analyzed several common medicinal materials, and the rest More will not be known.”

"But if there are more medicinal herbs for them to study, they may be able to check the effect of this medicine."

An elixir is made by smelting countless kinds of medicinal materials, and trying to analyze all its components is undoubtedly a fool's dream.

Zhou Fan asked him to take medicine pills to just wanted to know if the medicine pill master in the medicine pill department's house would accept it?

As for more medicinal herbs for research by the pharmacist in the Sifu... Zhou Fan sighed, unless he didn't want Tan Yuan's life.

Leaving aside the question of whether Tan Yuan is innocent or not, Tan Yuan is the key witness in the case, and he cannot die because he does not have the medicinal pill.

Zhou Fan thought for a while and said, "You tell those pharmacists that it is impossible to give them more of that kind of elixirs, and let them think of using the only elixirs to test their toxicity and efficacy."

Master Fu nodded and agreed.

Zhou Fan warned them a few more words, and after letting them do their work, he sat in the room, carefully flipped through the dossier, and looked at the information of the He family.

There is a lot of information, and Zhou Fan took a while to read it.

A thoughtful look appeared on his face.

The data mentioned that the He family was in the middle level among many aristocratic families in Gaoxiang County.

The small family clings to the middle family to survive, and the middle family clings to the big family to survive.

It's just that some aristocratic families have obvious positions, while others are vague, so it's hard to tell which family it is clinging to.

And that's the case with the He family, even the Yiluan Si can't confirm who the family behind the He family is.

Now I just know that the family behind the He family is suspected to be one of the Dongfang family and the Bai family.

Zhou Fan brought a piece of paper and wrote the Dongfang, Bai, and He families on the paper.

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