Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 992: intimidate

Yiluan Division searched Bai's house inside and out, but did not find anything worth mentioning.

Bai's house is so clean that there is not even a bottle of dream pills.

"Take everyone on the list back for questioning." Huang Bujue said angrily: "From today onwards, without the permission of Yiluan, no one in the Bai family is allowed to leave Baifu, and dare to take a step out of the gate. You can kill him."

"And let the important members of the Bai family return to Gaoxiang City. Of course, it doesn't matter if they want to escape."

The people of the Bai family were silent, and no one dared to answer.

As the current head of the Bai family, Bai Tianhua was also taken away.

The entire Bai family was like a bird in shock, uneasy, worried about the fate of the Bai family and themselves.

But this is not what Zhou Fan and the others care about.

After they took the people away, they hurried back to the Yiluan Sifu.

On the way, Zhou Fan and Huang Bujue discussed a few words with the three envoys from the four towns, and decided to act separately.

Zhou Fan continued to investigate the Bai family's case, the key was to see if he could inquire about those weird characteristics, while Huang Bujue and the three envoys from the four towns continued to devote themselves to the preparations for the night.

He Ren was also locked up, and Zhou Fan first asked the doctor in the house to treat He Ren.

The doctor told Zhou Fan that he was indeed suffering from a terminal illness. Unless he could find a rare high-priced medicinal pill, he would be dead for a year or two, but even if he encountered that medicinal pill, even if he had exhausted the five great families of Gaoxiang. The wealth of one of them cannot be bought.

Zhou Fan only nodded lightly when he came to understand. The people of the Bai family had inquiries from the warriors in the mansion, and he ignored him for the time being, so he first came to see who.

He Ren was dead, and the old man Bai died, but he still lost because the Bai family had not completely fallen.

"Master Zhou, I have told you everything, what are you looking for?" He Ren coughed.

"Is it really gone?" Zhou Fan asked: "If you think about it again, the Bai family will decline at the most, and maybe it will resurface in the future."

He Ren showed a bleak smile: "If there is, what's the point of hiding it for me now?"

Zhou Fan was silent for a while, then he turned to leave He Ren's place of detention, returned to a quiet room in the prison, and watched the flickering lights.

"Sir." The two warriors walked into the quiet room.

"Does anyone have any questions?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Sir, there is no trace of disguise." One of the warriors replied quickly.

Before taking him into custody, the Yiluan Division will of course conduct a check on who.

Zhou Fan didn't ask again, it wasn't that he suspected someone had a problem, but just asked cautiously.

After all, there is only one person left in the He family, and he has to thoroughly confirm that this is who dares to rest assured.

"What happened to the Bai family?" Zhou Fan asked again.

"Grandpa Bai's body has been confirmed again, and it is no different from the initial test result."

"After interrogation, in front of the evidence, most of the arrested people of the Bai family admitted that they were involved in the matter of Meng Wan, but they all said they knew nothing about the nightmare."

"Did you ask about the whereabouts of the only survivor of the strange slander that the Bai family caravan transported last time?" Zhou Fan asked again.

That survivor is important, because that's probably the only one they can find who understands the gossip.

"My lord, they said that after the survivor came back, he had already left Gaoxiang City and did not know where to go." The warrior replied.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and said, "Are they all the same?"

"Almost." The warrior bowed his head and replied: "They said that the survivors could not be contacted, but they heard that they were sent to Gaoxiang City."

Zhou Fan sighed, he knew that the survivor was probably already bad luck.

"Did Tian Hua say anything?" Zhou Fan asked again.

"Bai Tian Hua said he doesn't know anything." The warrior said: "Whoever submitted the evidence, and there is no evidence that Bai Tian Hua participated in these matters, do you want to use punishment?"

The Bai family is already like this, even if the Yiluan Division punishes Bai Tianhua, no one will say anything more.

But Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "It's useless. Even if you torture this kind of person, he won't say anything. Bring him up and I'll interrogate him personally."

"Yes." The two warriors turned around and quickly brought Bai Hua over.

Now Bai Tianhua is wearing handcuffs and shackles inscribed with runes, and his body's infuriating qi has long been sealed, but he still has a calm expression, sitting opposite Zhou Fan and smiling: "Master Zhou, I never thought that we would be here. When we meet here."

Zhou Fan also smiled and said, "I didn't expect it either. I thought I had a good conversation with Patriarch Bai in the restaurant, and I couldn't bear to see Patriarch Bai like this."

Bai Bai is dead, and Bai Tianhua is the owner of the family, so Zhou Fan will call him that.

"It's nothing." Bai Tianhua shook his head and said, "Our Bai family has done something wrong, and we will naturally have to pay the price. Lord Zhou, those people should be shut down and killed if they should. The Bai family will never dare to complain at all. "

"Does this include you?" Zhou Fan asked lightly.

"Of course." Bai Tian Hua nodded solemnly: "As long as Secretary Yi Luan can produce evidence, I, Bai Tian Hua, have nothing to But this matter really has nothing to do with me, I hope you Justice."

Zhou Fan just snorted at this, and he added: "It seems that the head of the Bai family is very confident. Before coming here, I briefly discussed the case of the Bai family with the four envoys from the four towns, and we also have a case for the Bai family. A rough conclusion."

Bai Tianhua's back couldn't help but straighten up. He was actually very worried about the fate of the Bai family. If it wasn't for Mr. Bai's explanation before his death, he would have already collapsed. At this time, I can't stand it, let alone the position of the head of the family, even if the Bai family can survive or not, I don't know.

"Our conclusion is that if there is insufficient evidence to convict, of course we should let it go. Just like Patriarch Bai thought, if we don't find evidence, we will let you go later." Zhou Fan said slowly.

"Thank you Lord Zhou in this way." Bai Tianhua smiled politely, "After going out, if Lord Zhou admires his face, Mr. Bai will hold a banquet to entertain Lord Zhou, and drink and chat with Lord Zhou like last time."

"I will definitely admire my face." Zhou Fan said blankly: "But Mr. Huang and the others said that there is enough evidence to show that those nightmares were sent to Gaoxiang City by the Bai family caravan..."

"Master Zhou, that's just something done by some ignorant and greedy people in the family, so the entire Bai family can't be counted." Bai Tianhua interrupted quickly.

"I'm afraid this will be difficult." Zhou Fan sighed, "Nightmare is causing chaos in Gaoxiang City. If this continues, the four envoys of the four towns and I will be removed from office by the Yiluan Division."

"But we still don't have a good way to deal with the nightmare. Master Huang and I are very angry with the behavior of the Bai family."

Zhou Fan's face turned cold when he said this.

"We can't live well, and we can't let the Bai family live well!"

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