Unable to get useful information from Zhou Xiaomao, Zhou Fan thought about it and decided to leave the Grey River space in advance. It is not appropriate to sleep at this time.

He said to Chefu, and he was enveloped in gray fog and left the gray river space.

Eclipse is the same.

When he woke up in the room, Zhou Fan pushed open the door and went out to ask his subordinates outside the courtyard, only to find out that he had slept for an hour.

During this hour, there was no movement in Gaoxiang City.

Zhou Fan estimated the time, and there was still an hour and a half before the nightmare occurred in the whole city last night.

He used the message symbol to communicate with the envoys of the four other towns in the other three regions, and nothing happened in the northeast, northwest, and southwest regions.

Zhou Fan couldn't leave this place at will, otherwise, his subordinates might not have time to inform him if something happened.

He asked the people under him to report every once in a while, and he could only stay in the house and wait patiently while pondering his martial skills.

It's just that as time passed, it was getting closer to the time node of the city's nightmare, and there was still no movement.

Occasionally, a cold wind would blow, causing some green plants in the city to rustle. Apart from that, the city was eerily silent.

Also because it was close to the time of the nightmare, the guarding Yiluan military practitioners, and the assisting county court arresters, were all tense, paying attention to the movements around them.

But nothing happened until last night when the whole city's nightmare happened.

Zhou Fan's face was slightly condensed, and he told the people below him not to be careless, and to be on full alert before dawn.

After all, it doesn't appear now, but it doesn't mean that they won't come. Before dawn, they may come.

Zhou Fan jumped onto the tile roof, and in the cold winter wind in the middle of the night, he looked at the nearby lights.

Under the dark sky are thousands of lights.

Fearing the nightmare of the whole city, some people choose to stay up all night or take turns sleeping, so many houses in the city are oozing the light of oil lamps tonight.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly. He didn't know whether it was effective for the people in the city to do this. He thought more about whether they would come?

Maybe they sensed the strong security inside the city and didn't dare to reappear, or maybe they went to eighteen villages outside the city.

Of course, it is also possible that they are just passing by and will not appear again in the future.

But no matter what kind of guess, it is just a guess, which will be verified by time.

The cold wind whistled, and the evening wind brought an uneasy breath.

Suddenly, there were cries and shouts from all over the city, and the silent city suddenly became noisy.

There were various sounds of panic, crying, and roaring intertwined in the house.

Zhou Fan, who was standing on the roof, had a cold look in his eyes, they are here!

Zhou Fan jumped off the roof, and all the subordinates in the courtyard looked at Zhou Fan nervously.

"Is there any news?" Zhou Fan asked.

The subordinates all shook their heads.

All the warriors in the city are taking action, some are running around the streets to check, some are walking quickly on the roof ridge, and they are also scanning down and up.

They stared at the swaying figures in the windows of the house, hoping to find some strange figures that hunted and killed humans.

During the preparations for today, everyone in the city has already been informed that if they find any traces of strangeness, they can call for help, and they will come as soon as possible.

The warriors tried to find the cry for help in the mixed and noisy voices, and ordered all those who were awakened by the nightmare not to make random noises, so that they would not hear the cry for help.

After the initial chaos in the city, it became a lot quieter.

Zhou Fan had already jumped onto the tile roof again and opened his eyesight. Even if there was little hope, he still wanted to try and see if he could find the strange thing.

But he could see the warriors running in the streets, but he couldn't see the strange traces.

Where will they hide?

"Is there any news yet?" Zhou Fan shouted again.

The subordinates under Xiaoyuan were all silent. They were all staring at the message symbol in their hands, but there was no movement from the message symbol.

This made Zhou Fan's heart sink slightly, and he felt more and more bad.

After half an hour, the nightmare of the whole city has long passed.

Zhou Fan stood in front of a house with a livid face. He walked in. It was a family of five, but five men, women and children died, their heads shrunken, and there were three blood holes on the top of their heads.

And this is not just one family. Tonight, six families have been found in the Southeast Third Square.

This is because the Secretary of Yiluan asked each family to quickly check the safety of their neighbors after confirming that there should be no danger, so as to find out so quickly.

The worst still happened.

After the nightmare passed, there were cases of death in the four districts of Gaoxiang City.

Zhou Fan squatted and checked the body. This was the third family he checked tonight. Actually, there was nothing to see. The murder method was exactly the same as last night.

Zhou Fan opened his nose consciousness, but he didn't smell anything too special.

"Sir, Sir Huang, they told you to return home quickly." A talisman next to him walked in and said.

Zhou Fan nodded with a stern face and left here. He entered the Yiluan Sifu and appeared in the meeting room.

The four envoys from the four towns have reached three.

Zhou Fan handed the dossier in his hand to Huang Bujue, and then took over the dossier handed over by the three four-town envoys and looked at it.

Not long after, Wen Ho also came back.

This is the official start of the discussion. The first is to confirm the current death toll.

Currently, 182 people are known to have died in the city. The characteristics of the deaths are similar, and they all have their brains ingested.

The one hundred and eighty-two people are about the same if not the final number of deaths tonight, because it has been a while since the incident, and no one has reported the number of deaths.

The district with the largest number of deaths is the Southwest Sanfang, followed by the Southeast Sanfang, the Northeast Sanfang, and the Northwest Sanfang with the least number of deaths.

People in the four districts did not find any traces of strangeness.

According to the dossier, the warriors near the house where the death occurred did not find any abnormality, and they did not hear any cry for help before the death.

"They can either kill a house of people in an instant, or they can make a house of people completely lose their ability to speak." Shen Jing said solemnly.

"Amitabha." Wen Ti sighed: "The question is how did they sneak into the house? We have the whole city fortified, but no one can find their traces?"

