Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 104: return gift

   Chapter 104 Return Gift

When they got to the backyard, an old woman ran over and reported to Huang Xuelan: "Madam, the lady of the Wen family is also very interested, and she also made a list. The servants have seen those things, and it's really good, especially the cured venison and seafood. Could add a few more dishes."

Having said that, Huang Xuelan also knew what she had in mind, and ordered: "Go and prepare a portion of the five-color cakes sent by my mother's family, two kilograms of pearl rice and one kilogram of mutton brought back from Jiangnan. I heard that there are two girls in the Wen family, and silk flowers are also available. Get a few."

   The four rituals are just right, no younger than the gift of youth brought by the Wen family.

   Feng Hongyu over there heard that Wen Youshan was coming, and came to meet him specially. He still respected his classmate's father.

   Wen Youshan ate this meal very happily. It was almost dark after leaving Feng's house, and the last New Year's gift had not been sent, so he hurriedly bid farewell to Feng Xinghai and rushed to the backyard of the brothel.

Niangen arrived, and even the business of the brothel was affected. Cui Niang didn't expect Wen Youshan to come here at this time, and she came to give New Year's gifts. Does your wife know about Li?"

  Wen Youshan nodded and wrote lightly: "My wife made these things. She doesn't dare to give me if she doesn't agree. Cui Niang, thank you for your care this year, and my family is also grateful to you."

"Don't talk about those that are available or not, we are doing business normally, but I will take your wishes. It just so happens that I still have some cloth beads and flowers that I don't need at the moment. If you don't dislike it, take it back." Cui Niang smiled tenderly. Let someone go into the building to get things, and when the maid came out, she was holding a package in her arms.

  Wen Youshan didn't open it at all, took the package, thanked him, and left.

  The maid said in a low voice after seeing the person walking away: "Sister Cui Niang, he just gave me some food. How can you give such a heavy gift in return?"

  Cui Niang glanced at the maid and said casually: "If you can understand, I can take your seat in my place!"

   Wen Youshan has returned to the inn here. It gets dark quickly in winter, and there are no people on the road now.

Wen Youshan and Xiaoer ordered some hot water and food to go back to the room. After a while, the shopkeeper and Xiaoer came to knock on the door together. It turned out that the shopkeeper of Buzhuang had deposited the New Year's gift for him in the inn, and Wen Youshan took it. After saying thank you, I went to take a bath. It is rare to stay in an inn, so naturally I can't waste this opportunity. I have to take a hot bath and eat another meal. The next time I come here, I guess it will be after the New Year's Day.

The next day, it was only bright and Wen Youshan set off. I don’t know if it was too early. There were not even half of the shops opened on the street. The cold wind was blowing to the bone. , this kind of weather makes life really hard, and Wen Youshan looked sad, so he bought some raw wontons and pancakes at the street stall. These two things are not available at home, and they can be bought back so that the children can have a taste. He became more and more heartbroken, and he wanted to delay for a moment.

   On the way, he even let him meet several villagers, and he simply let him go home together.

   A man joked: "There are mountains, you can really do it, and you can still pull goods in heavy snow. If you want me to say that your life is so much better, it's time to take a break."

   "Yes, yes, we've been idle for a winter!" Another person echoed.

  Wen Youshan was hurrying ahead, and he couldn't see their expressions, and said with a smile: "It's okay to do something, life goes by fast."

   "Isn't it? If I have work to do, I'll go too."

   "By the way, can that taro really grow in spring?"

   After talking, the topic turned to Chunso again. Wen Youshan breathed a sigh of relief. He really didn't want to lie, so it would be more sincere to shut up.

   When the donkey cart entered the village, Wen Youshan even sent them to the door, which made these people very embarrassed. They didn’t give money for taking the donkey cart, but they were so dedicated.

  Wen Youshan didn't care what they thought at all. After he put the people down, he went home. As soon as he entered the yard, he smelled the smell of meat, which made the greedy worms in his stomach feel restless.

He hurriedly asked his two sons to help carry the things into the main room, then sat down to rest, drank a bowl of hot **** tea, stretched his muscles and bones, and comfortably said to Chen Ningya, "All the things have been sent out, Brother Feng. He also left me for a meal, by the way, there are return gifts from the Feng family, the shopkeeper of Buzhuang, and Cui Niang, and the calligraphy and painting were given by Mr. Hu."

To be honest, Wen Youshan is a little speechless about the calligraphy and painting. He is a peasant. He can't appreciate this kind of thing, and he can't see the value of this calligraphy and painting. If you want Mr. Hu's gift in return, you will definitely be depressed for several days.

  Wen Yuanliang unfolded the calligraphy and painting in surprise, his eyes fell on the inscription, and he muttered: "Who is Chen Wenshi?"

  Wen Yuanliang looked confused, and Wen Youshan was even more unclear.

Chen Ningya's expression was a little complicated, and she said softly, "Chen Yangqiu, the champion of Jinke, with the word Aragonist, is the son of Chen Kun, the minister of households, and is known as a genius. This fine brushwork is still immature, it should be his early work, Mr. Hu will give it to you. Chen Wenshi's calligraphy and painting are probably also trying to encourage you, let you set this as your goal, since it is your husband's intention, you should keep it well."

"Mother, you are so powerful, you know everything!" Wen Yuanliang said excitedly, his eyes fell on the three words Chen Wenshi, and his mood was surging. This is his goal in the future, and he will not disappoint Mr. and Mrs. .

   On the other hand, Wen Youshan couldn't seem to laugh. He looked at Chen Ningya with more worry, and there was still a little panic in his eyes.

  Chen Ningya's eyes met with him, showing a reassuring smile, she lowered her eyes and asked, "What is the return gift from the others?"

Wen Youshan's attention was diverted, and immediately opened the things one by one, Chen Ningya glanced at the calligraphy and painting inadvertently, and heard Wen Yuanzhen and Wen Yuanjing exclaimed, "My mother, it turned out to be a whole Box of beads!"

   "There are two good pieces of material." Wen Yuanzhen's eyes glinted with excitement, "Also, this is a jade bracelet."

   "This is rouge gouache?" Wen Yuanhong said uncertainly.

  Chen Ningya looked at Wen Youshan, "It's all for women, these should be gifts from Cui Niang."

   "It should be. I haven't opened it before." Wen Youshan smiled and said, "Anyway, the lady keeps it, and it will always be useful."

On the other side, Wen Yuanliang opened the return gift from the Feng family, and seeing that not only snacks, but also white pearl rice, meat and silk flowers, he envied his two younger sisters more and more, "Look at you two girls, the pearl flowers and silk flowers are all ready, go to Dress up well later."

   "Hee hee." The two little girls were overjoyed.

   As for the return gift from the shopkeeper of Buzhuang, it is more normal, a piece of good material, two jars of wine, two pig trotters, and a box of snacks.

   (end of this chapter)

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