Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 993: The origin of nightmare

We can't live well, and we can't let the Bai family live well!

Bai Tianhua's complexion changed slightly. Even though he was mentally prepared, his heart sank when he heard Zhou Fan say it.

The four envoys from the four towns plus Zhou Fan means that the entire Yiluan Division will target the Bai family.

Not to mention that the Bai family's vitality has been severely damaged now, even the Bai family in its heyday is not the opponent of the most powerful institution in the official family, Gao Xiangyi Luansi.

If they were targeted again, the Bai family, whose vitality was severely damaged, would really not be able to recover.

"Sir, it's too much for you to anger the Bai family like this." Bai Tianhua said indignantly.

Zhou Fan said lightly: "If you say that you want to express your anger, you should express your anger, but this matter happened because of the Bai family. You have found a ghost for the dead. ?"

"From today, the warriors of the Yiluan Division will check the Bai family at twelve o'clock a day. The Bai family has been in Gaoxiang City for so many years, can it really be so clean that they haven't done any bad things?"

Bai Tianhua's complexion changed again. When the water is clear, there will be no fish. What aristocratic family has not done some dirty things?

If Yi Luan Si really stared at the Bai family, then the Bai family must have a lot of old cases turned out. Even if they didn't, those collaborators would not dare to cooperate with the Bai family again.

Because once they cooperate with the Bai family, they will be blacklisted by the Department of Yiluan. People do not fight against officials, and even a wealthy family would not want to get involved with the most powerful institution in the official family.

"Even if the five of us are unfortunately dismissed, it's fine. If you know about the Yiluan Division, then you must know that people from our faction will come up, so let them continue to help the Bai family."

"If the Bai family wants to relocate to a nearby county, it has to be carefully considered. The road is not easy to walk. Even if you are lucky enough to move to another county, there are also Yiluan Si and colleagues we know. The Bai family wants to take root there. ..." Zhou Fan said indifferently: "Patriarch Bai, do you think it is possible?"

Sweat dripped from Bai Tianhua's forehead, his face was pale, and he barely maintained his composure: "Master Zhou, why is this so hard, what benefits can you gain by targeting our Bai family so hard?"

"The nightmare sent by the Bai family will make the five of us lose our official positions." Zhou Fan said with a cold expression: "Do you know how much effort we spent to get to this position? We don't try our best to retaliate against the Bai family, Does the Bai family think we are easy to bully?"

"Master Zhou, the matter has come to this point, and our Bai family doesn't want things to turn out like this. Our Bai family can do our best to compensate the five adults, whether it's money or other things..."

"Patriarch Bai, you should know what we want." Zhou Fan interrupted.

Bai Tianhua was silent for a while and said, "I don't understand very well, please let your lord make it clear."

"We want all the information about Nightmare Monster. If we can catch Nightmare Monster, we will keep our position and won't target the Bai family." Zhou Fan said.

"Sir, I really don't know about that nightmare." Bai Tianhua said anxiously.

"The Bai family caravan was attacked. It is said that there is still a survivor. Where is the survivor?" Zhou Fan asked coldly.

"That person..." Wharton said after a while, "Let's go far."

If you go far, you can't find it again, and if you can't find it again, it's very likely that he will be killed by the Bai family.

Zhou Fan mocked and said: "I have already told you what I mean with the four adults, whether we really don't know or pretend to be stupid, this will not change our attitude towards the Bai family, the Bai family helps, we keep it. Official position, let Gao Xiangcheng die less, then the Bai family will have a chance of life."

"If we lose terribly, then the Bai family... there will be no Bai family."

Zhou Fan clapped his hands, two warriors walked in, Zhou Fan said coldly: "I hope Patriarch Bai doesn't think about it for too long, you know, maybe tonight will pass, and the above will lose patience and take action against the five of us. "

The two warriors set up Bai Tian Hua and took him out. Bai Tian Hua said excitedly, "Master Zhou, I really don't know, but the old man said something before he died, which may be useful to you."

"Speak." Zhou Fan waved his hand and asked the two warriors to wait.

"Say yes, but Lord Zhou must ensure that the Yiluan Division will no longer hold my Bai family accountable." Bai Tianhua said.

Zhou Fan chuckled lightly: "Patriarch Bai, do you think you have the right to bargain?"

"It's up to you to say it or not. In fact, you don't have to worry too much. Without evidence, the four adults and I will not be interested in chasing the Bai family. What you should worry about is those noble families. them."

Bai Tianhua was silent for a while, and then he said in a hoarse voice: "The old man said I'm sorry, he didn't want to get into the situation today, it was a complete accident."

Zhou Fan frowned and asked, "What happened to the caravan you transported?"

"The old man never told me about this." Bai Tianhua's eyes flickered: "But by chance I heard a few words, saying that someone attacked our caravan, so that those swindlers were able to escape, no matter how many I will not understood."

Zhou Fan didn't ask any more, but listened patiently.

"Actually...actually...If you can catch those weird things, the old man said that they would have done it long ago, but there is no way to catch them." Bai Tianhua said hesitantly, he glanced at Zhou Fan, afraid that Zhou Fan would be angry .

But Zhou Fan's face was very He had already guessed about this point, if it was possible to recycle the monstrosity that could produce Mengmo, they would have thought of recycling it long ago, rather than sitting idly by.

Bai Tianhua knew these words, Zhou Fan and the others would definitely be dissatisfied, he gritted his teeth and said, "The old man said that he also doesn't know the origin of those three weirdos, no one knows, they were obtained by chance, and after countless By chance, I discovered the effect of Mengmo by chance."

It turned out that there were only three quirks, and Zhou Fan silently recorded the information. There were only three quirks, fewer than he thought.

"They like to eat human brains, but once they are fed human brains, they will grow up. The old man said that they never dared to easily feed human brains to three of them. They usually feed animal brains. Animal brains allow them to They won't starve to death, but they will stop growing." Bai Bai said bitterly.

Before his death, Mrs. Bai called him and told him the matter. Only then did he know that the nightmare in Gaoxiangcheng was related to the Bai family.

Obviously, Mrs. Bai has always been prepared to not let him get involved in this matter, just to leave a way out for the Bai family.

"What will happen when you grow up?" Zhou Fan asked.

"The old man said they don't know either." Bai Tianhua smiled bitterly: "They felt that the danger was uncontrollable, so they dared not let them continue to grow."

"If you can't control it, you can only kill those three monsters, but these three monsters are very rare. They haven't found more of the same species. For the stability of the supply of dream foam, they dare not take risks."

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