Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 970: before night

After writing the names of the three houses, Zhou Fan stared at the names of the three houses on the paper, his eyes wandering among the three houses.

Then, looking at the name of the Bai family, he remembered another thing.

Recently, a caravan of the Bai family was attacked before, and only one person was left alive.

Zhou Fan wrote it down near the name of the Bai family.

He looked at the He family again and wrote down the name of Nanjing Village. After writing the name of Nanjing Village, he remembered another case.

The steward of the He family once died in front of him!

Zhou Fan wrote it down again, followed by Fang He'an, the corpse in his newly bought house, and the death of thirty-two warriors.

After writing this, he paused and wrote his name in again.

Because the steward of the He family died in front of him and he found the corpse, he wrote his name in it.

Bai Family, Dongfang Family, He Family, Fang He'an Death Case, He Family Steward Death Case, Thirty-Two Martial Artists Death Case, Bai Family Caravan Attack, Nanjing Village, Zhou Fan

Looking at the phrase on the paper, he frowned.

These phrases are not necessarily related. He just wrote them down to see if they are related. This is his habit.

Some are not necessarily related.

Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief, but there were still too few clues. Now, he must first confirm who the backer of the He family is, whether the death of the steward of the He family was silenced because he knew some of the secrets of the He family, and whether the He family was really related to these The murder case is related, and what secrets does Nanjing Village have...

These are all things that need to be checked out one by one.

There is also whether someone is deliberately involving me in these cases... Zhou Fan put the paper he wrote into the talisman bag, put the file away, stood up, opened the door and closed the door to activate the talisman array, and then put some things Hand it over to the warriors of Yiluan Division to investigate.

As for the things that can't be handed over to the Yiluan military practitioners for the time being, Zhou Fan can only temporarily suppress them. Now the top priority of the government is to deal with the strange things that can't be seen in the dark.

The gray sky in winter is getting darker and darker, which means that the night is getting closer.

The people in Gaoxiang City still hadn't heard the news of the murder of the monster.

Gradually, most of the people came to understand that today's monster may no longer be able to be killed.

Fear and panic spread further.

Even before the city gate was closed, many people rushed towards the city gate, wanting to leave the city for refuge.

In the face of such a situation, the county government notified the Yiluan Office and asked them how to deal with it, whether to close the city gate in advance?

In the end, the Yiluan Sifu decided that if the people in the city wanted to go, let them go.

There seemed to be a lot of people walking, and there was a long queue at the city gate.

But if they didn't have a place to stay in the eighteen villages, they would still stay in Gaoxiang City, otherwise they would have to face strange things outside the wilderness.

Of course, some people choose to stay in a group and spend the night in the wild, but to do so, you must have a warrior and buy a ghostly flame rune for the night. This is not something ordinary civilians can afford.

So most of the people stayed in the city, waiting for the night to come.

As the night fell, there were not many people on the street, most people went home, and the cold wind swept the streets and alleys.

The noisy and restless city became quiet.

Zhou Fan is now in a house in the third quarter of the southeast.

He was standing in the small courtyard, and there were a dozen or so yiluan warriors in the courtyard.

"Let's get started." Zhou Fan said with a sullen face, "Be careful. If you find anything, report it immediately."

The warriors bowed and quickly left the courtyard.

After Yiluansi confirmed that it was difficult to find the strange thing, they made preparations for the night.

Every district in Gaoxiang City has made arrangements, and Zhou Fan is in charge of the three southeast squares.

The streets and alleys of the whole city, such as tile roofs and other places, are equipped with martial artist monitoring.

As long as the monster dares to appear, they can find it immediately, and the thing like last night will not happen again.

Not only in Gaoxiang City, but even the 18 affiliated villages have made certain arrangements to avoid accidents.

Of course, due to manpower reasons, the monitoring of the 18 villages is far inferior to that of Gaoxiang City. They handed over the monitoring of some villages to non-official forces such as the Academy, the Great Buddhist Temple, and the Aristocratic Family, otherwise they would not be able to do this at all.

Tonight, the whole city is on alert, and the air inside and outside Gaoxiang City is full of chills.

The small courtyard where Zhou Fan is located is carefully selected and is the center of the Southeast Third Square.

If something goes wrong in the Southeast Third Square, he can immediately bring someone over to support it.

Everything that can be done has been arranged.

Zhou Fan knew that it had just fallen into the night, so the slander could not have appeared so soon, so he told the subordinates in the courtyard and went back to his room to rest.

Even if he did find out, as long as his subordinates called him, he would get up immediately.

Because of the gray river space, no matter how busy he is, he has to enter the gray river space once, or he may be forced into it at an unpredictable time.

For this reason, he once told Qifu that as long as it was night, he should not walk around, because he might enter the Grey River space at any time.

After entering the Grey River space.

Zhou Xiaomao looked at Zhou Fan, because last time Zhou Fan suddenly pulled away, but he didn't call her for help. She needed to hear what was going on?

Qifu also looked at Zhou Fan with concern. The last time Zhou Fan was suddenly pulled away was not an ordinary thing.

Zhou Fan simply explained a few words to the two of The weirdness that can make people have nightmares? Only then did Zhou Xiaomao understand what was going on. "That is to say, the Taoist cultivator didn't appear?" "

"No." Zhou Fan shook his head, "Do you know what this is? By the way, it seems to like to **** brains..."

Zhou Fan told Zhou Xiaomao the characteristics of those who were killed on the Nightmare Night.

"If you know, I'm willing to pay." Zhou Fan said that the pay for the problem is not worth much.

If you can know what the weirdness is, then things will be much simpler.

Zhou Xiaomao raised her eyebrows and said, "I've never heard of it. The influence it exerts can't be shown on the boat. It just forces you to leave the Grey River space, and it's not too strong if you think about it."

"Except for those unknowable monsters, there are too many monsters that come and go every year, and you also know that we guides are on the ship, and the only information channel comes from your boarding, if only before I board. I don't even know the weirdness that appears."

Zhou Fan gave a wry smile. It's not surprising that Zhou Xiaomao didn't recognize it, just as she said, except for those very powerful monsters, if they were too weak, she might not be able to recognize them.

Especially every year, many new monsters emerge, and this is also where monsters are difficult to deal with.

Of course, the weirdness in Zhou Xiaomao's mouth that is not so powerful is only relative to Zhou Xiaomao.

If he was despised because of this, then Zhou Fan felt that his brain must be broken.

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