Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 359: Congrats, Mr. Zhuo

   Chapter 359 Congratulations, Mr. Zhuo

   "What?" Wen Yuanliang was stunned, and the others were also stunned.

   Shu Yan stood up and said with ecstasy: "Master, it's true, it's true."

   As he said that, he still grabbed Wen Yuanliang's hands and shook it vigorously, "It's true, Xiao Xiao carefully read it several times, and even wiped his eyes to see it!"

When he first squeezed in, he just subconsciously wanted to find Wen Yuanliang's name from the beginning. He never thought that the first one was. The moment he saw it, he was also stunned. He thought the same name appeared, but after looking around, there was no one at all. With the same name as Wen Yuanliang, this has to accept the reality.

   Zhuo Qianxun complained very depressingly: "You said that you are a master of yuan, why did you tell my father to quit writing and go into business, and he was so angry that he almost fell ill, and he didn't even care about you!"

  Wen Yuanliang came back to his senses and widened his eyes in astonishment, "When did I say I was going to quit writing and go into business?"

   "No?" Zhuo Qianxun was at a loss.

  Qi Zixi came back to his senses, jumped up and shouted, "Is this the point? The point is that the eldest brother became the Huiyuan! What about us? Did we win?"

   Qi Zixi stared nervously at Zhuo Qianxun and Shu Yan.

   The two of them looked at each other and suddenly looked away with a guilty conscience, "I didn't look back."

  Everyone: "." Are these two coming back to be angry?

  Qi Zixi couldn't sit still, and was about to go there in person, when he saw Qingzhu and the others running towards this side, and shouted loudly from a distance, "Young master, hit, hit, hit!"

   "All hit?" Xue Zheng, Feng Hongyu, and Wen Yuanhong immediately stood up and looked at a few bookboys eagerly.

Qingzhu stepped forward and reported respectfully: "Congratulations to the young masters, all of them are on the list. The first son of Wen is Huiyuan. The son is ranked one hundred and sixty-three."

  Wen Yuanhong asked excitedly, "You read that right?"

   Qingzhu nodded affirmatively.

   Shumo also said: "Master, it is absolutely true, there is nothing wrong."

  Wen Yuanhong suddenly jumped three feet high with excitement, even happier than Wen Yuanliang winning Huiyuan.

When everyone thought of what he said before, they immediately understood. This is contentment. Originally, Wen Yuanhong's requirements were not high, and he was able to enter. , is not the same jinshi, it is indeed worth his joy.

   Zhuo Qianxun carefully looked at the group of high-spirited teenagers in front of him, and the corners of his mouth suddenly twitched, the wind in the capital was about to change.

   At the same time, Zhuo Mingxuan was looking at the file in the General Office of the Ministry of Industry, and Mr. Yu came in with last year's Shanze file, gently placed it on the corner of the table, and said with a smile: "Master Shilang, congratulations!"

  Zhuo Mingxuan looked up in confusion and wanted to ask where the joy came from, but he was too busy with the work at hand to chat, so he could only reply with a smile, "Happy together."

   Yubu Langzhong: "?"

   Seeing that Zhuo Mingxuan continued to work hard again, he could only hold back his words and exit with interest.

   After a while, Mizubu Langzhong also came, and the first sentence after entering the door was, "Master Shilang, congratulations!"

   Before Zhuo Mingxuan could react, the Minister of Works came, and Zhuo Mingxuan and Mizubu Langzhong were busy salutes.

   The Minister of Works laughed and said, "No gift, Master Zhuo, congratulations!"

   Zhuo Mingxuan: "?????"

   "Sir, I don't know where the happiness comes from? Why do you all come to say congratulations to me?" Zhuo Mingxuan is really confused, it can't be that he wants to be promoted, he doesn't know about it himself! It's even less likely that his old wife and old clam gave birth to pearls. What's so exciting about this?

   "Don't you know?" The au pair minister and Mizube were surprised.

   "Should I know something?" Zhuo Mingxuan touched his nose and reflected on himself. Could it be that he gave people some wrong information?

   The Minister of Works and the Minister of Water and the Ministry of Water were both speechless.

   Mizubu Langzhong kindly reminded: "Sir, Chunhong, your son-in-law."

  Zhuo Mingxuan looked like he was suddenly enlightened, "Is it the result of Chunwei? Is my son-in-law on the list?"

The Minister of Industry was amused, "It's not only on the list, Huiyuan, he is Huiyuan! Master Zhuo, with such a talented son-in-law, you are so tight and low-key, I really don't know what to say about you. Okay, this time you have to invite a table!"

Zhuo Mingxuan took a lot of effort to digest these contents. He was always smart and agile, and the person who did not change his face even when Mount Tai collapsed in front of him actually looked a little stupid. He patted his thigh, gritted his teeth and shouted, "This little **** dares to fool me!"

   Several colleagues: "??????"

In this way, Zhuo Mingxuan accepted several drinks in a daze when everyone didn't know what to do, and he was too hot-headed. He didn't rush back until the Youshi was released. It didn't look like he was going back to celebrate, but he was going to go. Xing Shi asked for the guilt, which aroused the eyes of all his colleagues.

  The people who have been following the Spring Harem naturally also received the news.

Inside the Phoenix Immortal Hall, the sandalwood incense curled up lightly, and the person sitting in the hall slammed the jade pot beside him with a cold face, "Catch up with Enke, the fifty people who went to take the exam, even less than twenty passed, and the highest ranking. Okay, forty-three, huh. This is the right-hand man you cultivated for this palace? The talent you recruited for this palace? Does this palace have to wait for the forty-three step by step to climb to the level of a fourth-rank official? How many years? ? Five years? Eight years? Or ten years? Huh? Ben Gong has patience, do you still have your life to wait?"

   Nightmare humbly bowed and was speechless.

   "Trash, trash, it's all trash!" Ling Guifei was so angry that she swept everything to the ground, and she slammed into the bed and almost tripped over her skirt and fell.

Madam Ye stepped forward to support her in trepidation, and persuaded in a low voice, "Niangniang, our people would have been weaker in the literary test, otherwise the elders of the pavilion would not have proposed to abolish the imperial examination to select meritocracy, and now there are still It is not easy for so many people to be admitted, and we do not expect them to play a role now, as long as they contribute at critical times."

   "Waste!" Ling Guifei slapped Yemao fiercely, still looking annoyed, and didn't listen to those words at all.

  The fifth prince received the news, and his eyes did not waver, "Is the mother-in-law unhappy about the matter of Chunwei? I heard that this time Huiyuan is the son-in-law of the Zhuo family."

   These words diverted Concubine Ling's attention, "From the Zhuo family? Humph! It seems that they can't be recruited! Such a good position was wasted in vain!"

   "Not necessarily." The fifth prince said unhurriedly: "After all, the son-in-law is an outsider, and he doesn't necessarily have the same heart with the Zhuo family. How will you know if you don't try it?"

   "How to try?" Made the imperial concubine come to the spirit.

   (end of this chapter)

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