Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 196: Lopsided

   Chapter 196

Compared with other people's worries, Wen Yuanliang is much calmer. After all, he came from a poor family, and he is not incapable of common affairs. He can't even tell the five grains. In addition, when he was a child, he went up and down the mountains and fields into the water with Wen You, and followed Wen after him. There are mountains and goods, and he even participated in building a house and opening a shop at home.

After coming to Fucheng, under the guidance of the old Jitou and the dean, I learned about some political affairs, and because I often hang out with Bailiqing Shen Wei, I heard a lot of intrigue in the officialdom or anecdotes that the officials saw only. A load of business methods, these are his valuable experience.

   On the same day, Wen Yuanliang went to see the dean as usual. The prude and disheveled man was drinking in the bamboo forest. He heard footsteps and asked without looking back, "The exam is over! How do you feel?"

  Wen Yuanliang bowed respectfully and replied, "Sir, the student has changed the article he wrote before, it is unknown whether he can pass it or not."

The dean sneered and scolded lazily: "Little bastard! You dare to play tricks in front of me! Go back and read the book well, there will be another game tomorrow, if you don't perform well tomorrow, I will hang you in the bamboo forest for three days and three days. At night, I won't give you food or water to drink."

   The somber voice of the dean made Wen Yuanliang's face turn pale with fright. He was well aware of this man's ruthlessness and unreasonable play, so Wen Yuanliang didn't dare to take risks, and hurried back to his room to review his homework.

  Fortunately, he didn't have nightmares because of the president's threat that night. When he woke up, he was full of energy and went to the Gongyuan to serve in Shu Yan. This time he finally met Feng Hongyu.

  Compared to Wen Yuanliang's high spirits, Feng Hongyu looked a little haggard, but he was in good spirits. The two smiled at each other and silently entered the examination room under the inspection of the soldiers.

   As soon as Wen Yuanliang saw the test paper, his eyes suddenly widened. He thought about the various possibilities of the test questions, but he never expected that the test questions turned out to be "

  I was born with a landscape addiction, and the unfolding of the volume is as sweet as the mountains. The ancient trees are all black with smoke, and the distant mountains and sunsets see sharp points. The danger is absolutely not only the wandering child, the quiet foot comforts the old man to dive. Looking at the clouds on the road is more intimate, not adding more because of millet.

   Gyeonggi Jiagu Wanbang Chong, jade seeds should be the first good abundance. Near the Shencang for jade food, all the treasure crown Tiangong is collected. The color of the spring is green, and the rice is fragrant and the lotus petals are red. People know that Kunlun is in the sky, and the green essence is not the same as below.


If he remembered correctly, the first one was "Inscriptions on Rice Yuanhui Paintings" by Wang Mian, and it was written about millet, but the second one was more difficult. According to the meaning of the verse, it seemed to be very similar to the bi-japonica rice grown in their village. For example, one is about millet and the other is about japonica rice. There are no questions. How should I answer this?

To be honest, this topic is a bit unfair. How can the poor students know what bi-japonica rice is, let alone the poor students, even people from a well-off family like Feng Hongyu may not have heard of it, that is, their family has grown some of them. I just realized that since the examiner has asked such a question, he will definitely not simply express the worth of millet and bi-japonica rice. The left and right should be based on the people's livelihood and political affairs. Is it so difficult? It doesn't seem right either.

  Wen Yuanliang was lost in thought, while the other candidates were scratching their ears and cheeks. Some of them were already crying, and the invigilator immediately went over to warn them.

   In such an atmosphere, Wen Yuanliang began to answer with a pen in a heavy heart.

This question alone tortured him enough. He almost finished writing it from dawn to evening. There were still two questions left unanswered. The test time was two days, and he still had one day to finish the other two. The question is probably too late.

  In order to relax tomorrow, Wen Yuanliang turned on the lamp and answered at night. This year, he has become accustomed to reading at night. It is already dark and others are starting to get tired.

   He didn't lie down and rest until he finished answering the first draft of the second question, revised it twice, and packed up his things.

It is said to be a rest, but the conditions in this examination room are simply terrible. The place to sleep is made up of stools, and the whole person cannot stretch. That is, the weather in Dizhou is cool in April. If he spends a night in such a place in summer, he will definitely collapse. .

  Wen Yuanliang thought that he would not sleep well this night, but he underestimated his ability to adapt. After laying down, he fell asleep almost in seconds. When he woke up again, he found that it was bright and bright, and it was estimated that half an hour had passed.

   Wen Yuanliang froze, his mind was instantly clear, he quickly took out his paper and ink, looked at the title and yesterday's draft again, and revised it after careful consideration, and began to transcribe.

When he finished writing, it was just after the Mao Shi, and now he was relieved. He ate two mouthfuls of dry food and went straight to the last question. The last question was about government affairs, which revolved around the endless war in Mobei. Can.

  Although he has never eaten pork, he has seen the pig run. He has heard about Mobei from Jiang Dayi over the years, and the cruelty of the war. If Wen Yuanliang was asked to answer, he must have written more deeply than others.

It is also because of this that he put this question at the end. From the moment he picked up the pen, the movement of his hand did not stop. After writing thousands of words, he stopped writing when he found that there were too many. It was not yet noon. He needs to simplify and refine his draft and move it to the answer sheet, and the time is still a bit rushed.

   After Wen Yuanliang put all the answers on the answer sheet, he looked up and was a little dazed. Is the government exam over like this?

   It didn't take long for him to sigh, someone had already started raising their hands to hand in the papers, he hurriedly checked it again and made sure that there was no problem and then handed in the papers.

When    walked out of the examination room, Wen Youshan subconsciously wanted to go to the inkstone, but was stopped by someone. Looking back, it was Feng Hongyu who came out one step later than him.

   "Brother Hongyu? I thought you had already come out." The surprise in Wen Yuanliang's eyes was undisguised.

   Feng Hongyu smiled bitterly, "The question in the last game is really difficult, so I handed in the paper a lot late. Judging by Brother Yuanliang's expression, it seems that he did well in the test."

   "Where is it, it's just doing my best." Wen Yuanliang said warmly.

  The two walked to the opposite side of the Gongyuan and got into the carriage.

  Qingzhu saw that his young master's face was not very good, and asked in a low voice worriedly, "Young Master, do you want to go back to the other courtyard or the academy?"

"Other courtyard." Feng Hongyu whispered, listening to the sound of the carriage passing by, and slowly lowered his eyes. I don't know when it started, he found that his relationship with Wen Yuanliang was gradually drifting away, because when he was in the school Did he not speak for him? Or is the relationship gradually fading because of being separated for a long time?

If it was because of the school, he had already explained it, but with Wen Yuanliang's temper of hatred and hatred, I'm afraid he still has grudges, but he can't do anything about it. Mr. Hu is his mentor, and those are his seniors. There is no place for him to speak, except for Wen Yuanliang's grievances in his heart, he can't say anything, more words are more wrong.

   (end of this chapter)

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