Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 361: Before the Palace Exam

   Chapter 361 Before the Palace Exam

"I suspected that it was me who moved my hands and feet, so I kept investigating secretly until I was sure that I was innocent. Of course, telling me this is not to apologize to me, but to let me continue to Mobei. With the emperor's suspicious nature, I won't be the only one to go this time, the biggest possibility is to choose some people from your batch of jinshi to go with me."

   "What!" Everyone was surprised, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on their heads, and they felt a chill in their hearts. Where is Mobei? It is always windy and sandy, lacks water and food, even if the martial arts people go there, they don’t dare to care for them. They are all scholars who are helpless, but they are not deep in the world, and they don’t understand anything. They really help the past. If you don't get busy, don't talk about it, I'm afraid it will drag Zhuo Bufan back.

Zhuo Mingxuan was the first to digest the news, with a constipated look on his face, he couldn't help complaining: "Has the emperor's brain been flooded? There are so many talents in the imperial court, so it's not necessary to attack these weak-footed chickens? He is now How worried are you about the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty?"

Zhuo Bufan was even more depressed than him, "You are just talking and scolding, but I have to take them out of the way, that is Mobei, not Jiangbei, a place where people may die if they are not careful, especially if there is a lot of wind and sand. At that time, people may be buried in the sand, and if an accident happens, how can this group of people have the ability to save themselves!"

  Wen Yuanliang was originally worried, but he jumped up when he heard this, "Sir, this is a bad word, I'm different from them!"

Zhuo Bufan retorted without showing weakness, "It's just that you can barely make it, so what? At present, you are Huiyuan, as long as you can't make a big mistake in the palace test, with your status as my eldest brother and son-in-law, you must be in the top three. With you alone, the emperor will never let you go to Mobei unless his mind is really flooded!"

  The top three in the palace exam are all prepared for the Hanlin Academy, and they will be admitted to the cabinet in the future.

Wen Yuanliang was stunned, seeing Zhuo Qianyu's relieved look on the side, he was silent for a while, if it wasn't for the family, and Zhuo Qianyu was pregnant, he could really accompany Zhuo Bufan to Mobei , Take a look at the scenery of the desert, and then have a good experience over there. If he can make meritorious deeds, he will be promoted faster in the future, but now, he does not dare to act with anger.

Zhuo Bufan saw that everyone was no longer happy, and comforted: "It's not so bad, there are 600 Jinshi admissions this time, it is impossible for so many people to have an official position, the lower the ranking, the possibility of going to Mobei. bigger."

   Wen Yuanhong and the others looked at each other, which means that only by working hard and striving for the top ranking can they escape the fate of going to Mobei.

Seeing their reaction, Wen Yuanliang couldn't help frowning and said, "What are you worried about? Even if you go to Mobei, you are going with your husband. You are all your own people, and your husband can't leave you alone. Besides, this There are also officers and soldiers accompanying you along the way. If you are worried, there is always a way to hire a team of bodyguards.

  You think Mobei is hard, but Dingbei Wang's family lives there all the year round, don't they live well? Besides, we are here on behalf of the imperial court, and we are not exiled, and our living conditions will not be too bad. "

   Everyone thought about it carefully, and it was really the truth. The heavy heart was relieved a little bit, and he also had the intention of joking.

   After the excitement, Zhuo Mingxuan left with the Zhuo family.

   on the carriage.

Zhuo Bufan said amusingly: "To say that these children are still too naive, the places like Mobei are really that simple, and there won't be so many incidents of court officials who go there, but I deliberately didn't say it just now, for fear of the children. Worrying too much has affected the performance of the palace test."

   "I don't know you yet!" Zhuo Mingxuan glanced at him angrily, then lowered his eyes and said, "Have the luggage been packed? Are the accompanying guards arranged properly?"

Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly, "Once I was born twice, I was ambushed last time. If I don't prepare well this time, my surname will not be Zhuo! Old Jitou gave me all his people, this time I am again I secretly arranged fifty masters, and I also sent people to watch along the way, and if there is something wrong, I will send an alarm in advance, so that the danger can be minimized."

   Zhuo Mingxuan was completely relieved when he heard the words.

In the next few days, Wen Zhai in Liu'an Lane received a bunch of strange greetings, and strangers came to ask for meeting. Fortunately, Wen Yuanliang was not there, and Zhuo Qianyu was pregnant and was not suitable to see guests, but stopped them all. .

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the palace exam. It was not yet dawn. Zhuo Bufan and Zhuo Mingxuan personally took a group of candidates to the palace. This was their first time entering the palace. The carriage stopped outside the Meridian Gate. After a group of people stood still, They are all looking around curiously, and the others are similar to them. You look at me, I look at you, and keep a polite and distant distance.

   Everyone is smart. Although they are competitors, they will become colleagues in the future after the trial. No one is stupid enough to make enemies for themselves at such a time.

   When the hour came, everyone began to search through layers and enter the Meridian Gate.

The magnificent Meridian Gate has a total of five gates. The gate in the middle is the only passage for the emperor. The left and right sides are for the officials of the court. The two gates on the far side are for local bureaucrats, scholars and common people. These first-time students must not take a wrong step, otherwise it will be a big sin to lose their heads.

  Wen Yuanliang was the first, walking at the forefront, every step was like stepping on the top of his heart, so nervous that his palms sweated.

The first thing you see when you pass through the Meridian Gate is a large white jade-paved ground. As the palace servants continue to walk forward, they pass through the white marble arch bridge, and they arrive at the Gate of Supreme Harmony. Going further inside is the Qianqing Palace, where the emperor and the emperor. In the place where the minister had been in the early court, they were not qualified to go up the steps, they could only pass through the side corridor and pass through the Chengqing Palace before arriving at the Yuqing Palace, the place where the palace examination was held.

  Wen Yuanliang has always kept his eyebrows low and pleasing to the eye, and is extremely humble. He is also respectful to the **** who leads the way, which is different from some students who pretend to be lofty and look down on eunuchs.

The **** who led the way was respected, and when Wen Yuanliang naturally became more attentive, he even said a few more words. Wen Yuanliang was flattered and thanked him repeatedly. After sitting down, he looked back inadvertently and saw that some people looked at him with disdain. I couldn't help but sneer and curse a fool!

   It didn't take long for Wen Yuanliang to complain, the examiners of this palace exam stepped into the palace with serious faces, walked through the passage in the middle, and went straight to the upper seat.

  Wen Yuanliang took a closer look and saw that all the faces were raw. The oldest was probably past the age of knowing the destiny. Looking at the first-class official robe, it must be an adult in the cabinet, but I don't know who it is? There are two adults next to them, looking at the rank is not low, with a dignified expression.

  Wen Yuanliang didn't dare to look at it, and quickly lowered his head.

   (end of this chapter)

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