The meat carpets are constantly transporting energy in a way similar to a conveyor belt.

The source of this energy is flesh and blood.

Su Bai dug for a while, and finally left with some disappointment.

"Why is there not even a cell..."

According to Su Bai's speculation, there should be cells in these broths.

Otherwise, how are these cells produced?

It can't be that they came out of the stone for no reason, right?

Skipping the dead nuns on the ground.

Su Bai continued to move forward.


Su Bai stopped.

The meat carpets on the wall began to change constantly, and finally appeared like a human figure.

A blood corpse similar to the one that flew out before appeared in front of Su Bai.

The other party seemed to be able to conceal his presence through the meat blanket.

It seemed that after discovering Su Bai, he couldn't help wanting to eat Su Bai.

That's why he couldn't help but appear.

Tick-tick-tick, the saliva flowing from the other party's mouth was full of corrosiveness.

Every time it dripped onto the ground, it was like a meat blanket, and then the metal was quickly corroded.

The other party's tongue began to wave involuntarily.

It stretched out, and then pulled towards Su Bai.

Su Bai grabbed the other party and threw it on his tongue.

A piercing pain came.

The part that had touched the other party's tongue before had been corroded.

You can even see some of your own bones.

Su Bai understood that these weird blood corpses were monsters that successfully absorbed the third-order mutant cells.

In essence, they have separated from ordinary blood corpses.

It is not something that those blood corpse camp players outside can touch.

Logically speaking, players should not encounter such a strong enemy.

But the problem is that these tasks did not originally belong to Su Bai and his team.

They were just intruders who broke in temporarily.

For the players who accepted the real mission this time.

Perhaps it would be difficult to face these blood corpses, but they would definitely not be so deadly.

Without a full understanding of oneself, the final result would be to become the same as the dead nuns on the ground.

They should not be here at all.

They should have obeyed the order of the woman before...

Su Bai began to recall the appearance of the saint he had seen before.

She was tall, with golden white hair and a cross on her chest.


There seemed to be a huge shadow behind her.

It looked like a projection of something.

Su Bai tried hard, and now he directly tore off the other party's tongue, but failed in the end.

A short dagger appeared in his hand.


Then black and corrosive blood appeared.

It fell on the blade that was touched


A few big red words instantly jumped out of the dagger in Su Bai's hand.

It was damaged, and only the first prop in his hand was broken.

"It should be usable for a while."

Su Bai continued to swing the dagger in his hand, quickly cutting the blood corpse in front of him that had devoured the third-level cells.

The damage to the dagger became more and more serious.

There were pits and bumps all over the blade.

It was almost impossible to tell that it was a green-quality dagger before.

Soon, Su Bai successfully peeled out the cells in the opponent's body.

This time Su Bai did not eat it, but chose to carry it with him.

"Did the opponent take the cells away too?"

He took a look at the corpses on the ground, and there were no blood corpses.

Part of the reason was that the dead things here would be slowly absorbed by the meat charcoal and finally disappear.

This felt like speeding up the natural evolution process.

It's just that one is buried in the soil and ordinary people can't see it.

And here it's much simpler and more brutal.

Directly use the meat blanket to harvest all the remaining nutrients.

What kind of monster needs so many nutrients?

Su Bai had a vague guess in his mind.

It is very likely that he is the owner of the giant tentacle he saw before.

Only the other party is worthy of such terrifying strength.

Perhaps after Su Bai left, it won’t be long before nothing happened here.

The blood corpse that just died on the ground has begun to be consumed by the flesh bomb.

"No, it's still too wasteful!"

Seeing that so many nutrients here were actually eaten up by the tentacle monster alone.

Su Bai was furious.

How could this be possible?

"Equipment effect triggered!"

"Summon Kayako!"

A chilly feeling came over her, and Kayako appeared in front of Su Bai.

This time, Su Bai did not shy away from it, but directly let Kayako appear in front of him.

Sure enough

The moment Kayako appeared, she rushed towards Su Bai.

But now Su Bai's strength is different from before.

He grabbed the opponent's neck with one hand.

He smashed her hard on the ground.

Then, the second and third punches caused Kayako's cerebellum to shrink.

After this short friendly exchange, the opponent finally calmed down.


Su Bai threw Kayako aside as if he was throwing away garbage casually.

He continued to walk forward.

"Grow well, you will be a big shot in the future!"

Su Bai had long noticed that his current state was only a temporary state.

As long as he left this mission copy, his strength would disappear.

The reason for all this is that all the cells obtained here cannot be taken away by players.

If they can be taken away by players, things will become unimaginable.

The cells obtained here will be studied by scientists all over the world as soon as possible.

There will be gains no matter what.

Just like Zhang Jun, the other party must have been injected with something.

It is impossible for an ordinary person's body to reach that level just by exercise.

If it is really possible, Su Bai would have been like the other party.

For example, Su Bai's current terrifying appearance.

You tell me that this can be achieved by exercise?

Don't be kidding!

This is achieved by mutation.

It's just that there is no suitable opportunity. Once the cells are brought back to the real world, it will cause a new wave of turmoil.

Su Bai can even speculate on some intentions of the system now.

Although I don't know if it is right.

After going out, the power is zero, but the changes in Kayako are irreversible.

The other party still looks terrifying.

There is an extra pair of hands and feet.

Now lying on the ground, it looks like a huge spider from a distance.

Not only the mouth, but also the place where the limbs are connected has mouthparts.

The sound of chewing is constantly coming.

Maybe it is smart.

Or maybe Kayako was scared by Su Bai, so she didn't attack Su Bai this time.

Instead, she followed Su Bai's expectations and ate the meat blanket on the ground.

It felt like a cow eating grass.

And Su Bai was the cowherd watching from the side.

It was just a bit scary...

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