Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 105: Wang Er's visit

   Chapter 105 Wang Er's visit

  Chen Ningya was quite satisfied with these return gifts, and was about to speak when she heard a hurried knock on the door in front of her, and hurriedly said, "There are mountains, go and have a look."

   Wen Youshan came in with a strange yet familiar face not long after he went out.

  Chen Ningya saw the person coming and greeted her in surprise, "Wang Chukuai, what wind is blowing you here! Hurry in and drink some hot **** tea."

  Wang Er grinned and said, "The northwest wind is blowing now, and the horses galloped all the way, almost freezing me."

   "Yo! Then you have to stay and have a hot meal." Chen Ningya frowned slightly and said with a little worry.

Wang Er was warmly entertained by the Wen family, he only felt a little more comfortable, and he didn't care about the hardships along the way, he sat down and said, "I came here on the order of the county magistrate to give you a return gift, look at you. This house, tsk tsk tsk, I almost dare not recognize it."

Wang Er was really shocked, thinking that when he came here, there was just a fire here, the whole yard was in ruins, and it was in a mess. The children were yellow-faced and thin, and looked like refugees. After entering the yard for the second time, a high fence was erected, and the children became like young masters and young ladies from small families, and he did not dare to recognize them.

Especially Wen Youshan, they have been in contact with each other more. Back then when he entered the mountain together, he was a peasant man with little knowledge and fear of hands and feet. Now he is calm and does not speak, and even speaks a lot more openly. Yes, he thought this was the landlord of which village!

  Wen Youshan heard that it was the county magistrate who came here, and his expression became a little more frightened, "The magistrate is too polite, we just sent some food to thank you, how can I return the gift!"

Wang Er pretended to be serious and said: "Although it is food, those food are not cheap. To be honest, I tasted some at my house yesterday, not to mention, Lady Wen's craftsmanship is simply not something to choose from. I guess I have eaten it too, but no, call me over this morning, the things are ready, I have to come over quickly.

   Of course, in addition to the return gift from the adults, He Yong and Liu Ming also prepared a copy each, not many things, just a little thought. "

   "It's a waste of money!" Wen Youshan laughed and said with a loyal and easy-going look.

   While talking, Chen Ningya also arranged the food, a plate of braised pork, a plate of fried octopus, a plate of steamed fish, two vegetarian dishes, a pot of shell broth, and a basket of wowotou, accompanied by Wen Yuanliang and Wen Yuanhong.

  Wang Er was stunned when he saw the seafood, "You caught it on the beach?"

  Chen Ningya didn't hide it, and said truthfully: "No! Even though you can't step on the beach, you can put some bamboo baskets down and pick them up when the tide goes out. There will always be something."

Wang Er nodded again and again and sighed: "Speaking of this, it's your loss, but the magistrate can't do anything about it, Haitian involves too many people's interests, and it's hard to deal with it, plus the adults were new at that time, and he had a lot of things to do. Obstruction, and dare not be too tough.”

  Chen Ningya said she didn't care, and gave Wen Youshan a wink, Wen Youshan understood and quickly changed the subject.

   A meal is on the premise that the two sides have a good relationship with each other, and the guest and host will enjoy the meal. If it wasn't for Wang Er who had to rush back, he would definitely have a good drink with Wen Youshan.

After sending Wang Er away, Wen Youshan went back to the main room. Chen Ningya and the others had already started dismantling things. The four annual gifts were dismantled together. Needless to say, the biggest one must have been given by the county magistrate. There are bird's nests and other supplements. It is estimated that Feng Zhaotou told the county magistrate that the Wen Yuanliang brothers were studying in the county seat. There was also a good inkstone and two wolf pen in the New Year's ceremony.

  This gift is obviously very precious, Wen Youshan felt a little uneasy about receiving it, but Chen Ningya had a calm face, her eyes fell on the other three annual gifts, and she found that they were all similar things, eating snacks.

  Chen Ning was delighted, and joked: "It's done, I guess I won't be able to finish this year's desserts. When the boss and the second go back to the county, they can bring them back to satisfy their cravings."

   "Okay, I want to bring some of them all." Wen Yuanhong climbed up the pole, not hearing his mother's joke at all.

  Wen Yuanliang shook his head again and again, "My silly brother!"

  The things were put back by Chen Ningya, and the next day was New Year's Eve.

   This year, everyone in the Wen family has made new clothes, from head to toe. The bedding is also new, and they don't even have to choose what to eat.

Chen Ningya had prepared a bunch of things early in the morning for Wen Youshan and his son to deliver to several families in the village, and an extra plate of meat dishes for the village chief's family and Huang Ergou's family. There is also a basket together.

   As for the Sun family, Chen Ningya went alone.

Without the hostess at home, the Sun family looked a lot deserted. In addition to the new mourning of Li's family, Sun Qing and Sun He were wearing plain clothes. There was no New Year's celebration at home. The only good thing was that Li's family was able to sit normally. When I wake up, I can still move myself in the room to take a break. According to the speed of recovery, I will definitely be able to go out in the spring.

After Chen Ningya found out, she was also happy for Li's family, she put the things down and said, "Those things are over, auntie, take it easy, I will cook you a cup of mutton soup to nourish your body, and you can treat some other steamed buns as a relief. Yes, you should eat something good for the new year. In addition, the chicken Youshan has already been dealt with. Let Aqing's father do it at night, but don't save it. You can go to the ground when you are healthy. Then you will raise chickens. Ducks grow green vegetables, and life at home can be lived in earnest."

   Mr. Li nodded again and again, agreeing: "You are right, but this time it's really thanks to you and Youshan, my aunt has eaten a lot of meat from you!"

It was a pheasant before, a hare at the back, and then venison, and now there is also mutton soup, even a real son might not be able to do this. .

  Chen Ningya sat in Li's house for a while before leaving.

Sun Qing went in with a basket and said, "Grandma, my aunt gave you sixteen steamed buns, two large bags of dim sum, a few bamboo tubes, a bowl of braised pork, and a small bag of rice, which are for cooking porridge for you. of."

After hearing this, Mrs. Li could not laugh or cry, but she was overwhelmed with emotion, and said, "Auntie Wen is a woman who is watching the Chinese New Year and doesn't have any control in our family. That's why she has all the food and food. With these things, at night. Your father doesn't have to do anything."

  Sun Qing nodded slightly, and said thoughtfully, "There is also a chicken that has been killed. Auntie said that the soup will be stewed at night."

When it comes to meat, Sun Qing can't help licking his lips twice. He used to make a fuss about eating, but now he's more sensible and can't express it, especially the fragrant mutton soup, which he smelled as soon as he entered the room, but it was Don't even look at it, it is for the grandmother's body, and he must not eat it.

   (end of this chapter)

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