Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 345: math problem

   Chapter 345 Arithmetic Problems

On the fifth day, when Wen Yuanliang woke up, he felt that the stubble on his face had grown lush like bamboo shoots after a rain, his cheeks were visibly thinner, and his belt had grown a section. He was a little overwhelmed, but his mental state was okay. Maybe he had adapted to this difficult environment, and his body was numb. He went to the latrine. When he came back, he met two soldiers at the corner carrying a white cloth covered with them. The person went out, and his whole body broke out in a cold sweat.

   Thinking of the neighbor on his left, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva. Was that person also carried away? Otherwise, how could there be no movement at all!

Back in the numbered room, Wen Yuanliang made some big noises this time. He listened carefully to the voices on both sides. The man on the right was still coughing, but he sounded a little weak, as if he wanted to cough but couldn't cough it out. is quiet.

In this situation, he really didn't dare to think too much, so he quickly took out his paper and continued to answer the questions. When the whole person's attention was immersed, his fear gradually dissipated. It was not until it was dark and all the candles were burnt out that he didn't Answer all questions clearly.

Lying on the wooden board, listening to the dark night, he stretched out his palm and couldn't see anything. He listened carefully to the sounds around him. The coughing sounds of the previous two days were gone, and there were only a few sporadic sounds coming from farther away. When the place came, he really wanted to ask the brother in the room on the right, but he couldn't. After making a few loud noises, the right side didn't respond to him. He was anxious and drowsy, so he went to the meeting with Zhou Hexing again. .

It's just that this night was doomed to be unsettled. When it was almost dawn, the spring rain started to fall, and the temperature dropped sharply. What's more unfortunate was that there was a place where the room he lived in would leak, and the cold rain wet his shoes. Abruptly woke him up.

Wen Yuanliang shuddered, glanced at his shoes, and found that most of them were wet. When he moved his feet away, there was the sound of dripping water in the good room. Fortunately, it was in the corner, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do the quiz today. .

   Just as he was rejoicing, there was a sudden cry in the distance. It seemed that the paper was wet, and the cry was shrill and desperate, causing everyone to get up and check their papers. Before dawn, everyone woke up.

  Wen Yuanliang stared at his shoes and smiled bitterly, for a while he was afraid that he would do the problem with bare feet.

   It was difficult to wait until the sky was full of light, and when he could almost see things clearly, he began to do the problem, put the shoes on the charcoal stove, and prayed that the shoes would be dried in such a day.

The rain is still falling, and there is no tendency for it to decrease at all. He doesn't even want to go to the toilet. When he goes out, he has to be exposed to the rain. This environment is already bad enough. It is more practical to put all the effort on doing the questions.

   Being so busy, when he put all the answers on the paper, it was almost time for the second exam.

   After handing in the papers, he was finally able to breathe a little and sort out his thoughts. Now in the entire Gongyuan, I don’t know how many candidates have left, how many people have fallen, and how many people are still lingering like the old man on his right.

Because the papers are all collected, as long as you don't leave the room, you can still talk. Wen Yuanliang thought of this, his eyes lit up, and the soldier who was guarding the door asked, "Little brother, I can talk to the buddy next to me. talk?"

The    soldier replied with a stern face: "The exam time is up, you can talk, but you can't touch, but there is no one around you. Who do you want to talk to?"

Wen Yuan's conscience sank, and he looked at the left side and then the right side in disbelief, only to realize that there was no sound on the right side, and when he looked out, seeing that the guards on the left and right were all gone, he couldn't help but feel cold, "Where's the people? "

The soldier looked better when he saw how scared he was, and said, "The one on your left is an old man who took an exam while he was sick, but he didn't hold back, he is gone. What's the situation, but at least I was still angry when I left."

These words made Wen Yuanliang feel more and more uncomfortable. They all said that once a success is a success, it is not an exaggeration to describe the imperial examination. Everyone only sees the glory of high school people, so how do you know how much is behind it? Human life!

The    soldier saw that he was lethargic, so he stopped talking and continued to stand guard.

  Wen Yuanliang sat back, stared at the burning fire, and ate his dinner like chewing wax, without thinking about anything else, he simply packed up and lay down to sleep.

   On the seventh day, it was also the last exam.

  Early in the morning, the chirping of birds could still be heard in the Gongyuan. The rain had stopped, the sky was still a little gloomy, and the wind was a bit stronger.

   After a series of preparations, the gong rang and the exam began.

  The third test mainly examines the "Four Books" and "Five Classics", five-character and eight-rhyme poems, and arithmetic.

There are two new math topics, which are "Today (people) buy things together, (each) person pays eight (money), and the surplus (surplus) is three; the person pays seven (money), less than four (money) , ask the number of people and the price?", "Today, there is a chicken weng with five dollars, a chicken mother with three dollars, and a chick with three dollars for one. Every one hundred dollars can buy a hundred chickens. Ask the chicken weng and the mother and the chick how much?"

  The meaning of the first question is that when someone buys something, each person pays 8 yuan, the excess is 33 yuan, each person pays 7 yuan, and the shortage is 4 yuan. Ask how many people and how much the price is. This is a typical surplus-deficiency problem. It is not difficult for him. It is easy to calculate through assumptions and then explain. The second problem is the problem of 100 chickens, which means that a rooster costs five yuan and a hen costs five yuan. The price is three cents, three chicks are one cent, and one hundred dollars is used to buy one hundred chickens, and a few roosters and hens.

   Honestly, most of the people who read the Book of Sages and Sages can’t even understand the abacus. Isn’t it hard to ask them to answer such a down-to-earth question! Maybe the old ladies in their family can answer better than them when they come.

Wen Yuanliang shook his head, sighed, and then turned to the front to look at the four questions. The first title was "The way of the university is to be bright and virtuous, to be close to the people, and to stop at the ultimate good and righteousness"; the second title is "Neutral and not dependent. Strong and righteousness”; the third title is “To the people of the world, gather the world to produce goods, trade and retreat, and each gets his righteousness”; the fourth title is a poem title, the title is “Xia Xue”.

Wen Yuanliang frowned when he saw the title of the poem, scolded the examiner again, and buried his head in answering with grief and indignation. In order to free up time for the two maths and poetry, he had to grit his teeth on the first day. After answering the three classics, he woke up the next day, wrote the poem while he was still in good spirits and had more inspiration, and revised it. He breathed a sigh of relief, a problem that was extremely difficult for others was not difficult for him.

   (end of this chapter)

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