Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 193: naming

   Chapter 193 Name

  Wen Yuanjing and Wen Yuanxing had the best relationship. Seeing that he couldn't bear it like this, he hurriedly said, "It's okay, little brother, you can go to Fucheng when you get a child."

   One sentence made Wen Yuanxing's heart feel cold, "How long will it wait? I'm only seven years old, and it will take at least three years for me to end, in case I fail the exam once."

  Wen Yuanxing gestured with his fingers, only to feel that there is no love in life.

  Wen Yuanhong pondered for a while, then looked at Chen Ningya eagerly, "Mother, can you ask Dad to ask Mr. Ji, can we go to Fucheng to defect to him?"

Chen Ningya shook her head regretfully, "You, Mr. Ji, have gone far away, not in Fucheng, or your eldest brother would not have entered the Wenshan Academy through the back door. Listen to your mother's words, and study at Mr. Hu's side with peace of mind. After two years, you can be sure. Off again."

Wen Yuanhong has been studying with Mr. Hu for five or six years. He is still young, and he will end well in two years. His knowledge is also solid. In addition, he is more talented in reading than Wen Yuanliang. Maybe he will be able to win the game the first time. Wen Yuanliang's better grades, not to mention Wen Yuanxing, is almost the number one talent that Mr. Hu sees, and cultivates him like his own grandson. This kid Chen Ningya is not worried.

  Wen Yuanhong was very disappointed, but he didn't take it too seriously, and asked about the new workshop.

  Chen Ningya looked at the sky and said, "It's late tonight, let the servants take you over to take a look tomorrow morning, and then you can see for yourself."

  Chen Ningya sold out, and the sisters Wen Yuanzhen wanted to watch the fun, but they didn't break it. They were dazed and puzzled, and nodded in agreement.

  The next day, before dawn, the brothers got up to exercise, sweating and feeling refreshed. As soon as they changed their clothes, they ate something to bolster their stomachs and went out.

The dim light of the morning light made the surrounding scenery look hazy and unreal, the cold wind beat against the curtains of the car, Wen Yuanxing tightened his coat, and regretted going out, "Second brother, you said that you have nothing to do with such a bad idea. What? I can read two more books at home!"

  Wen Yuanhong let out a puff of white smoke and said calmly, "It's as if you're not curious yourself. Besides, you read books every day, every month, and every year, don't you want to relax?"

   Wen Yuanxing couldn't deny these words, he closed his crackling mouth obediently, and after a while he started to doze off, not to mention, it was very comfortable to curl up like this.

   Just when Wen Yuanxing was about to dream, the carriage stopped.

  Wen Yuanhong shook him awake, "Arrived, get off."

  Wen Yuanxing came back to his senses, the sleepy bug flew away, and jumped off the carriage excitedly, "My dear! It's finally here!"

   After the brothers stood still, they looked at the high wall gate in front of them and smiled, "Is this here?"

  The driver nodded at the side, grinned, and shouted loudly: "Open the door, the second and third masters are here!"

   Soon a head popped out of the window on the courtyard wall. After confirming that someone was coming, he rushed down to open the door.

   Hearing the sound of the heavy door creaking, the brothers couldn't help their hearts racing.

   The servant who opened the door trotted forward to salute Wen Yuanhong and Wen Yuanxing, and said respectfully, "The two young masters came very early today, and they have just started work."

   said, under the leadership of the servant, the brothers entered the gate, and the street and the alley that could not see the end made them both gasped.

   "This is a workshop? Are you kidding me?" Wen Yuanhong blurted out in shock. If he hadn't known that they came from his own workshop, he would have thought that this was a ghost town! All that I can see are houses and bottomless streets. There are so many houses, but there is not even a shadow of a person. The silence makes people feel cold.

The servant replied respectfully: "Second Young Master, this is absolutely true. The workshop took half a year to build, with the hard work of hundreds of people, and it didn't take long for it to be completed. Master, they are doing woodwork in the workshop area and rushing to work. "

   "Workshop area?" Wen Yuanxing grasped the point.

The servant nodded, "The whole stockade is divided into two parts, the outer circle is the living area, and there are shops, and the inside of the courtyard wall is the workshop. In the future, if our servants and Zhiniang get married, they can live outside. In the living area, children can also be raised here. The wife also said that in the future, she will teach the servants to write, and she will also train a few family members who are skilled in medicine to have children.

  In this way, even if we live in a stockade, we don’t have to worry at all. There are still 600 mu of farmland here, so self-sufficiency is not a problem. "

   These words made both brothers dizzy. When did their family become so powerful? This place like a stockade belongs to their family, their family! Their mother still has such lofty aspirations, which

The two of them only felt that it was difficult to even breathe, let alone to ask questions. They walked all the way into the inner workshop area. As soon as they stepped into the courtyard door, they heard a faint movement inside. When they walked in, the voice became clearer, and the group trotted. After a quarter of an hour, I finally saw Wen Youshan.

   "Father!" Wen Yuanxing shouted at the top of his voice, and all the workers turned to look at him.

   Huang Ergou grinned and said, "Yo! The third young master is back!"

   The third young master sounded like a joke, but Wen Yuanxing didn't care and charged towards Wen Youshan like a cannonball.

  Wen Youshan was busy putting down his work, "My little ancestor, you run slowly! Why are you here?"

  Wen Youshan picked up the younger son and looked at the second son.

Wen Yuanhong saluted Wen Youshan in a proper manner, his face was red, and he looked at him with admiration, and said, "Mother said that the family built a workshop, and she didn't say anything, let us come and see for ourselves. Here we are, Dad, is this really our family's workshop?"

Wen Youshan laughed when he saw his heart-felt expression, touched the back of his second son's head and said, "Didn't you see it? It just so happened that the name hasn't been given here yet, so let the two of you think about it, in the room over there. There are pens, ink, paper, inkstones, snacks and hot tea, hurry in and don’t freeze.”

  The brothers entered the door obediently, saw Wen Youshan continue to work, and hurried to think of the name, accompanied by the voice of work and chatting and laughing in his ears, Wen Yuanhong picked up a pen and named the entire stockade "I don't know."

   Wen Yuanxing almost sprayed the tea in his mouth when he saw the name, widened his eyes and asked, "Second brother, what do you think?"

  Wen Yuanhong explained triumphantly: "'No' is homophonic to 'cloth', and 'knowledge' is homophonic to 'woven'. I don't know if the village is a cloth weaving village! How simple!"

Wen Yuanxing said with admiration, "Second brother, I didn't expect you to have such a sense of humor! Well, since you thought of such a name, I won't argue with you, but the name of the workshop is what I want, so I just call it 'Zizhiyuan'. '."

   (end of this chapter)

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