Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 373: face saint

   Chapter 373 Face Saint

  The emperor shook his head slightly, "Two people copied it, by the way, you can also see who's words are better."

Prince Li took one directly from it, and murmured: "Poetry has been in vogue for thousands of years, and the souls of soldiers have been wiped out of the country's soul. I concentrated on the nineteenth military music, and the ancient men released a Weng. Hey! Who did this? Like this? There are not many aspiring literati!"

Prince   li was obviously very excited.

  The emperor pointed to a collection of folk poems on the side of the dragon's case, and said with a blank face, "Open the first few poems and read them."

  The emperor laughed sarcastically: "These two poems were written by the same person."

  Prince Li's eyes almost popped out of the window, "Is this person suffering from hysteria?

The emperor shook his head in the sun, but he was extremely annoyed in his heart. It is possible that two poems with different styles were written by the same person, so he asked people to investigate more deeply, only to know that this person has been in Huajie Liuxiang for many years. Although he is talented and famous, But he is also a veritable libertine, and his knowledge is useless in the right way, otherwise he will not be ranked so low in the test, and he will almost become a fellow jinshi.

  Prince Li murmured: "It's not that it is. Fraud!"

The    emperor did not deny it, and sighed, "Although he is a little clever, it is difficult to be elegant in the end!"

Prince Li thought of tonight's Qionglin Banquet, his heart changed, and he guessed it. Because the emperor was not happy, he didn't dare to go into it, so he shifted the topic to the words, "Brother Huang, although the content of the article is doubtful, but This word is real. It's not as good as the other ones."

Speaking, Prince Li picked out the few poems that Wen Yuanliang had copied, tasted it carefully, nodded slightly and said, "Every word is just like a person, this person's words have already begun to take on the character, and it is rare to have a free and easy style of writing. There is a kind of wanton arrogance, unyielding attitude, given time, will be able to make a name for the name, I don't know who wrote this?"

The emperor was distracted and his mood was obviously much better. As Prince Li said, the content of the poems can be faked, but the word is real. Thinking of the champion selected by his own eyes, the emperor is also happy, but proud Jiao said: "Third brother thinks of him too highly, he's just a hairy boy! Calligraphy, you still have to practice hard!"

  The emperor picked up the pen and wrote a few large characters on the paper, but he felt that it was not right, and he wrote a new one.

  The palace servants entered the Chengqing Palace with a pile of things. Although everyone was eating and drinking, their thoughts were on it. When they heard the movement, they immediately put down their cups and forgot about the past.

   After the palace people saluted, they said loudly: "The emperor has already commented on the masterpieces of all the adults, and the servants came to read them out. The first poem is Jiang Chengxuan."

  Jiang Chengxuan was overjoyed, he couldn't hide his excitement, and the jinshi who stood with him were also excited. Although they were not number one, it proved that they had brilliant eyes!

The palace servant continued to read: "Feng Hongyu, the first person in writing, and Wen Yuanliang, the first person in calligraphy, congratulations to the three adults, the inkstone and silver Qianliang are the rewards for the first person in poetry, and the two adults have other rewards, please follow the servants. Come."

   Jiang Chengxuan seemed to be splashed with cold water, his smile froze on his face, he wanted to ask the palace servants Wen Yuanliang and Feng Hongyu what the reward was, but he didn't have the guts.

   The people who were celebrating with him just now were at a loss. Thinking that Wen Yuanliang and Feng Hongyu were very likely to meet the emperor, they felt that their hearts were blocked, and the excitement just now disappeared.

   Wen Yuanliang and Feng Hongyu, who followed the palace servants away, looked at each other, and they didn't even dare to ask where they were going, but they had a rough guess in their hearts.

   Sure enough, under the leadership of the palace servants, the two of them saw the three resplendent characters in the imperial study, and they could see it clearly even in the dark. At this time, Feng Hongyu was much more excited than Wen Yuanliang.

  Wen Yuanliang inadvertently saw the expression on his face and was happy for him. As long as Feng Hongyu behaved well in front of the emperor and let the emperor remember him as a person, the conspiracy and tricks against him would be much less likely.

  The two walked into the door respectfully and stayed inside for a few quarters of hours. When they came out, they all looked solemn, followed by two palace servants holding rewards.

When they returned to Chengqing Palace, everyone's eyes fell on the two of them. They wanted to lift up the reward covered with red silk on the hands of the palace servants to see what happened. Unfortunately, Wen Yuanliang and Feng Hongyu didn't mention it, and they couldn't pull that face. To ask, it can only be a heart-wrenching guess.

   Jiang Chengxuan, who was drinking in the corner, had a gloomy expression on his face. He looked at the rewards of Wen Feng and his own, and wondered which one was richer.

   A Qionglin feast ended with everyone thinking about it.

   Wen Yuanliang and several others went out of the palace and got on the carriage, and they all seemed paralyzed.

   Qi Zixi and Wen Yuanhong excitedly asked: "Did you go to see the emperor just now? What did the emperor say? What is that reward? Is it more than Jiang Chengxuan?"

One question after another made Feng Hongyu laugh or cry, but he still replied patiently one by one: "We went to see the emperor, but the emperor didn't say anything, only asked me the meaning of the poem, and said something I don't know. Is it my delusion, I always feel that the emperor comforted me a few words, that is the emperor after all, how could he know about a small person like me, but I am very satisfied.

   When he left, the emperor gave me a set of four treasures of the study and 5,000 taels of silver, and for Yuanliang was a famous calligraphy and 5,000 taels of silver. "

   Qi Zixi and Wen Yuanhong were envious, even Xue Zheng was jealous, and muttered, "I knew I would be out too, maybe I could come out on top."

Wen Yuanliang, who closed his eyes and rested his mind, suddenly opened his eyes, glanced at them lazily, and said solemnly: "Take it down! Wen Dou is just an excuse for the emperor to want to see us. You will not forget what happened. The emperor should have already investigated it clearly, and he felt pity and love, so he specially summoned Hongyu and said some words of encouragement."

   Everyone was stunned.

  Wen Yuanhong hurriedly asked, "What about big brother? Why did the emperor see you?"

   Thinking of the emperor's teasing look on his face, Wen Yuanliang felt extremely sad and angry, "I guess he thinks I am interesting, and he deliberately called me over to have fun!"

   Feng Hongyu burst out laughing and joked: "It's not impossible."

   But Feng Hongyu really envied Wen Yuanliang, maybe it was his nature, he could never be as comfortable as Wen Yuanliang in front of the emperor.

   (end of this chapter)

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