Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 525: Picked sesame and lost watermelon

  Chapter 525 Picked the sesame and lost the watermelon

Thinking of the gold and silver treasures, the Tubo King couldn't even sit still, and he urgently ordered: "Now pass the news to the Eighteen Thieves, and take Fan Qirui away, teach him how to speak, and send some people to watch. Eighteen Thieves, as long as they leave, our people will act immediately to bring back all the treasures of this king!"

   "Yes!" Lunqin Omar smiled flatteringly.

Lun Qin kept his face blank and hesitated several times, but finally turned around and left the palace in silence. Seeing Lun Qin's aura, many ministers were very angry and whispered beside Lun Qin: " Sir, can you bear it like this? It's just that Lunqin Omar doesn't care about you so much!"

Lun Qin's heart was as cold as water, the cold wind of early spring was blowing, and suddenly there was an ice cold that was freezing to the bone and blood, his eyes were blank, he opened his mouth, and said: "You. Plateau, don't look back, don't look back"

  The ministers were frightened by Lunqin's appearance, and their expressions changed greatly.

Some people swallowed their saliva with a fluke and said, "Lun Qin, the situation is not so serious, it is not so! The environment of the plateau is not something that everyone can bear, even if you flee, you don't have to go there. Run away!"

   "Yes, yes, the king is still there! Even if you run away, you can't leave the king alone! Why don't we try to persuade him?"

  Everyone persuaded.

  Lun Qin was entangled in his heart, and after thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and returned to the palace with a group of ministers. As a result, everyone not only failed to persuade the Tubo king, but was also scolded.

  Lunqin was disheartened, and staggered away with his shoulders drooping. He returned to the mansion and decisively asked his servants to pack up. On the same day, he took his wife and children to the southwest plateau and fled to the southwest plateau.

  Those with a heart noticed that Lunqin had run away, so they also quietly left. Anyway, they were all small officials, and all the big officials fled, so there was no reason for them not to flee.

The Tubo King received the news and his teeth were itching with anger. Lunqin Omar was still adding fuel and jealousy to the side, complaining about the injustice for the Tubo King, and the Tubo King was very angry. He issued an edict and ordered people to chase and kill Lunqin. Limited, the Tubo King was so angry that he was about to vomit blood and had to endure it for a while, and put Lunqin Aoma to the position of Lunqin.

  The newly appointed Lunqin was arrogant, and the Eighteen Thieves had already believed Fan Qirui's words.

   He felt comfortable and had no worries about the future. He remembered the treasure of the Eighteen Thieves that the King of Tubo said, and he was also moved, wondering if a mantis would come to catch the cicada and the oriole behind him.

On the Boer River, the frigid wind blew the river sparkling, warships lined up in a row, the soldiers waited for Wen Youshan's order, and immediately attacked, but Wen Youshan was in the cabin with ten dark guards. Conspiracy is brewing.

   Eleven heads are put together, and it looks a little scary from above.

Wen Youshan pointed to a point on the map and said solemnly: "Although I didn't listen carefully to what the military advisor was saying, I'm not the kind of arrogant they think. Judging from the current situation, there may be an ambush on the other side, or there may be an ambush on the other side. There are archers fortification, we rashly attack is to send people's heads.

   Now I only have so many people, every strand of their hair is precious and cannot be easily injured, so incompetent opponents can only outwit them. "

   The corner of Anwei's mouth twitched, wanting to ask Wen Youshan what your outwitness was.

Wen Youshan bird did not show their expressions, and continued: "The best way is to sneak into Tibet again, and cooperate with the inside and the outside. This time we will enter from the sand plain. You disguise yourself and take advantage of the night to bypass the border of the Boer River and explore. In their situation, if it is confirmed that the other party has no unnecessary ambush, we will act!"

   Dark Guardian said very depressedly: "Deputy Ambassador, your plan is good, but the premise is that we can't expose it. If we are exposed, there will be no one to protect you!"

   Everyone nodded in agreement. Their purpose was to protect Wen Youshan. The battle was just a matter of convenience. If they left Wen Youshan for the sake of fighting, wouldn't the cart be put before the horse?

  Wen Youshan waved his hand with a look of disapproval, "I don't need your protection, there are so many soldiers around me!"

   is a dark guard but is unmoved.

  Wen Youshan was unable to do so, so he had to keep the secret guards 1 to 4 and send the others out.

   As soon as they left, Wen Youshan was completely idle, either training soldiers or letting people go into the water to fish. Look at him, there is no urgency to fight.

   Zhuo Bufan became more and more incomprehensible after receiving the news. He was the most anxious at the beginning, so why is he the most calm now.

   Just as Zhuo Bufan was contemplating, Wen Youshan suddenly raided Tubo in the dark on the eighth day after the six dark guards left.

   The Tubo soldiers who were guarding the Boer River during this time were almost paralyzed. It was another late night raid. The Daqi soldiers all crossed the river, and they didn't realize it until they got close to the city wall.

  Because of the panic, some people fell from the top of the city.

  Wen Youshan sent a signal, and the border gate opened smoothly from the inside. He waved the chess piece in his hand and shouted loudly: "All soldiers, kill me!"

  The deafening echo resounded in the sky, and a group of people entered the border with locusts and poured into the territory of Tibet from the entrance of the border gate. However, what awaited them inside was not the Tubo soldiers desperately resisting, but one by one kneeling on the ground with their heads bowed and their hands raised in surrender.

  Wen Youshan was dumbfounded, and all the soldiers were dumbfounded.

   "What's the situation?" Wen Youshan urged Dark Guard to ask.

The dark guard briefly negotiated, then came back with a gloomy face, and reported: "Mr. Deputy, the situation is a little different from what we expected. They said that the Eighteen Tubo thieves came to the border before and planned to fight with us. Because you have been out of troops, the king of Tubo couldn't wait, and secretly sent people to attack the nest of the Eighteen Thieves.

The Eighteen Thieves have killed a lot of people over the years, not just for those gold and silver treasures, but now that their old nest has been attacked by the Tubo king, they are worried that the treasures can't be kept, so they don't care about anything, and they kill them again with their troops and force them to The soldiers who were guarding the border went along with them. Now the border guards are not as many as when there was no war. "

   This is all absurd news.

  Wen Youshan took a long time to digest these contents, and said speechlessly: "So we invaded the territory of Tubo without a single soldier?"

The Dark Guard nodded solemnly, "Mr. Deputy Ambassador, this subordinate thinks that you may be able to take down a few nearby cities without a single soldier. We have figured out the situation here before, so it is better to take the opportunity to seize the initiative. In this way, there will be fewer obstacles for us to enter the Tubo Imperial Palace."

  Wen Youshan waved his hand, grinned and laughed, "That's what I mean, now I'm going to give orders to attack the city and conquer the land, follow Chang, and those who go against will die, kill!"

   (end of this chapter)

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