The old man was very angry, but he was still very careful.

To be on the safe side, Su Bai was very considerate and sent a warning message to Yang Ning.

"Stay away from here, the situation inside is very complicated, don't come in!"

As for the others, Su Bai couldn't explain it for a while.

If a few people didn't listen to the advice and came in later, it wouldn't be his fault.

Looking back at Kayako, the other party was eating very fast.

In the blink of an eye, he ate at Su Bai's feet.


He rushed towards Su Bai fiercely.

"You really don't change your bad habits!"

I knew that the other party wouldn't be so honest.

There is so much broth to eat here, but he still has to run to me to attack me.

If this isn't masochism, what is it?

Of course

Another possibility is that Kayako prefers to attack people who are still alive and moving.

If this is the case, then it makes sense.

But, no matter what, this is not a reason for him to attack Su Bai.

Su Bai slapped Kayako in the face a few times.

Now Su Bai's strength is terrifying.

After a few slaps, Kayako's head was almost smashed by Su Bai.

Seeing that if the opponent continued to be beaten, it seemed that he really couldn't do it.

Su Bai let go.

"Eat honestly for me, you must eat more than these guys!"

Su Bai pressed Kayako to the ground.

The sound of chewing came, and Kayako was honest this time.

After all, all limbs except the hands were broken by Su Bai.

Soon, Kayako once again showed his terrifying recovery ability.

With every bite of meat, the wounds on Kayako's body continued to recover.

The body became tougher and tougher.

The nails could even easily cut the metal on the ground.

"Very good, very energetic!"

Finally, Su Bai kicked Kayako and ran inside when he left.

After Su Bai left, Kayako quickly recovered her body by eating.

Then she began to eat the meat carpet on the ground.

Whether it was a corpse or something else.

Everything that could be eaten was eaten by Kayako at a terrifying speed.

During this process, Kayako completed her evolution again.

The mouth on her body can be opened to 180 degrees.

Grab everything you can see and stuff it into your mouth.

What Su Bai didn't notice was.

The diary originally used to summon Kayako also began to upgrade.

It has almost completely left the green light and began to turn to blue.


"Where is the destruction device?"

The saint's eyes revealed a trace of irritation.

Originally, I thought that the destruction device in the mission was inside the metal door of this laboratory.

But I didn't see anything along the way.

There was just a metal tunnel of unknown length.

There were also mutant blood corpses that popped up from time to time.

He pulled the trigger on the musket in his hand and blew up the head of a mutant blood corpse in front of him.

The impact of the explosion stained the clothes on the other party with filth.

A trace of disgust flashed in the other party's eyes.

Even if his emotions were stable, if he continued like this, he would go crazy sooner or later.

If he didn't hurry up, the madman from the Holy Knights would come over.

Ange didn't want to confront the other party head-on.

Although she was not very willing to admit it, the other party's strength was stronger than her.

If it wasn't so, they wouldn't have chosen this way to honestly find the destruction device.

A series of battles triggered by Mike before.

Especially the tentacle monster that appeared, it is very likely to be the last monster guarding the destruction device.

According to common sense, the normal procedure should be for the players who received the task to meet up.

Then discuss the matters of the battle.

But this time it was different.

I don't know how Mike found the location of the destruction device.

He broke through the underground laboratory.

Finally, he provoked the tentacle monster.

No matter what the result is, we have to wait.

Wait for Mike to fail, or for Mike to kill the huge tentacle monster.

Now Mike has almost attracted all the firepower of the monster underground.

Only a few tentacles are left to stop the players who are still going deeper.

If not, it would be impossible for them to enter the laboratory now.

Mike is the one who caused all this chaos.

The real culprit!

He ran directly without following the rules and regulations and provoked the most terrifying monster.

Even the players of the other two camps were also affected.

Many players and blood corpses died in the sudden battle between the two sides.

Ange had a feeling that the path he took was not wrong.

The mistake was that he did not choose to break the metal door in the first time in order not to cause too much noise.

In the end, he wasted a lot of unnecessary time.

If he did not look for any keys at the beginning and broke the metal door directly, he might have found the destruction device.


Ange stopped.

Another metal door appeared in front.

There were labels of no entry.

Ange ignored the labels and kicked the metal door.


A footprint appeared, but this time the door was not kicked open.


"Speed ​​up!"

A huge shadow appeared behind the opponent...


Su Bai stopped in front of some broken clothes.

These instruments have turned into various mechanical slags and are completely unusable.

Even the system's judgment has not come out.

But Su Bai can be sure that this thing was definitely good not long ago.

The traces here are too new.

And there are obvious traces of fighting.

There are a lot of dripping metal molten iron on the ground.

"What a pity..."

Su Bai put down the metal in his hand.

If these things are really good, they would have been taken away by others before.

There would be no chance for Su Bai to see them.

It can only be said that high risk and high return.

Su Bai is already relatively fast among many players.

But even so, he still has to eat other people's leftovers...

Boom! ! !

A burst of sky-high sound came.

Su Bai turned his head sharply, and then jumped away!

The metal above his head was cut open, and a slender figure floated down.

Xuan Yao!


"Why is it you monster again?"

Su Bai: "..."

As he said, the other party was about to take action again.

Su Bai learned his lesson this time, and launched an attack as soon as he saw the opponent.

A transparent spear gathered by mental power appeared.

"Equipment effect triggered!"

Su Bai's eyes emitted a faint golden light.

The spear quickly condensed and stabbed towards Xuan Yao.


A talisman paper appeared and turned into a shield.

Blocked the spear stabbed by Su Bai.

The moment the two came into contact, there was an explosion, and powerful mental fluctuations spread to the surroundings.

"Equipment effect triggered!"

"Charging effect triggered!"

A transparent shield appeared in front of Su Bai, blocking the mental explosion that rushed over!

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