Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 362: Palace exam is over

   Chapter 362 The Palace Exam is Over

   Soon, the test papers were sent out. This time, only strategy theory was tested. When he saw the test questions, Rao Wen Yuanliang had already prepared in his heart and couldn't help but want to scold his mother.

The first question "Zhou Li, agriculture, industry, commerce, and government have their own special officials", the second question "The military system since the Han and Tang dynasties, and the evidence of today's situation", the third question "The ancient financial management, whether there are similarities and differences with the final accounts of various countries" , Question 4 "The evil and righteousness of scholar's practice depends on the gain and loss of education. In ancient times, Situ Xiu Mingli and etiquette, and selected scholars, handsome scholars, and made scholars as the method of appointing officials. The Han Dynasty emphasized the Ming Jing, and re-established the disciplines of filial piety, integrity, virtuousness, and goodness. The disciples of Jia Dong are best known as Yuanmao. The scholars of the Eastern Han Dynasty are high in the sense of justice, and the critics may be ill and their clear opinions are advertised. From what?"

These four questions, involving business, military, wealth, and literature, are worthy of the emperor's handwriting, and the questions are sharp, especially the last question. If he answers ambiguous, he will definitely be disliked by the emperor. , but, from the heart, some of the content written will inevitably offend people, and more importantly, the paper for the palace exam must be screened by the cabinet.

For the sake of his future career, Wen Yuanliang could only resist the impulse and think calmly about how to answer. Due to the urgency of time, he could only write quickly. The first question is easy to say. , from the township, from the village, up to Chengjun”, “The worker is also the end of agriculture and the origin of commerce, and the commission of agriculture is the origin of commerce”, “On the turn of commerce, all countries are connected, and people’s feelings are reached. Appraisal equipment can help the poor of farmers and workers, and can guide the knowledge of farmers and workers. If the farmers and workers are old, the business is new; the farmers and workers are narrow, and the business is grand." Answers to three aspects, and if they are expanded, there will be no major problems.

The second topic is about the military system. First, I will give an overview of the military system since the Han and Tang Dynasties, and then combine the current situation in Daqi to take the essence and remove the dross. However, in Wen Yuanliang's view, Daqi is now more troubled than external troubles, the so-called military system It's more like the emperor asking them what kind of military system can make the imperial power permanent.

   If you answer from this angle, the emperor will be very happy, but some people in the cabinet are afraid of jumping, but he believes that the cabinet is not all treacherous officials and the like, as long as he writes so that people can't refute it, it should still be able to pass.

   So Wen Yuanliang gritted his teeth and really "followed his heart".

The third question is about finances. This question is easy for him to do, and it is the easiest to do. He can finish it with just two glances at his draft. Unhappy", that is, how to distinguish between loyal and traitor, Wen Yuanliang couldn't help but want to insinuate, and he was worried that the test paper could not pass.

   Just as he was struggling, he found that the light above his head was a lot dim.

   There is someone behind you!

   This is his first thought, who is this person? Several examiners clearly did not move, and they were able to walk around the examination room so freely, and the answers were about to come out.

  Wen Yuanliang was so nervous that his heart almost jumped to his throat, he took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, looked at the fourth question again, gritted his teeth, and picked up the pen.

In this way, he faced the gaze above his head, and replied with a stubborn face, "There is no breeze in the world, and people's hearts are not ancient, so they dare not speak righteously, and they dare not speak of death. Only when I hear that the world is talking about benefits, I am all in my life. Traitors mistake the country's heroes and die, and the monuments of the ages are illuminated in the evening."

   In the end, I don't know if it was a bloodbath, but the more I wrote, the more excited I became, and the more I wrote, the more blood boiled, and even the fear and awe in my heart faded a lot, and there was only one thought left.

  While Wen Yuanliang was concentrating on answering the questions, the emperor just stood there silently for an hour before turning around and leaving.

The examiners sitting in the upper seat looked at each other and didn't know what they meant. Just now, they were going to salute, but the emperor stopped them. During this time, they were sitting like pins and needles. What made them even more terrified was that the emperor actually stood in the meeting. Yuan watched him do the topic for a long time, and he didn't know what Hui Yuan wrote or what the emperor thought.

   These papers will be sent to the cabinet first, and their names will be sealed. They don't know who the papers are. If the papers that the emperor prefers fail to pass, will they have to eat and hang?

   The more I thought about it, the more uneasy they became, but there was no clue on the face.

Wen Yuanliang didn't raise his head until all the questions were answered, heaved a sigh of relief, blinked, and went through his answers again, making sure there was no problem before he began to pay attention to the movement behind him. When I came to that scrutiny line of sight, I thought that the emperor was gone.

  Thinking like this, he just felt a little loose all over, what was the matter with a faint sense of loss?

  Wen Yuanliang, who couldn't understand, simply didn't think about it. After confirming that the answer sheet was correct, he carefully put away his examination tools. When the time was up, he got up and slowly walked out of the examination room after the paper in front of him was taken away.

   After leaving the palace this time, he also has the intention to appreciate the noble and noble places in this world, and he does not know if he will have the opportunity to step into it again in this life.

Wen Yuanliang tickled the corners of his mouth mockingly. At this time, his mood was a bit complicated. Compared with the answer sheet that angered the cabinet and was detained, he cared more about what the person behind him thought just now. If the incumbent fainted, he felt Even if he won the champion, he would not be very happy. Instead, he would worry about his future career. If the person in the upper position is a wise man, then the emperor should take care of the things he just wrote.

   No matter what, the answer is answered, everything is a foregone conclusion.

Walking out of the palace gate, Wen Yuanliang had already packed up his mood, and he looked so unrestrained and unrestrained. Seeing Zhuo Mingxuan and Zhuo Qianzhao who were waiting from a distance, he was so excited that his eyes filled with tears, and he rushed over with joy. .

   Originally, he had attracted a lot of attention as a member of the club, but now everyone saw his elated appearance, and they all speculated whether Wen Yuanliang would be the champion of the new division.

   Zhuo Mingxuan on the carriage laughed angrily at Wen Yuanliang's appearance, rolled his eyes and complained, "You said that you are also a father, do you know how to write the word prudent?"

  Wen Yuanliang bowed his body for a while. He was going to get in and sit next to Zhuo Mingxuan, but he didn't dare. He sat down carefully next to Zhuo Qianzhao, and grinned politely at Zhuo Mingxuan.

   Zhuo Mingxuan was delighted, and scolded with a full-fledged laugh: "Get over here!"

   Wen Yuanliang rubbed his nose shyly, but changed his position obediently, not noticing the faint smile at the corner of Zhuo Qianzhao's mouth at all.

  Zhuo Mingxuan saw that he was acquainted, so he asked, "How is the palace examination?"

   "Good! It's very good!" Wen Yuanliang couldn't help rushing to talk, it was clear that he was guilty.

   Zhuo Mingxuan narrowed his eyes dangerously, "Huh?"

   (end of this chapter)

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