Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 194: Nagahara's

   Chapter 194 The Nagahara Family

   Wen Yuanhong immediately understood what he meant, and said with a wicked smile, "You learn from me."

  Wen Yuanxing raised his head arrogantly, with a slappy expression like learning from you.

   As for the name of each yard in Zizhiyuan, it is still named after the workshop in the village, so that people who work will not be confused.

After the two handed over their names to Wen Youshan, they began to wander around the village. After looking around, they were quite satisfied with the place. Although there were no rivers and lakes around, there were many wells in the village, and the water was absolutely useless. No problem, there are irrigation wells on the other side of the farmland, generally speaking, there is nothing to fault.

   The brothers stayed in the stockade for one night before leaving.

Wen Youshan and the others stayed here even for the Chinese New Year, and they were busy until the spring plowing. At this time, I didn’t know what the village should have. The embroiderers bought by Chen Ningya also moved in, just waiting. The first batch of cocoons came and started to work.

  The people sent by Lord Wei to stalk it wandered outside for a few months, and after confirming that it was really a workshop, they withdrew.

   After a lapse of dozens of days, Wen Youshan stepped into the house again, and suddenly felt as if he had passed away. He pulled Chen Ningya and asked, "Why do I think this year will end before it begins?"

Chen Ningya's eyes were filled with resentment and sadness, "You still say it! If you are too busy to be dizzy, others will follow you to make a fool of yourself. Don't you know that this Spring Festival, the rest of our village are all old and weak, women and children, and guests come to the door during the first month of the year. The woman didn't know how to accompany her anymore, so she had to push the elderly in-laws and children out of the house. I don't know how many jokes were made!

  On the fifth day of the first lunar month, Alian Ahong and the others came in groups. The first thing they said was to ask when our family would release people. It was as if we were holding people back. "

  Wen Youshan scratched the back of his head sternly, and quickly apologized, "My lady, this time it was my fault, I shouldn't be in such a hurry, why don't my family go over and explain?"

Chen Ningya rolled her eyes, "You don't have to go, I've already done it, but now you're going to set off with a caravan for a year and you haven't been able to stay at home for a few days. When will you be running around like this? "

   After all, she still felt sorry for Wen Youshan, and she was just trying to find fault.

Wen Youshan's heart was warm, and he held the person in his arms, his voice was much softer, "Don't worry, ma'am, I am enjoying it! If you think about it, I used to leave early and return late when my family was poor. Running around, I’m not talking about my body, I still can’t see hope, and my heart is also tired. Now I have a lot of people at my disposal, and going out is not as hard as before. The most important thing is to earn money, and I have hope for life. I'm full of energy!"

   Wen Youshan also showed off his muscles, making Chen Ningya amused.

After the two talked for a while, Wen Youshan said sternly: "Go out in a few days and see if you have anything to bring to the boss. He will end in April. I happened to be in Fucheng at that time, and I can still catch up. See him before he comes off."

When it came to this, Chen Ningya couldn't take care of it anymore, and immediately called the Changyuan family, and ordered: "When your master goes to Fucheng this time, you will follow him. When you arrive there, you will be mainly responsible for taking care of the eldest young master. You can't go wrong with the things I taught you before."

   "Yes!" The Nagahara family responded calmly, apparently Chen Ningya had already talked to her.

  After the Nagahara family had retreated, Wen Youshan asked, "Is this your special arrangement?"

Chen Ningya nodded slightly, "After I came back from Fucheng, I brought the Nagahara family to my side to teach me, especially in terms of cooking, she has learned everything I taught, and she did a good job, let her take care of Yuanliang and me. Don't worry, of course, the most important thing is that she understands some superficial medical skills and can handle emergencies."

The Chang Yuan family was rescued by Chen Ningya unintentionally. Her father was a middle-aged man. He died when he was treating a patient. She also lost her money. Her mother was so angry that she and a young brother were left in the whole family. The uncle wanted to seize her house and fields but did not want to raise children, so he decided to give them to their sister and brother. sold.

   Fortunately, the sister and brother received the news in advance and fled overnight, but where can a weak woman go with a child under the age of six?

   Just when the sister and brother were desperate and living on the streets, Chen Ningya met and kindly gave some food, but the Changyuan family even offered to sell her body to her.

  Chen Ningya didn't want to accept this pair of unidentified siblings, but the Changyuan family said that she would sell herself, and she could support her brother herself. At that time, Chen Ningya was moved with compassion and agreed.

Because the Changyuan family was not the servant she chose, she did not arrange people to be embroidered maids in the workshop, but stayed at home to be rough maids. It happened that the Wen family also raised silkworms and a vegetable field. live.

   Later, Chang Yuan took a fancy to them. With the help of Chen Ningya, they got married and gave birth to a child. After Chen Ningya, she arranged Chang Yuan's family to the kitchen. Now she is the cook in the old house.

  Wen Youshan had no opinion when he heard that this person could still have medical skills.

  Three days later, Wen Youshan set off with the caravan and the Nagahara family.

After the first batch of silkworm cocoons came down, Ichizhai also officially started to operate. Due to its remote location, whether the Wen family had made a lot of publicity, several villages around Fushan Village knew about the existence of Izhaizhai, but no one in the county town was aware of it. , did not cause any major disturbance.

  The days entered April calmly.

Wen Yuanliang, who was far away in Fucheng, was reading at night with the lights on. Bailiqing, who used to make trouble with him, had a rare pause this time. Shu Yan walked in with two freshly washed clothes. Seeing that Wen Yuanliang was still reading, he quickly persuaded: " Young master, it's time for you to rest, you're going to end in two days. Didn't the dean say that you should treat it normally, why didn't you hear it? What if your body breaks down?"

  Wen Yuanliang put down the book, rolled his eyes, and asked with a smile, "Did you meet Qingzhu next to Brother Hongyu when you just went out?"

   Shu Yan nodded honestly, and said inexplicably, "I met him, but Qingzhu was in a hurry, saying that he had to go to prepare food for Young Master Feng after taking the clothes. He was very busy."

   "Then did you ask him what time of day brother Hongyu has been reading recently?" Wen Yuanliang stared at the inkstone.

   Shu Yan was at a loss for words and couldn't answer, he said, "Young master, you are different. Young Master Feng has just come to the academy and will end soon, so naturally he has to work harder."

Wen Yuanliang sneered and laughed at himself: "Why is it different? In terms of talent, I can't compare to Brother Hongyu, in terms of time to study, people are enlightened at the age of five or six, and I can't compare with me. Besides, they are admitted to Wenshan based on their ability. In the academy, I went through the back door and still lived on the dean's side. What's the reason not to work harder than others?

  If Brother Hongyu got on this government test and I got off the list, this is a big joke! In the future, I have no face to return to Qing'an County! "

   (end of this chapter)

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