Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 114: Imagine the future

   Chapter 114 Imagine the future

Chen Ningya didn't dare to collect the herbs she didn't know, and asked Wen Youshan to send it directly to the town pharmacy in exchange for money, leaving only the ordinary herbs for clearing heat and detoxification to be dried and stored. Dried seeds can be made into dried fruits. For example, persimmons can be made into persimmon cakes, pears can only be pickled and pears, dates can be made into dried dates, oranges can be stored for a period of time, and they can be moved around in the same year. Everything was sorted into the cellar, and the cellar that had been empty a lot was suddenly full.

   The people in Zhangjiagou made a lot of noise, and people in Fushan Village naturally saw it, not to mention that during the slack season, there were so many people talking about it that even the village chief was alarmed.

When the village chief came forward, others immediately followed to watch the fun. When they walked outside the Sun's courtyard, Mrs. Zhang stopped the group of people. Only then did the village chief know that those people came from Zhangjiagou or were relatives of Wen Youshan. , As for those taro, that's a good explanation.

Wen Youshan was willing to sell taro to them, but naturally he would not leave his relatives alone, not to mention that they didn't take it for nothing, but exchanged a lot of dry goods. Those who wanted to send some taro to the Yue family felt regretful, "I knew it earlier. There are so many taro in Zhangjiagou, so I'll come over earlier to say hello."

   "No! I also want to give some to my relatives!" Someone complained.

Sun Laifu couldn't listen to it anymore, and said: "Come on, I have no obligation to report to you how to deal with other people's things. If you like to buy it or not, it is rare for people! It's great to give a few pennies, and don't look at others. What are you bringing here, game, mountain goods, and fruits, those things together cost several taels of silver, but they are worth more than the copper coins you gave!"

   Those people shut up for a moment, even if they had any thoughts in their hearts, they didn't dare to murmur at this moment.

The village chief said with a face: "We took advantage, but luckily we didn't come to the door to ask, otherwise I'll let you lose all of my old face! In the future, I won't beat other people's ideas, and if I can't come up with good things, I will talk less. Seven out of eight, a trivial matter can make such a big fuss, so busy!"

  The village chief was really angry, especially when he suspected that he was being blocked by the villagers, his face was dull, and he felt wronged by Wen Youshan, and he became more and more angry.

   After being taught a lesson by the good-natured village chief, everyone felt that their faces were dull, and the birds scattered.

  The village chief then greeted Mrs. Zhang gently: "Looking at how energetic you are when you speak, you can see that your body and bones are in good shape. It's different if there are more people in this family to help you."

   After saying that, the village chief's eyes fell on Mr. Ye, Sun Laifu's newly married wife, and he smiled with relief.

   Mrs. Ye stood obediently behind Mrs. Zhang with a reserved smile. She only married into the Sun family after the autumn harvest.

   Mrs. Zhang is quite satisfied with this new daughter-in-law. Her face does not have the sorrow of the past, her face is radiant, and she is full of energy all at once. Looking at her spirit, it will not be a problem to live for decades.

Zhang Shi, not to mention Sun Laifu, got a gentle and virtuous little wife, the haze in his heart was swept away, he regained his confidence, and he spoke with confidence, as if he had returned to the old friend who called friends to give to Wen. There are times when the mountains demand justice.

  The village chief had nothing to worry about seeing his family and He Meimei, he said a few words to Mrs. Zhang and walked away slowly.

  Chen Ningya was busy processing those fruits, she didn't even know there was this one.

The days were busy and full. When the first snow fell, Wen Youshan stopped going into the mountains, but his failure to enter the mountains did not mean that others did not enter the mountains, especially Zhang Yun from Zhangjiagou. During this time, Wen Youshan followed him. The business he cooperated with made 10 taels of silver, Wen Youshan got 4 taels, and Zhang Yun got 6 taels.

This amount of money is nothing to Wen Youshan, but it is different for Zhang Yun. This is a huge sum of money, which is a bit ugly. It is estimated that there is no family in Zhangjiagou that has six or two families. With this money, Not only can he repair the house, but he can also marry a daughter-in-law. With the sweetness, Zhang Yun can't stop. If he doesn't stop, Wen Youshan can only follow along. Fortunately, the snow has not yet come down, so he will go to the county town twice a month. I can handle it, so I continue to do this business.

When he was not going to the county seat, Wen Youshan would let Chen Ningya teach him how to read at home. Chen Ningya taught him ten characters a day, and then he would let Wen Youshan practice by himself. Continue to check again the next day, if there is no problem, I will teach new ones.

Wen Youshan studied hard. Although it was not a material for reading, he couldn't stand the random checks day after day. Even an idiot could remember those characters. In addition, he still practiced calligraphy. Yes, that's enough, Wen Youshan doesn't ask much.

He was happy and attentive in his studies, and the younger brothers also followed suit. When the Wen Yuanliang brothers came back from the school, they discovered that the younger brother, whom he had not seen for a few months, had made rapid progress in his knowledge. I read a lot of poems, but I don't understand the meaning.

  Wen Yuanliang suddenly became fond of talents, and took advantage of the winter at home to give Wen Yuanxing a detailed explanation.

In a blink of an eye, it was New Year's Eve. This year of the Wen family was the same as last year. The difference was that Chen Ningya made two new winter clothes for each of them, one made of silk, the other made of linen and silk. In fact, it is the bottom of the box, and she will not wear it on weekdays, but Chen Ningya is happy, she does not want to wrong her own children.

There were also a lot of food on the dining table. Seeing that a few small ones were delicious, Chen Ningya said to Wen Youshan: "When you see Zhang Yun in a few days, you can tell him to tell your uncle's house, and just say that in the future. We accept their dry goods and let them deliver as much as they have."

  Wen Yuanliang raised his head in surprise, frowned and said, "Mother, we can't finish eating so much, so don't bother."

Chen Ningya pondered: "Listen to me, that's right, our family will buy a shop in the county town during the Chinese New Year. Before, I and my father agreed to rent out the shop, but now I have changed my mind. We will run the shop ourselves. Just sell dry goods, not only the mountain goods from your uncle’s side, but also the seafood that your father rushed to the sea can also be made into dry goods, and then they will be sold in the shop, anyway, the dry goods are stored, and they are well preserved and are not afraid of being damaged.”

   As soon as these words came out, the whole family put down their chopsticks and stopped eating. This is a very important event. How can it be light in Chen Ningya's mouth?

Especially Wen Youshan, who was already dazed by shock, "Ma'am, is this possible? The eldest, the second, and the third will go to the county town to study during the new year. I have to go to the sea to do business. We have to rely on the big girl and the second girl, how can we have any hands!"

   (end of this chapter)

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