Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 363: This is outrageous

   Chapter 363 This is outrageous

Wen Yuanliang knew that he couldn't hide it, so he had to tell the two of them the questions of the palace exam, his answers, and the emperor's possible doubts. Seeing that Zhuo Mingxuan frowned slightly, he hurriedly defended: "I really didn't know how to answer at that time. Well, I was hesitating when someone came behind me, so I thought about gritting my teeth and fighting hard. If I didn't pass, it would prove that the emperor is not good. Let's go to Mobei together, if the emperor is a wise man, he won't just watch me fall out of the top, right?"

   He stared at Zhuo Mingxuan and Zhuo Qianzhao eagerly, trying to get their approval.

The father and son of Zhuo's family looked at each other and had to praise Wen Yuanliang in their hearts, but their faces were calm. If they showed a hint of approval at this time, this guy's tail would definitely go up to the sky. It was already enough. Lawless, if they add more fire, this guy might be able to poke a hole in the sky.

  Because the Zhuo family's father and son were silent, Wen Yuanliang began to feel a little uneasy, and the whole person seemed to have lost his energy all of a sudden.

When he got home, he sighed and told Zhuo Qianyu his guess, but Zhuo Qianyu patted him on the shoulder and comforted him gently: "Don't worry, husband, it's a big deal, we're not officials anymore, it's okay to do business. , Besides, no matter how bad it is, you will still be a fellow jinshi, and then you can find a college to sit in the academy, you can earn a lot of money a month, and you are decent, and they won't say anything about you."

  Wen Yuanliang blinked in disbelief, "Miss, are you so unconfident in me?"

   Now Zhuo Qianyu is puzzled, "Didn't you say that you might not be able to try it? I'm here to comfort you!"

  Thanks, he was not comforted! Wen Yuanliang thought feebly, threw his body onto the bed, fell asleep with the quilt stuffed, and thought nothing of it.

At the same time, all the papers for the palace exam were sealed and sent to the cabinet. According to the process, the emperor designated some officials of the Imperial Academy to review first, and then presented it to several elders, who then reviewed the papers and made a grade judgment on the papers, or Go and leave the mark, and finally count the scores, and the papers with the highest scores are finally presented to the emperor.

Part of the Hanlin Academy belonged to Chen Kun, and the cabinet Lu Ge was his. With just one look, he could decide whether to leave or keep each paper, and because of this, Chen Kun, who entered the examination room, seemed to be calm and unhurried. , and even looked unconcerned, and fought with Xu Ge Lao Feng Ge Lao and two people.

  Dai Yuyang, as the chief examiner of this meeting, was obviously more attentive than them, and he didn't have time to deal with the four people who were playing tricks.

   After a while, Du Zhiyuan, the chief assistant of the cabinet, came in, and everyone immediately fell silent. Chen Kun's eyes dimmed when he glanced at Du Zhiyuan's face, he quickly lowered his head, and saluted with the others.

  Du Zhiyuan waved his hand and said calmly, "Several adults must have already prepared, according to the previous practice."

   "The decree is here!"

   Du Zhiyuan's words were interrupted before he could finish speaking, and he hurriedly got up to answer the order.

"Fengtian, the emperor called and said: The imperial examination is a major event for the country, and because of the addition of Enke, I can't bear a few adults to work too hard, and I specially ordered Prince Li, Prince Yi, Prince Zhuang, Prince Xian, Yulin Army Commander Kang Chengwang, Shenji Yingda General Ming Shuo, Commander of Shenji Battalion Zheng Ying, and the six ministers collaborated with the cabinet to grade the papers, everyone has the right to grade, and this is appreciated!"

The Grand Duke handed the imperial edict to the bewildered Du Zhiyuan, hehe smiled and said: "Master Du, congratulations, the emperor has helped you to solve problems this time, so many adults must have participated, and the speed of grading this time should be much faster. Oh, yes! The emperor specially explained that since it is Enke, the papers presented this time should be twice as many as before."

   In other words, there were only 10 papers sent in the past year, but this time it will be 20. If 20 papers were sent in previous years, this time it will be 40.

Chen Kun's face was so dark that he couldn't see it, and the decree had already been issued, and he would not be able to object. If he shouted out now, it would be disrespectful to the decree, especially with Feng Xu and the others present. A trace of disrespect will definitely be trampled to death by them. The more this is the case, the more Chen Kun feels dizzy and angry!

  Elder Lu Ge worriedly exchanged glances with Chen Kun, and immediately chewed his ears with him after the Grand Duke left.

"Lord Chen, what should we do? If there are more of those people, our opinion will become irrelevant!" Mr. Lu was worried. Originally, the cabinet consisted of five of them and one assistant. At the same time, they can also compete with Feng Xu and the two. Du Dai and the two have never been mixed or muddled, and their odds of winning are still quite large.

Now that the emperor has come suddenly, among the four newly added princes, the sage prince is out of breath with them, only two of the six books have a heart with them, and only three of the ten people, not to mention outrageous Several military attachés, all of these people are royalists, and none of them are on their side at all, so they can't control all the papers at all.

  Chen Kun gritted his teeth, clenched his fists tightly, lowered his eyes to hide his violent eyes, and said coldly, "He's unkind, so don't blame me for being unjust!"

  Old Lu Ge groaned in his heart, intuition that something bad was going to happen, but Chen Kun stopped talking, and he couldn't continue to ask, and he became more and more worried.

Soon, several prince commanders and six ministers who participated in the grading of the papers all came over. Sitting in the cabinet hall one by one felt that it was a delicate thing, especially the commander of the Royal Forest Army and the Shenji Camp. If the emperor asked them to go on the battlefield to kill the enemy It is absolutely invincible, but now they are allowed to sit here and read those troublesome papers, what does it mean to wrestle with a group of civil servants?

   is not as fun as real swords and real guns.

When the three of them were unhappy, they completely made their tempers dripping and delicate when they checked the papers again, especially Ming Shuo and Zheng Ying, who were not pleasing to the eyes of Chen Kun. They sentenced almost the papers they could not judge. Anyway, they were against them. , the rod is on.

   After a few times, everyone also discovered this problem. Chen Kun and Lu Ge were so old that their eyes were red, and they scolded their mother on the spot. As a result, the two of them did not give in, and made a few threatening actions to force them to shut up.

Du Zhiyuan was afraid that Chen Kun and Lu Ge would be angry, so he hurriedly said: "Everyone is an official in the same dynasty, and it is for the emperor to share their worries. It is understandable that they have different opinions, but I also asked the two generals to face the imperial examinations. If this kind of **** doesn't make sense, the answer to the wrong question is still not judged, if this kind of paper comes to the emperor, the emperor will be angry,"

   (end of this chapter)

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