Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 113: happy gift

   Chapter 113 Happy Gift

Wen Youshan was originally worried that Zhang Mancang's brothers thought he was unhappy with outsiders, but the two brothers didn't even look at the cart at all, and the strength of their solid eyes really made him laugh and cry, and he became more and more close to them, "Cousin "Brother-in-law and brother-in-law, my wife has packed up some old clothes that I don't wear at home, all of which are left over from the past, good and bad, if you don't dislike it, take it back and see for yourself."

   "Do not dislike or dislike."

  Wen Youshan had not finished speaking, Zhang Guliang had already responded excitedly.

  Wen Youshan was even more helpless. Seeing this, he didn't say anything. He took the taro and the burdens with the half-dead deer, and a group of people set off in a mighty way.

When    came, a group of people came empty-handed, and they walked not too slowly. When they went back, they all carried taro on their backs, and the carts and donkey carts were also full, so they were not finished.

  Wen Youshan has already told them that he will go home and move again when he is free.

   Everyone readily responded.

   It took two days for the group to return to Zhangjiagou, and everything was left in Zhang Yun's dilapidated hut.

I had never been to Zhang Yun's house before, but this time Wen Youshan finally understood why Zhang Yun couldn't marry a wife. The whole family consisted of two broken thatched cottages and a thatched hut, which was well ventilated and even had decent furniture. No, the poor even despise mice, and they don’t know what the people in Zhangjiagou think. The house is built to be short and laughing, and a seven-foot man feels depressed when he walks into the house, and the light is dim, and it looks very damp. How can people live in this place?

   And because Zhang Yun made a living by hunting, there was a **** smell in his family, and even a sensible person would not dare to marry him.

Wen Youshan wanted to say a few words, but he couldn't say anything to Zhang Yun's calm face. He sighed, put his things down, and left. He had to rush to sell the fragrant deer. It is.

  The people in Zhangjiagou sent Wen Youshan to the village entrance before taking Zhang Yunpao to the village chief's house to discuss.

   Zhang Jin's home.

   Zhang Mancang took those big bags home and said, "The old clothes that my cousin and wife packed up, let's see how we can divide them up."

   The woman's eyes lit up when she heard the old clothes. As the most prestigious woman in the Zhang family, Mrs. Fang said, "Let's see what clothes are there first."

  The two daughters-in-law Mi and Gao hurried forward to unpack the bag. After opening it, the two women cried out in shock.

"Mother, look at this dress, how good it is, it doesn't have the slightest patch, and it looks like it's still 80% new, so I don't want it?" Mi was overjoyed and puzzled. If you don't want such a good dress, it's not a prodigal. .

The burden that Gao took off was all the children's clothes. There were more than 20 sets of girls and boys, big and small, which made Gao dazzled, "My mother, there are so many clothes! My cousin's house. This is."

Mr. Gao was a little uneasy. These clothes are not cheap, they are old, but there are almost no patches, and only a few of them have been treated very well. If you say they are patches, you can't tell if you don't look carefully, and most of them are It was made of fine linen, how could their family afford such fine clothes.

   Zhang Mancang did not expect the clothes inside to be so good, and sighed with a complicated expression: "Cousin and cousin-in-law are trying to help us!"

  Miss Mi came back to her senses, but she didn't know what to say for a while. She was reluctant to return such good clothes, and she couldn't say such generous words.

  Shi Fang took a closer look, both relieved and sad, "It's okay, since it was given by your cousin and husband, let's just keep it and ask the boss to send some mountain goods over tomorrow."

   Although it is not worth much money, it is also their heart.

  Zhang Mancang nodded heavily and said with a smile, "We have to go again, and there are still taro that I couldn't bring back. Next time I go there, my second brother and I will get more mountain goods."

After saying this, everyone felt better. Gao carefully looked at the clothes in one set, counted them, and Tong Fang said, "Mother, there are twenty-five sets here, six sets and three sets of clothes for the newborn child. Thick and three thin sets, three or four-year-old children wear six sets of clothes, male and female, five or six-year-old children also wear six sets, and the remaining seven sets are relatively large, four sets of winter clothes, and three sets of summer clothes. It's worn by kids around ten years old."

These large sets of clothes were actually worn by Wen Yuanliang. Chen Ningya had done a lot of them before, but the child grew up quickly. He didn't see him for half a year, and the clothes became shorter. In addition, they were studying in the county town. Ning Ya also didn't want them to wear ill-fitting clothes, so Wen Yuanliang had the most clothes.

   This year, because they used silk fabrics to make their linings, all those clothes were eliminated, and they were kept at home with worms. It is better to give them a favor to the Zhang family.

   When Mrs Fang heard the words, her numb face became a little more cheerful. Because her hands were rough, she didn't touch the clothes and signaled Mrs. Gao to open the rest of the burden.

One of the four bags contained clothes for children, one was for women, one was for men, and the other was a hodgepodge of clothes. The clothes looked a little worn out, but they were properly sewn and could be worn out. More importantly, the inside was It's all winter clothes, and everyone in the Zhang family is not particular about it. They are happy to wear it to keep out the cold.

  Finally, Mrs. Fang decided to give Cao Yi and Bao Dashu three sets of children's clothes and four sets of adults' clothes, two sets for each man and woman, obviously for her two daughters and two sons-in-law.

  Bao Dashu and Cao Yi were so grateful, they smiled brightly when they got the clothes, and Fang Fang took all the remaining clothes, and only distributed the older clothes to the two rooms, so that they can now put them on for the children.

  The children of Zhang's family couldn't even get out of the door when the weather was cold because they didn't have winter clothes to wear. Now they can at least walk around the courtyard with these clothes.

Zhang's family was happy here, and the village chief's family also decided on the regulations of the taro. Because the villagers paid attention to it, they finally decided to go into the mountains to touch some things before it snowed and let Zhang Mancang and the others send them to the Wen family. Carry the rest of the taro back.

Wen Youshan didn't know these things. He sold the deer for a dozen taels of silver and went home happily. He also bought a lot of wine songs for Chen Ningya. When the conditions are good, he naturally hopes that Chen Ningya will be happy in everything, so he pays special attention to what she says.

  Chen Ningya was moved when she found out, thinking about brewing some sweet-scented osmanthus wine for Wen Youshan, and giving him two sips during the Chinese New Year, and taking it out for the gift of the year, killing two birds with one stone.

   After more than half a month, it was about to get cold. Zhang Mancang came to the door again. This time they didn't plan to spend the night at Wen's house.

   Chen Ningya had a headache looking at these mountain goods in front of her, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, persimmons, pears, etc. Forget these things, there are still some herbs, and I don't know what those people think.

   (end of this chapter)

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