Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 344: will try the second

   Chapter 344 The Second Test

  Wen Yuanliang didn't realize it. After arranging things properly, he closed his eyes and rested. He didn't open his eyes until the paper was sent, and he turned to the back to see the newly added questions.

This time, the exam is engineering. When they were in Zhuo Mansion, Zhuo Mingxuan and Zhuo Qianzhao had already told them that the Ministry of Engineering was mainly in charge of engineering water conservancy, transportation and field matters. It seems that there are not many things, but the actual situation is the Ministry of Engineering. People are all busy, and even if they arrange ten more people, they can’t finish it. Just talking about a water conservancy project, as small as farmland ditches, roughly canals and reservoirs, and in combination with Feng Shui theory, design according to local conditions, material selection, cost estimation, and human organization. etc.

   This time the question is to solve the water conservancy problem of a certain place under the set situation. This kind of question is too flexible, and it is difficult to answer for a while, so I can only look at the previous five policy theories.

  The first question "Will be known by the law, and the law will know the kindness. If it is limited to the rank and the rank, then the honor will be known."

   Question 2 "On the Books of the Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty to the King of Nanyue to Zhao Tuo."

The third question "The establishment of academies has three purposes, so to build a country? To cultivate talents and revitalize the industry. The people cannot stand on their own, and must learn to teach them, so that everyone has the virtue of kindness, loyalty, and self-support skills. It is necessary The knowledge of the eastern and western countries is the same. The Xiongnu paid special attention to the spirit of martial arts, which is also the education of the people. It emphasizes politics, law, financial management, and diplomacy, so as to prepare for the appointment. This is the education of talents. Industry, commerce, and mining studies, with a view to enriching the country and benefiting the people, are the education for revitalizing industry. Which of the three is the most urgent policy.”

   Question 4: "Nanzhao's foreign policy often uses the name of land preservation to gain benefits. The history of the past century is used to prove its policy."

The fifth question "Zhou Li said that the agricultural administration is the most detailed, and the scholars have the knowledge of farming. Recently, countries in various countries are studying agricultural affairs, and more and more people are used to change the climate. The key is land, capital, and labor. It is true that we can make good use of these three. Knowledge and knowledge. Now we have revised the educational system and listed it as a specialist, hoping to preserve the legacy of essential techniques. Try Chen Jiao Nong's strategy."

   After reading the five questions, Wen Yuanliang suddenly felt that Alexander, this kind of question is really killing people, especially one more question, and I don't know if I can answer it in three days.

  Thinking of this, he immediately put aside his lazy mind and began to ponder the topic carefully. The first topic was Zhuge Liang's "Answering Fa Zhengshu" from the Three Kingdoms. It means to use decrees to create deterrence, and when the decrees are implemented, people will feel the favor. To show status by titles, people will feel honored when they are promoted to titles.

   means that grace and glory should play a role together, and there is a hierarchy between the top and bottom, which is the outline of governing a country. If you do this, your merits will be revealed. From this perspective, this question is not difficult to answer.

Just as Wen Yuanliang was writing, he heard the sound of coughing intermittently next to him, and his heart throbbed. Although there was a wall, there was no need to worry about being infected, but the next door was coughing like this. ?

When his brows were almost tied, the voice next door finally stopped, and it changed to the other side. He was really about to go crazy, but he had no choice but to put down the pen first, slowly closed his eyes, deeply He took a few breaths, forced himself to remain calm, and temporarily ignored the sounds around him. After numbing himself a few times, he opened his eyes again and continued to answer.

This time, he arranged the time very tightly, without wasting a bit, and even eating things was done casually. When Zheng Ying was patrolling by, he subconsciously glanced at the carbon stove on the ground, thinking that this person is finally normal. some more.

Wen Yuanliang didn't even know that he was being watched, and he worked hard without anything else. He didn't put down his pen until it was dark and his vision was blurred. He looked up and saw that candles were already lit in the surrounding rooms, and he looked at himself. that candle.

Each examinee only has one candle a night. He must stop writing when the candle burns out. He must stay up all night tonight. He doesn’t want to waste this candle, so Wen Yuanliang quickly heated the dry food by the weak light, and after eating it whole, he went to After a trip to the latrine, I made sure that there was no problem, then lit the candle and lit it at night.

The candles burned shorter and shorter, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and the test paper was wet with sweat, so he could only keep wiping the sweat with his sleeves. He took a few breaths, blew out the candle first, sat in the dark and waited for the test paper to dry, then lit the candle and carefully put away the things.

The waiting time is always long, especially in the dark, and the perception is much sharper than usual, especially the fragrance of deworming medicine that permeates all around, and the coughing sound that has not stopped during the day, and is directly amplified at night. After hearing it many times, his throat felt itchy, and he coughed twice for no reason.

   came back to his senses, he hurriedly rubbed against the charcoal stove to keep warm, for fear of catching a cold.

After about two quarters of an hour, it was estimated that the test paper was almost dry before he lit the candle again, carefully put away the things, went to the toilet again, came back and drank a few sips of hot water, lay down and rested, and after a while, there was a loud noise. The snoring came from inside the room.

   The soldier guarding the gate was really about to kneel down for him, and the candidates in the two rooms next to him were coughing. How did he manage to sleep like a dead pig in such an environment?

So that night, the soldiers guarding the gate have been struggling with this problem. From the loud snoring, to the end, to the irregular snoring, the two sick candidates around were tortured crazy and made big noises. Wen Yuanliang couldn't wake up, so he could only hold back his breath.

The next day, Wen Yuanliang was woken up by the sound of coughing. When he woke up, he was still a little stunned. He looked to the left and then to the right. It seemed that whoever coughed so badly on both sides seemed to be in competition. Absolutely.

Wen Yuanliang shook his head in confusion, got up and stretched his waist. As usual, he made a charcoal stove, ate hot food, and went to the latrine. When he came back, he saw the soldier guarding the gate staring at him, and subconsciously touched his face. , No, he shouldn't have touched anything dirty on his face.

Because he didn't understand, he didn't bother anymore. He went into the room to prepare, and then started to be honest with the test questions. Yesterday, he worked hard for a day, but only finished three questions. The last question still needs to be changed. The time is too long. Tension, can not relax! Can't stop!

Thinking of this, he continued to write. Even the lunch was not hot in the afternoon. He kept writing until he wanted to go to the toilet before he started to eat hot. After solving the physiological problem, he continued to work. This night was similar to yesterday, still at a high level. Passed through the tension, the difference was that the cough on the left was gone, but now he didn't have the time to think about why the neighbor who coughed to death last night was silent at night?

   (end of this chapter)

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