Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 195: government test

   Chapter 195

If it wasn't for the questioning words he heard outside Hu Wenzhi's study that time, he wouldn't be so hard. This year, although he was eating, drinking and playing with Bailiqing Shen Wei, he was studying hard behind his back. It was like an eagle's struggle. In the first few months, Bailiqing and the others didn't know about it. Later, when Bailiqing couldn't sleep and wandered around in the middle of the night, they found out about it.

After the fight, Bailiqing and Shen Wei also sent him a lot of books and annotations from famous experts that were not available outside. It's really nothing to say, as long as Wen Yuanliang is by his side, he can always instill knowledge into him without a trace.

   So many people have put a lot of effort into him, if he doesn't pass the exam this time, he won't have the confidence to pass the government exam in the future.

   When he said this, Shu Yan didn't dare to persuade him. He obediently packed Wen Yuanliang's things, polished ink for him, and stayed up all night with him to study hard.

On the day of the prefectural examination, Shu Yan served Wen Yuanliang according to the procedure of the county examination, and got up, washed and ate. , the quality is naturally better, at least not the kind of hypocrite who can't wait to export.

At 1000 hours, Gongyuan opened the door. Thousands of candidates received the initial inspection in turn. They entered the hall in a row. They entered the four exam halls under the leadership of the four lantern-wielding boys. They were again searched by the sergeant at the door before finally entering the exam hall. Press the button. Citation to find their own seat.

In addition to the citations, candidates are not allowed to bring anything in this exam. Pens, inks, special paper, etc. are all provided by the exam room. The first two exams take one day each, and the third exam takes two days. Quilts are also provided by the examination room, and each candidate is separated and has his own place.

  Wen Yuanliang was lucky. His exam seat was in the middle and not near the toilet number, so he didn't have to worry about being disturbed by nearby movements when he was doing the exam.

As soon as the gong sounded, the examiner began to distribute the test papers. Wen Yuanliang, who got the test paper, couldn't wait to look at the test questions. The first test was the Tiejing Jing, "The Book of Filial Piety" and "The Analects of Confucius" were mandatory; You can choose one or both of Zuozhuan; the Book of Songs, Zhou Li and Rites of the Zhongjing can choose one or two; ” and “The Legend of Hubliang” are optional, and they can be written in dictation according to the specified paragraphs. This test is both memory and calligraphy.

  It is said that every word is like a meeting, and a person's general character can be seen from a person's words. Those who can pass the county examination naturally don't have to worry about the character.

This year, under the supervision of the yard, Wen Yuanliang has improved a lot in his writing. Compared with the immaturity of the county exam, he seems to have some rules and regulations. What he has to do in this exam is to play normally and completely dictate the scriptures. down.

When Wen Yuanliang was writing and writing quickly, other people also focused on the examination paper. When Wen Yuanliang finished writing "The Classic of Filial Piety" and "The Analects of Confucius", the sun had already come out, and the candle by the table was half burnt, so he hurriedly put out the candle , looked at the sky, lowered his head and continued to answer.

In the Book of Rites and Zuo Zhuan in the Great Classic, he was more familiar with the Book of Rites, and he chose the Book of Rites without hesitation. "Book of Songs" is not an unusual way. He chose "Book of Changes" in the Xiaojing, not because he is familiar with "Book of Changes", but Lao Jitou has been studying "Book of Changes" so much that he In the past, I was often punished for copying the "Book of Changes" when I made mistakes. I wrote a lot, so of course, practice makes perfect.

This exam went well. As dusk was approaching, Wen Yuanliang checked his answer sheet again and raised his hand to call the invigilator when he was sure that there was no problem. The invigilator took the test paper and a set of test utensils in a pseudonym, making sure that there was no problem. Just let him out of the exam room.

   Shu Yan was staring outside the Gongyuan, and when he saw Wen Yuanliang's figure, he rushed over to help him, carefully helped the person onto the carriage, and asked, "Master, how do you feel?"

  Wen Yuanliang showed a relaxed smile, "Shang Ke, you know your young master, nothing else, but this dictation and calligraphy can still be done, but it's hard to say tomorrow."

Shu Yan saw his smile fade away, frowned slightly, and hurriedly said: "Master, what are you thinking about? It's still early, so when I go back, I can have a good chat with Master Baili, Master Shen, and the Dean. , you can go and ask the dean to give some more advice, there are always more solutions than problems."

  Wen Yuanliang showed his face and knocked on the head of the inkstone, "You are smart, let's go."

  When the carriage returned to the academy, Wen Yuanliang patted his forehead angrily, turned to look at Shu Yan, "Did you see Feng's carriage?"

   Shu Yan nodded, "I see, Young Master Feng came out earlier than you, and as soon as he came out, he got on the carriage in a hurry, and the little one didn't even have time to greet him."

  Wen Yuanliang was silent for a moment, nodded slightly, and didn't ask any more questions.

The second test is poetry, this time it is to test the talent of candidates. From poetry, you can see a person's literary quality. He used to write poetry and fu only in general, and the things he wrote were dry, even his own old man. Dad, who doesn't understand poetry and poetry, felt uncomfortable when he read it. Although Old Jitou taught him a lot later, he barely let him pass the county exam, but it was still not enough.

   During this year, the dean devoted himself to making up for his weak points. Every day, he wrote three poems and two fu, which forced his elm wood to become enlightened.

   Now his poems are not particularly outstanding, but he can also do it well. At least the dean will no longer dislike it and frown at the beginning.

After the    test paper was sent out, Wen Yuanliang first read the title, carefully recalled the similar articles he had done, and then wrote those poems on the scratch paper according to his memory, and kept revising them.

It's not that he wants to be opportunistic, but that these poems have been instructed by the dean, and they have also been revised. .

   So, Wen Yuanliang spent most of the exam day revising the poems he had written, and when he finished writing, he found that many people had handed in the papers and left the exam room.

   This time, he looked around as soon as he came out. There was no carriage from the Feng family. It seemed that Feng Hongyu left one step earlier than him.

  Wen Yuanliang gave a wry smile and went back.

The content of the third test is policy theory, which is different from the second test. The test is about the candidates’ problem-solving ability. The questions are set by the examiner, and the scope is wide and it is more meaningful than the classics and poems. It is also much more difficult. If you answer the question well, you can highlight the practical ability of the examinee. If you answer the question badly, then there is nothing to say.

   (end of this chapter)

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