Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 358: will try to reveal the list

  Chapter 358

   These words made Wen Yuanliang extremely stressed. He touched his nose angrily and muttered, "Where did you get the confidence to speak so confidently, even I almost believed it!"

Qi Zixi gave Wen Yuanliang a funny look, put her arms around Wen Yuanhong's neck, and started making a fuss, "Whether you are one of the top two or top three, as long as you are in the top, you are good at it! Besides, you are young, even if you are a fellow jinshi, it is not ashamed. The future is bright!"

  Wen Yuanhong's smile widened and he nodded happily.

  In the inner courtyard, several women were also talking and laughing. Hu Yiyun smiled sweetly, feeling like he had come through hardships.

  Zhuo Qianyu was afraid that she was inexperienced, so she specially lent her a mother who served her for a period of time, and let her go back when Hu Yiyun got everything done.

   It turned out that she had just returned two days ago, and found that the sunflower water had been going on, so I asked the doctor to come and take a look, and it was there.

   Zhuo Qianyu herself was stunned. The Qi family sent someone to say that Wen Yuanzhen was also pregnant. Now, she really didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she didn't know what to say.

  Wen Yuanliang knew this and joked: "It seems that everyone is very relaxed after the Spring Festival!"

   Zhuo Qianyu blushed, "There's no formality! Hurry up and read the book, or go and figure out what business our shop does!"

   The first sentence is incidental, and the last sentence is the point.

  Wen Yuanliang also felt that the shop should not be sloppy. After thinking about it for three or four days, he felt that his hair was falling out, but he couldn't think of any clues, so he went over to ask Zhuo Mingxuan for advice.

  Zhuo Mingxuan nodded his head in disgust at Tie Buchenggang, "Chunwei is about to release the list. You just haven't read the book for a while, why are you constantly thinking about the way of businessmen?"

   Even if you want to, you have to wait until the list is released. It is really speechless to be so unambitious.

Wen Yuanliang sneered and let Zhuo Mingxuan scold, Zhuo Qianyu came to protect people when he found out, "Dad, this is what I mean, we are all in the capital now, we always have to increase income and reduce expenditure, wondering what's wrong with the business? What if I don't want to make money? Feed a family!"

   After hearing this, Zhuo Mingxuan knew that the couple had no confidence in Chunhong, and they felt annoyed. They frowned and waved to tell them to leave quickly.

  Wen Yuanliang apologized to Zhuo Mingxuan as he walked, and had to appease the emotional Zhuo Qianyu.

   There was a lot of noise, and I didn't know how to spread it. When Mr. Dong heard it, it became Wen Yuanliang's hopeless spring, ready to do business.

Knowing that Zhuo Mingxuan would not agree, Mr. Dong specially cooked a bird's nest and came to make peace, "I said that you are not young anymore, and the children's affairs should be less involved. Yuanliang is young and vigorous now, if he It’s okay to want to do business. If he doesn’t try it, he won’t give up. If he tries and finds out that he is not a businessman, he will definitely go back and study with peace of mind. At most, it will be two years of negotiation. It's not that I can't support it."

   Zhuo Mingxuan made up his mind after hearing this, thinking that Zhuo Qianyu and Wen Yuanliang were telling the truth to Mr. Dong, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood and cursed.

Zhuo Qianzhao and several people came to persuade them in turn, but they couldn't persuade them well, but the parties involved had no idea, whether they should eat, drink, think about it, whether they were living well or not, Zhuo Qianzhao came over and saw Wen Yuanliang's reaction. He sighed and shook his head helplessly. He was not good at words, so he didn't say anything, just sat down for a while and left.

   So the entire Zhuo family acquiesced that Wen Yuanliang gave up his career.

   At the end of March, the Spring Festival was unveiled.

   On this day, Wen Yuanliang was doing a set of fists and kicks in the yard as usual, sweating all over and feeling comfortable.

Wen Yuanhong and several people came together, and even Feng Hongyu, who was recovering from a serious illness, also came. Maybe the person behind the scenes was arrested. He seemed to be in a lot of energy, and the lightness between his eyebrows had also disappeared. During this time, he was raised Some meat, just like the handsome and pretty boy in the past, but his temperament has changed greatly. He looks more calm and restrained than before, and he no longer speaks after sitting down.

   Everyone is used to it and doesn’t pay much attention to it. Most of them still focus on the Spring Festival unveiling list.

   "Brother Yuanliang, who did your family send to see the list?" Xue Zheng asked curiously.

Wen Yuanliang pouted, "Of course it's my book inkstone, now everyone thinks that I'm not doing a proper job, and they don't like me at all, and I don't know if my Yue family has sent someone there, but it doesn't matter, you can enter as long as you can, or not if you can't. already."

He was very confident at first, but Zhuo Mingxuan and the others made him doubt himself. In the end, he just stopped thinking about it. Anyway, he has a house and an estate. Zhuo Qianyu is still pregnant, and soon he will be a father again. , even if it didn't pass this time, it's okay, let's make persistent efforts next time!

   Looking at his heartless appearance, he really didn't know what he meant by being motivated. Xue Zheng couldn't learn to be so open-minded, so he simply turned his head to look at Qi Zixi and the others.

Qi Zixi was nervous, but didn't want to show his timidity, and said stubbornly: "Uncle brother is right, the big deal is to fight again next time, anyway, I'm in the capital, and I heard that we are qualified to study at the Imperial College, but most of them are there. They are all royal family members, and it is not easy to offend those related households. If possible, I would like to go to the Jingcheng Academy, where there are many people with skills, and they can learn from each other!"

   Feng Hongyu and Wen Yuanhong pursed their mouths tightly, and said nothing. From the looks of these two, they knew that they had great hopes for this spring, and they looked a little worried about gains and losses.

  Xue Zheng shook his head with a wry smile, and found that he, like Feng Hongyu and the others, simply kept his mouth shut.

  Wen Yuanliang shook the rocking chair twice and muttered lazily, "I had already adjusted my mentality, but I got nervous because of your troubles, you guys."

   Before the words were finished, Zhuo Qianxun and Shu Yan rushed in through the Moon Gate. Seeing the way they were running, everyone's hearts were lifted.

   Zhuo Qianxun ran to the crowd in front of the crowd, holding the stone table with both hands, panting heavily, staring at Wen Yuanliang with a pair of eyes, as if he was going to eat people.

  Book inkstone fell to the ground with soft legs, almost out of breath.

  Wen Yuanliang jumped up and exclaimed: "Wow! Shu Yan, it's too obvious that you've deceived people!"

   Zhuo Qianxun rolled his eyes at him, his heart beating wildly.

   Shu Yan struggled from the ground, ignoring what Wen Yuanliang said, exclaimed: "You've hit! Young master, you've hit!"

  Wen Yuanliang was stunned for a moment, his eyes brightened in vain, "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

   Said, the ecstatic Wen Yuanliang directly hugged Zhuo Qianxun in front of him and led him around twice.

   Zhuo Qianxun was already running in a daze, but being surrounded by him, he felt like the world was spinning, struggling to escape, leaning against the stone table and said dejectedly, "Do you know what you have hit?"

   "What?" Wen Yuanliang, who was in a frenzy, paused, and Feng Hongyu and others also looked at Zhuo Qianxun nervously.

   Zhuo Qianxun's eyes were very complicated, as if in disbelief and self-doubt, and fluttered out two words, "Huiyuan."

   (end of this chapter)

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