They say they are because the Yiluan Division guesses that there is a high probability that it was done by a gangster. Otherwise, how could they appear in the four districts of the city to kill people and **** their brains in such a short period of time?

Of course, it's just speculation, they didn't even see the strange shadow.

What Wen Ho said made Zhou Fan and the others silent. This was indeed what puzzled them.

Those monsters come and go without a trace. It's not that there are no such monsters, but they are rare, and they have also arranged some rune formations in advance for this situation, trying to make the monsters appear.

But the array of symbols they arranged obviously didn't work either.

The atmosphere in the meeting room was dull and depressing. No one would have imagined that such a careful arrangement would have no effect at all.

It can be said that under the watchful eyes of the public, those monsters are fed and returned.

"Let them step up the search, I don't believe that there is no trace left." Huang Bujue said with a sullen face.

"They should have wisdom." Zhou Fan suddenly said.

The four envoys from the four towns all looked at Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan continued: "Only five people who died in these two nights were warriors. Of course, the number of warriors is small, which seems to be unsurprising, but the warriors who died were all powerful warriors, and the northwest area where the family was spread all died. The number of people is the least, so I suspect that they may sense that there are powerful warriors in the family, so they dare not enter."

"They may be seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and they may be wise and deceitful."

The faces of the four Four Towns changed slightly. If it is really Zhi Jing, then things will be even more difficult. Zhi Jing has wisdom comparable to humans, and they have such a secret hunting method. It is difficult to find them. bigger.

Eunuch Zhang frowned and said, "It's not necessarily wise, it may be their instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, but in any case, it's a fact that they know how to avoid warriors. The teachers have carefully checked it in combination with the previous characteristics."

The crowd discussed for a while how to find out those weird things, but they didn't have the confidence to find out those weird things.

Wen Ti smiled bitterly and said, "After dawn, the news will definitely spread, and then everyone will know that the Yiluan Division has not caught and killed those strange people, and the people in the city must be panicked."

Wen Ho said, Zhou Fan and the others of course also understand that panic will spread further. If there is no accident, more people will leave the city for refuge tomorrow.

In the long run, the decline of Gaoxiang City will be inevitable, and more and more problems will occur.

Shen Jing said coldly, "I suspect that the masked organization did it. Didn't he say he wanted us to relocate? Since we can't find those strange things, do you think we have a way to find him?"

If the masked man can be found, maybe all problems will be solved.

Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "It's difficult. We don't know what he looks like when he wears a mask, and his height and voice can be disguised."

Huang Bujue said: "Try as much as possible. After all, we have no better way. We have to continue to give pressure to the General Office and let them share the dossier of the Masked Man Organization with us, hoping to have clues."

The current Yiluan Division is like a headless fly, they have to try everything, hoping to find a solution.

Gao Xiangyi has not encountered such a thorny problem for a long time.



The sky gradually brightened.

It's just that the sun was obscured by gray clouds. In winter in Gaoxiang County, such cloudy days are not uncommon.

Even if the weather is not like this, the magnificent Gaoxiang City is still covered with a gray haze.

As the day dawned, what happened last night spread rapidly as Yiluan thought.

Yiluan returned home with a feather, and more than 100 people died last night. The strange story has not been found, and all kinds of news circulated in the city.

The scholars in the city impassioned and cursed the county government and the Yiluan Division who were ineffective, but they were scolded and terrified. If the Yiluan Division could not do anything, then the matter would be serious. one of the people.

In the streets and alleys, there were whispers discussing this matter, and people's faces showed fear.

Zhou Fan came out of Yiluan Si and walked on a fairly lively street. Of course, he also noticed the fear on the faces of the people on the street.

He sighed. The secretary was still trying to think of various countermeasures, but they might not be effective.

Last night, I didn't sleep much all night. During the day, only Eunuch Zhang was still guarding the Yiluan Division Mansion, and the other three envoys from the four towns and Zhou Fan could come back to rest.

Some of the warriors in Yiluan's Mansion also took a leave of absence.

No matter how strong a person is, it is impossible to do things without sleep.

If everyone in the Yiluan Division is too tense, they may also collapse, so they should rest when it is time to rest.

Zhou Fan went back to his house~www.readwn.com~ He tried his best to keep himself up and didn't fall asleep immediately. Instead, he checked it carefully. After confirming that there was no problem, he set up a talisman array, called out Xiaoxiao, and let Xiaoxiaoxuan go to sleep. After monitoring the surroundings, he fell asleep peacefully.

He didn't forget that the cultivator who was hiding behind his back never appeared.

Zhou Fan fell into a deep sleep, and was woken up by Xiao Qian at noon.

After waking up, Zhou Fan was not surprised that he didn't enter the Grey River space when he was asleep. After such a long period of time, he had already concluded a certain pattern.

Generally, after entering the gray river space, it is possible to appear on the boat after sleeping for nearly six hours. Of course, sometimes it does not take six hours to enter the gray river space.

Zhou Fan didn't understand why this happened, but if he couldn't enter the gray river space during the day, he could ask the guide for help and pay a certain price to enter the gray river space.

After Zhou Fan woke up, he had a serious look on his face and remembered various things that had happened recently.

Whether it's the face-to-face cultivator hiding in the shadows or the grotesque who still disappears without a trace, they all bring him enormous pressure.

Zhou Fan took out a golden qi refining crystal jade from the talisman bag, which was also the last golden qi refining crystal jade on his body.

As early as a few days ago, he successfully entered the middle stage of martial arts, and the third stage of qi refining is like this. As long as the tempered true qi reaches a certain level, it will be a matter of course. Generally, there will be no threshold for breaking the realm waiting for him.

Now refining this golden qi refining crystal jade, with it, he will be able to complete the martial arts stage today!

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