Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 372: Qionglin Banquet Wendou

   Chapter 372 Qionglin Banquet Wendou

   Just as he was riding a tiger, the person beside him suddenly picked up his wine glass and said, "Duke Zhuangyuan is invincible, so I'll drink it for him."


  Du Tonglang smiled and said, "From now on, we will be colleagues, and we should help each other."

The person who toasted was dissatisfied with Du Tonglang's success, but the other party was the second place under the champion after all, and Du's surname was rather special. When he didn't know the identity of the other party, he didn't dare to refuse at all, so he could only retreat in embarrassment. go back.

   When one person hits a wall, the people behind will naturally not make fun of themselves.

   Then, just because the wine is over, it doesn't mean that other people don't have anything else to do.

  Jiang Chengxuan walked up to Wen Yuanliang and bowed with him: "Zhuangyuan Wen, Jiang Chengxuan in Xiachuzhou, I heard about the Four Heroes of Wenshan Academy in Weizhou before, and all four of them are here today, can you let me see your demeanor again?"

Wen Yuanliang was in a trance for a while, looked at Qi Zixi who was closest, and suddenly smiled, "It turns out to be Young Master Jiang! It's a pleasure to meet you, but in front of you, a great poet, I don't dare to show ugliness, let alone do it. Then wait for the lingering poems to come."

   Such a disdainful tone is clearly despising those love poems written by Jiang Chengxuan.

  Jiang Chengxuan was slapped in the face in public, his face was also a little cold, and he said with a calm sigh: "Zhuangyuan Wen has the world in his heart, so naturally he doesn't despise those plays that are difficult to be graceful, please enlighten me."

   This is not going to continue to greet each other, and directly start the war.

   Jiang Chengyi frowned. He really didn't understand what kind of medicine Jiang Chengxuan was selling in the gourd. He was at the tail of a second-class crane and openly challenged the champion. What good was this for him?

   Don't say that Jiang Chengyi can't understand, even Qiu Zhaoyan, who is not very good at being a man, frowned slightly.

Seeing that Wen Yuanliang was being forced, Qi Zixi slapped the table in anger, "Since you want to see the demeanor of the four heroes of our Wenshan Academy, then I will come! In Qi Zixi, let me also experience the talents of Chuzhou talents, but it's so difficult. The love poems in the elegant hall should not be taken out in such a place as shameful!"

  Feng Hongyu followed and said gracefully, "Feng Hongyu, I am good at fu, and Jiang Jinshi is good at writing poetry, why don't we change it, you do fu, I write poetry, so that everyone can enjoy it?"

   "This is also excellent!" Qi Zixi clapped her hands in agreement.

   The two of them sang and reconciled, clearly suppressing Jiang Chengxuan, and the two sides were full of gunpowder.

   Everyone can see that there are those who choose Mingzhe to stay out of the matter, and there are those who fight for Jiang Chengxuan to stand with him. Naturally, there are many who support Feng Hongyu and Qi Zixi.

  Du Tonglang saw that the atmosphere was getting fired up, and he couldn't stop it, so he discussed with Wen Yuanliang: "Wen Zhuangyuan, what do you think about the situation now?"

  Everyone look over here.

Wen Yuanliang didn't show any timidity, the corners of his mouth were raised, revealing a few white teeth, and he said calmly: "Since everyone is so interested, let's play, I will write poetry and verses, learn from each other, don't take it seriously, it's just me in poetry and poetry. I'm really not good at one, why don't I talk to you about math? I'm more interested in this next time."

   As soon as these words came out, everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, their eyes changed when they looked at Wen Yuanliang, and even Du Tonglang, who was stable and stable, was a little sluggish.

   "Wen Zhuangyuan, are you kidding me?" Jiang Chengxuan came back to his senses, his face a little ugly.

   It's not just him, 80% of the jinshi present are all constipated. If they hadn't stumbled in their studies this time, their rankings would never have been so low!

  Qiu Zhaoyan, on the other hand, looked like Yan suddenly realized, and shouted loudly: "So you are relying on the final calculation to score points!"

  Wen Yuanliang gave him a teachable expression.

   Qiu Zhaoyan wanted to beat people, but he had to admire Wen Yuanliang. They all depended on math, but this man was able to break through the siege with math, but he was a talent.

   The person who questioned Wen Yuanliang, who was the first prize winner, was no longer doubting it. It’s math, hehe, they really don’t understand! Naturally, no one took Wen Yuanliang's words.

Du Tonglang came back to his senses, coughed twice, and took a compromise, "So, I heard that Wen Zhuangyuan's handwriting is good, why don't you come and inscribe Feng Jinshi Qi Jinshi, Jiang Jinshi will also Choose one person to inscribe, how about everyone enjoying it together?"

  Wen Yuanliang was in the middle of his arms and answered without hesitation.

   Jiang Chengxuan could only respond.

  The other people present glanced at each other. Those who supported Wen Yuanliang and the others all sat on the left, and those who supported Jiang Chengxuan sat on the right. Naturally, there were some who stayed still and didn't want to get involved at all, so everyone ignored them.

The stage was set up, and the palace servants presented the four treasures of the study with great discernment, and at the same time brought a high-quality inkstone, and said respectfully: "The emperor heard that the scholars opened the literary competition, and specially rewarded one inkstone and a thousand taels of silver. As a lucky winner, a few adults playing slaves will need to be brought back to the emperor for a review, and the emperor will comment on it, I hope you all have a good time."

   After the palace man finished speaking, he put down his things and left.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, their mentality changed greatly, all of them were eager to fight, and even those who were sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight were all gone. Don't miss it!

  Jiang Chengxuan also squinted his eyes with the light of victory, no one can take away the glory that belongs to him this time!

After the competition started, Du Tonglang selected questions as the master of ceremonies. The first poem was composed by Jiang Chengxuan, but now anyone who is interested can do it, so a bunch of people began to think hard, but Wen Yuanliang was the old god. A sip of wine, and then eating a dish made by the imperial kitchen with chopsticks, it is very pleasant.

   Even Du Tonglang could not laugh or cry like this.

   After everyone finished writing the poem, Wen Yuanliang began to transcribe it.

   They entered the second competition, and this time there were significantly fewer contestants than the first one. Feng Hongyu was very confident in the field he was good at, and his whole body seemed to glow.

  Du Tonglang looked at it, and couldn't help but praise, "Feng Jinshi is indeed one of the four heroes of Wenshan Academy. With such looks and temperament, I wonder if he is a match for marriage?"

  Wen Yuanliang nodded expressionlessly, looking like he didn't want to say more.

  Du Tonglang is very regretful. If Feng Hongyu was never married to him, he could abduct someone back to his younger sister to be her husband. Now that everyone has a wife, naturally they can't consider it.

   After the two written exams, Wen Yuanliang and another jinshi were brought in to transcribe the poems and poems written by both parties, and the palace servants immediately came in and took the things away.

   These people continue to eat and drink, and wait for the result obediently.

  In the imperial study.

  The emperor stared at the poems on the table, not knowing what to think.

  Prince Li came in under the leadership of the Grand Duke and saluted him.

The    emperor waved his hand and motioned for him to come over, "Third brother, look at how these poems are written?"

  Prince Li didn't know what to do, glanced hurriedly, raised his eyebrows and said, "It was done by two people?"

   (end of this chapter)

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