Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 346: it's finally over

   Chapter 346 is finally over

The first problem of surplus and deficiency can be calculated using the formula. The number of people is the excess of three yuan plus the shortfall of four yuan, that is, the total number of people is seven, and the price can be calculated as fifty-three yuan through the number of people, and then Explain in detail, explain the surplus and deficiency technique again, and then write out the problem-solving ideas step by step, so that you will not lose points if you are well organized.

The second question of the Hundred Chicken Techniques, there are many solutions to the Hundred Chicken Techniques in history, but most of them have no rules, and the answers are obtained purely by chance. At the bottom, it can really kill more than 90% of the readers.

When Wen Yuanliang was thinking, he vaguely heard the low weeping coming from all around him, he cried twice and then coughed twice, he heard that his brows were almost tied into a knot, and it was almost sunset, so if he didn't hurry to make it, When it gets dark, I'm afraid that my brain will become a muddy, and I have no clue if I want to think.

  Thinking about this, he focused on the test questions again. Three different chickens were mixed together, and the whole difficulty was raised. What if one was removed?

Thinking of this, he began to write on the scratch paper. Suppose there were no roosters and one hundred hens and chicks would be bought for one hundred dollars. It would be simple. After calculating, there were seventy-five chicks and twenty-five hens. Only, in the case of the same number of chickens, delete the number of chickens and hens and replace them with the number of roosters, as long as the total amount of money is 100, there is nothing wrong.

   This method is rigid, but certainly doesn't lose points, and it makes sense.

When he finished the last math problem, it was getting dark. Looking at the candles that had not come in use, Wen Yuanliang didn't want to waste it. Anyway, it was his last night in Gongyuan. Things, and because I finished all the questions, I was in a good mood, so I simply cooked some porridge for myself to nourish my stomach.

The soldier guarding the gate was curious when he heard the movement behind him, but he never looked back. After the strong aroma of porridge wafted out, he was in a bad mood. He thought to himself, is this person giving up on himself and not going to do the problem well, why? Do you still have the leisure to cook porridge at such a time?

Dai Yuyang, who had just come down to patrol, also smelled the fragrance of the porridge. They followed the smell and saw a person in the dark room sipping porridge with relish. .

  Wen Yuanliang took a big mouthful of half a bowl and raised his head just to meet Dai Yuyang's eyes. Both of them were extremely surprised. Wen Yuanliang suddenly asked, "Do you want to eat?"

   God **** you want to eat it! Always eat and eat! The gatekeeper roared wildly in his heart.

   Dai Yuyang came back to his senses and glanced at each other awkwardly. They were also court officials, how could they have done such a shameful act, they should not have done so, they shook their heads and walked away quickly.

Wen Yuanliang saw that the people were gone, so he hurriedly drank the rest of the porridge and went to the toilet again. He felt comfortable and refreshed. Then he sat down, lit the candle, and verified the two math problems again. After copying the question onto the answer sheet, it was just over halfway through the candle, so he simply pondered the poem he wrote during the day, and moved the answer when he felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

   The remaining three scriptures will be copied tomorrow.

After An Xin lay down, this time he ignored the situation around him and slept soundly until dawn, thinking that he would be able to leave the Gongyuan today, he felt like he had been beaten with blood, and his whole body was full of energy. , checked the answers to the three questions again, and then carefully copied them. After finishing them, they admired their handwriting beautifully, and when they felt that they were almost done, they put the pen and ink in the test basket, sat quietly, and waited for the soldiers to take away the papers.

When he was bored, he stretched out his long legs and kept dangling his feet. He looked at the roof and the walls for a while. He felt like an arrow in his heart. When the gong sounded, he immediately stood up and guarded the door. The soldier gave him a strange look as he carefully gathered up his papers.

   Wen Yuanliang was very puzzled by this look.

   It wasn't until it was announced that the candidates could leave the examination room that Wen Yuanliang chased after him and asked, "Brother, is there something dirty on my face?"

   The gatekeeper shook his head strangely.

   "Then why do you look at me so strangely?" Wen Yuanliang asked.

   The gatekeeper was stern and innocent.

  Wen Yuanliang was stunned for a moment, then he waved his hand, "Forget it, don't care, I'm free!"

   After he said that, he turned around immediately, and jumped away like a fool.

   The gatekeeper murmured, "Are you crazy?"

Wen Yuanliang, who was thought to be insane, rushed to the gate of the Gongyuan and found that all the candidates were like eggplants beaten by Shuang. Weak and powerless, he fell on the threshold of the Gongyuan, causing exclamations from all around him.

   Zhuo Qianyu, who was waiting anxiously in the carriage, gritted his teeth and was about to go down, "No, I can't wait, and I don't know how my husband is doing?"

   Zhuo Qianxun pressed the person down, "You sit down and I'll take a look."

   Before Zhuo Qianxun approached the entrance of the Gongyuan, he saw Wen Yuanliang jumping and jumping out of the Gongyuan like a madman, in stark contrast to a kind of disease.

Wen Yuanliang didn't pay any attention to the strange eyes of the people around him. He searched the crowd with piercing eyes. He saw Zhuo Qianxun at once, and he jumped three feet high and shouted loudly, "Brother Third Uncle, I'm here. !"

   Zhuo Qianxun saw that the eyes of everyone looking at him changed, and he wanted to rush up to cover Wen Yuanliang's mouth and drag him away.

   When Wen Yuanliang ran in front of him, he couldn't hold back and said, "I said what's the matter with you? People go in for a few days, and they come out as if they've lost half their life. Why do you still look so alive?"

   said, Zhuo Qianxun suddenly pinched his nose, "No, are you being locked in there stupid? Look at you smelling all over! Hurry up and stay away from me."

  Wen Yuanliang was used to smelling it for a long time, and he didn't feel that he stinks at all. Seeing that Zhuo Qianxun disliked it like this, he was so angry that he directly stuck it up and held him tightly.

   Zhuo Qianxun struggled and screamed.

   "Brother, if you still have energy, come over and help."

  Wen Yuanliang and Zhuo Qianxun turned their heads together, and saw Wen Yuanhong and Qi Zixi were supporting Feng Hongyu and staggering towards them, followed by Xue Zheng who seemed to fall down at any time, and the two hurried over to help.

   Zhuo Qianxun had just supported Xue Zheng when Xue Zheng fell down and fell unconscious.

  Wen Yuanliang shouted in the direction of the carriage with a serious face: "Go back and ask the doctor!"

   Several of the inkstones who were running over immediately hurried away, and only Yuanbao kept to help. After a few people got into the carriage, the inside of the carriage immediately threw their whips and rushed out.

   "Master, where are we going?"

  Wen Yuanliang said without thinking: "Go back to the house in Liu'an Lane, and send someone to spread the word to a few other houses."

   (end of this chapter)

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