Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 524: Borrow a knife to kill

   Chapter 524 Borrowing a knife to kill

After    and the others were gone, Zhuo Bufan thought about it for a long time and felt uneasy, so he mounted his horse and ran to the Dingbei Palace in Ganzhou.

As soon as he entered the Dingbei palace, Zhuo Bufan found that the whole palace was deserted. Although he came here before, he was still a little popular. Even if the servant looked solemn, he could see the figure. Several times he also met the concubine in the backyard. The room looked for various reasons to go to the front yard to make good friends with King Dingbei.

   Not only did he not see those women this time, but there was not even a single passing servant. The entire palace was so quiet that it was a little bit intimidating. If it wasn't for the surrounding area, he would doubt whether the King Dingbei had moved.

  The housekeeper ran out of the yard and greeted him respectfully, "Master Zhuo, the lord invites you to speak in the study."

   Zhuo Bufan raised his foot and walked to King Dingbei's study, and asked casually, "The mansion has reduced servants? Why is it so quiet?"

The housekeeper paused for a while, then smiled and said, "The strategist is really sharp, and the mansion has indeed dealt with some servants with bad minds. Originally, the servant meant to buy more and make up for it, but the lord said that there are few people in the family, so there is no need for so many servants. This opportunity is just to drive away some who just take Yueyin and do nothing serious."

Zhuo Bufan knew what was going on just by thinking about it. When Ma Shi died, her son was imprisoned. Naturally, the power of the mother and son management in the past had to be removed, but the Dingbei Palace did not add any more servants. Surprising.

   While they were talking, the two entered the study one after the other, and the butler silently backed out.

   King Dingbei then slowly asked: "I don't have anything to do without going to the Three Treasures Hall, let's talk, I'm not planning military operations now, what are you doing here?"

   Zhuo Bufan sat down, thought about it, and said straight to the point: "You know I'm busy, and I won't go around you. There's something I don't understand. Today, I want the prince to explain my doubts to me."

   "Huh?" King Dingbei looked at Zhuo Bufan with interest and became interested in his words.

Zhuo Bufan asked with a gloomy face: "It's about Wen Youshan, I brought the people here, and I also handed them over to the prince to arrange, but I have never been able to understand, why the prince was so sudden at that time. Give him the title of a seventh-rank military attache? It is true that I learned about the relationship between him and your confidants later, and I can understand that the prince loves Wu and Wu.

   But I can't understand the emperor's promotion of Wen Youshan. Could it be that Wen Youshan has some relationship with the emperor? You are the biological father of the emperor, do you know about this? "

King Dingbei was silent for a moment, then shook his head honestly, "I don't even know what this kid is thinking, do you think I would know so much about him? But Wen Youshan has been doing well when he arrived in Mobei, and it's your love Disciple's father, what? You have an opinion on him?"

Zhuo Bufan shook his head without thinking, "If I have an opinion on him, I won't let him lead the troops to guard Boerjiang. I don't doubt his ability, I'm worried that he always acts out of common sense. Card, now is a critical moment, I can't grasp the uncertain factor of him, so I feel uneasy!"

King Dingbei listened to it, and it took a while to laugh out, "What do I think it is? After a long time in the barracks, is it possible that the strategist really thinks he can strategize and win thousands of miles? It must be known that the battlefield is changing rapidly, and it is your layout. There is always a sparseness in every hundred secrets, and it is impossible to count as an exhaustive plan.

Wen Youshan is something you can't count. It's normal. Instead of worrying about things getting out of control, you might as well try to trust him. If you can't do it, don't interfere too much. Just be prepared for the aftermath. cultivated?

  You don't need to worry about the Boer River, you focus on the sandy plains, if Wen Youshan is defeated, my people can also hold the line of defense, and I won't let the Tubo troops step into the land of Daqi! "

   After hearing what King Dingbei said, Zhuo Bufan was completely at ease, thanked him with a smile, turned around and left calmly.

   King Dingbei looked at his leaving back, dazed, and murmured in his mouth: "Father, the king, has no ability, it is still possible to defend Mobei for you!"

   On the second day of the second lunar month, the dragon raised its head, and Mobei gathered all the troops to fight against the Tubo Huns at the same time.

Just beginning the spring, when the Huns were short of clothing and food, the Huns king, in a rage, personally led his troops on an expedition. He was about to sweep across the Daqi iron cavalry and enter the hinterland of the Central Plains. At the same time, the Tubo king panicked and called a crowd. The minister entered the palace to discuss.

"Didn't you say that Daqi dare not really send troops to us? What's going on now? The other party will kill Buerjiang! If something happens to Daqi's envoys, we will take the initiative to surrender, and things will not fall to the ground. This is where it is today." The Tubo King gritted his teeth angrily, clenched his fists tightly, and hung the chopping board heavily.

Lunqin (the prime minister) bowed respectfully and said: "Your Majesty, this is a bad statement, there are still many suspicious things about the Kurban incident, and Fan Qirui still insists that he only set fire to it, what about that? Fan Qirui said that when he escaped, everyone in the manor was already in a coma. If he didn't lie, someone had been eyeing Kurban Manor before him, and he was just a scapegoat.

  Who is Kurban? He is a relative of the Eighteen Thieves. Who dares to move his crooked ideas in Tubo? Therefore, the minister suspects that the Kurban incident is probably caused by Daqi, but we have no evidence. If the other party has plotted against Tubo long ago, what if you give in? It will only give the impression that Tubo is cowardly and predictable. If so, Tubo will not be able to survive today. "

   The Tubo King was furious, his voice was vicious and violent, and he said angrily: "It's not going to work, it's not going to work. Could it be that the King wants to hand over the Tubo hands to others? It's just too much deceiving!"

   As he spoke, the gold chain on his neck, which symbolized his identity, swayed back and forth, and at a glance, he knew that he was really angry.

Lunqin Omar (the deputy minister) stood up at the right time and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, although our strength cannot compete with Daqi, it is not powerless, but it is just cherishing feathers. If so, there is another way.”

   The Tubo King hurriedly asked, "What can I do?"

On Qin Omar's eyes flashed a dark light of calculation, "Murder with a knife! Mrs. Kurban is the sister of the Eighteen Thieves, as long as we let out the rumor that the Kurban family was murdered by Daqi, and the wind group stole it. The matter can also be counted on them, the Eighteen Thieves brothers have a deep relationship, if you let them know about the Fengtuan Pirates, does the king think they will take the initiative to avenge their brothers?"

The Tubo king's eyes lit up, and the restlessness in his heart suddenly dissipated at this moment, and a sinister smirk evoked the corner of his mouth, "Wonderful! This method can not only remove the serious troubles for this king, but also block Daqi's soldiers. Ma, when they go to war, this king can take the opportunity to smash the nest of the Eighteen Thieves, so all those treasures are mine, hehe."

   (end of this chapter)

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