Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 529: I do not know the changes in the village

   Chapter 529 I do not know the changes in the village

"I don't know the village?" Chen Ningya's brows slowly twitched, she really couldn't understand what was the important thing in the village that would make Wen Yuanhong stay for so long. After thinking about it, she was a little worried and said: : "Then let's go to Zhizhizhai for a walk. I just haven't been there much, and I don't know what the situation is now."

Speaking of this, Hu Yiyun immediately smiled and said: "Mother, it's almost become a small town now, with everything you need, and some people used to rent the open space outside the workshop to do business and sell it to those people in the workshop, and there are people who come to pick up the goods. The merchants, because they are all nearby villagers, also sell some snacks and food. They are small businesses and not expensive. Changxin charges them a token fee for their stalls, turning a blind eye.

   The former county magistrate saw that the village was becoming more and more prosperous, so he circled another village nearby to accommodate refugees from other places. "

   "The county magistrate before?" Chen Ningya recalled carefully, pouted, and laughed, "But the one who was splashed with water by me?"

  Hu Yiyun covered his mouth and nodded.

  Chen Ningya had a playful look on her face, "I didn't expect that guy to be able to do practical things besides flattery!"

Hu Yiyun also found it funny and speculated: "It is estimated that we offended our family and the Feng family at the beginning. I was afraid that we would settle accounts after the fact, so after we all went to Beijing, we tried every means to make up for it. Later, we found that we have not expressed it. This is not at ease. When the term expires, he will be transferred immediately. But in my opinion, the current magistrate is not as good as the previous one!"

Hu Yiyun told Chen Ningya the gossip he had heard, and seeing that Chen Ningya's expression had cooled down, he hurriedly said: "Mother don't need to get angry, my husband has already sent someone to investigate this matter, he was originally the judge in Dizhou, and it was his duty. Here, I will not let this kind of dog official harm one party."

  Chen Ningya's complexion gradually eased.

   The group arrived at Zhizhizhai, and when they saw the well-organized booths outside, Chen Ningya was a little shocked. What made her difference was that there were a lot of people entering and leaving the workshop.

   "They are all here to pick up the goods?" Chen Ningya asked curiously.

Hu Yiyun nodded, "Our cloth is now quite famous, and many merchants from other places will bring some goods back when they pass by. Even if there is no fixed order in the workshop, the cloth will not stop being produced, because there will always be this kind of sudden door-to-door request. In-stock."

  Chen Ningya nodded, having a general understanding of the workshop in her heart.

   The group entered the stockade, and Chen Ningya went directly to the other courtyard.

   Wen Yuanhong, who received the news, came back in a hurry. Chen Ningya saw that his shoes and clothes were covered with mud, and her eyes widened in surprise, "Are you going into the mountains?"

  Wen Yuanhong took a look at his body and said with a wry smile: "Mother is really smart, I can't hide anything from you, how about it? Is the trip to Lingnan going well?"

Chen Ningya glanced at him and said warmly: "It went well, why didn't it go well? Not only did I meet your grandfather's family, but your sister is now the daughter of the Lingnan Emperor, the Chaoyun County Lord of Lingnan, and has her own fief and Luyi, it's almost catching up with the serious princess Yan'er!"

   Wen Yuanhong and his wife both looked at Wen Yuanjing in shock.

Wen Yuanjing pursed her lips and explained in a low voice, "It's because my uncle and aunt hurt me that they gave me a name. As for that fief, I'll leave it to my aunt to take care of it, anyway, it's going to be difficult for me to go there again in my life. This is the second time! The name of this county owner is just as good."

  Wen Yuanhong came back to his senses and said solemnly: "This is not just a good name. With the name of Lingnan County Master, your marriage can't be careless!"

Now that Lingnan and Daqi are on good terms, there must be a lot of people who are willing to marry Wen Yuanjing. If Lingnan and Daqi ever have a bad relationship, Wen Yuanjing's identity will become a drag on her. If those people are more cruel, Might be able to put her off.

   The more I thought about Wen Yuanhong, the more worried it became, and he pondered: "Now my father and eldest brother are both in Mobei, and I can't reach you. I must keep my eyes open for your marriage!"

  Wen Yuanjing was stunned by him, swallowed hard, and said, "Second brother, you don't have to be so serious! My marriage is not in a hurry."

  Hu Yiyun shook his head disapprovingly, "You got married last year, and the marriage hasn't been decided yet, so how can you not be in a hurry? In my opinion, when you return to the capital this time, mother should get up for the little sister-in-law."

Chen Ningya was a little shaken by what she said, and Wen Yuanjing was afraid that she would really agree, so she hurriedly dragged Hu Yiyun out, "Second sister-in-law, I haven't talked to you yet when I come back! Come on, let's go back to the room and have a good chat. ."

  Hu Yiyun was dragged away before she could salute Chen Ningya.

There were only mother and son left in the room, Chen Ningya smiled helplessly and shook her head, "Your sister has become more and more wild when she went to Lingnan, and her heart is alive. "

Wen Yuanhong heard Chen Ningya's worry, and said, "Don't worry, mother, my little sister has our three brothers, even if she is bullied at her husband's house in the future, we can find a place for her, and we will not let her live. Unsatisfactory."

Chen Ningya smiled and didn't answer, and instead asked: "Tell me, what are you doing back in the village? A good general judge is not staying in the government office, and staying in this backcountry for so long, is there something wrong with it? mission?"

  Wen Yuanhong gave Chen Ningya a thumbs up, "Mother, I knew you were very smart and smart. I've been here for so long, and others didn't even think about it because they were suspicious, so you suddenly realized something was wrong."

   "Stop flattering me! Talk about business!" Chen Ningya stared at him without blinking.

If someone else asked, Wen Yuanhong would definitely answer the question vaguely, but now it is Chen Ningya, his most trusted mother, Wen Yuanhong said everything without reservation, "The emperor asked me to go to the dark camp. Leading the action together, we also explored the five mountains for half a year, and tried to dig a few points, but found nothing.

  The bandit den was evacuated by the officials, not even a corpse was left. Even if we wanted to find some clues, it was as difficult as going to the sky. In this situation, I don’t know when I will be able to return to the capital. "

   Thinking that the Wei family spent decades on those stone mountains, he felt that the whole world was getting cooler and cooler, wouldn't he have to die in this place all his life!

  Chen Ningya saw his panicked appearance and sneered: "You're worried about this after only half a year of no progress?"

"Mother! You don't know how many mountains there are. Even if a hundred more people dig, they may not be able to dig anything. I really don't know what to do!" Wen Yuanhong looked sad, like a little old man. He looked like he was ten years older.

  Chen Ningya couldn't see him like this, and she hated the iron and taught a lesson: "I have no confidence in myself! Look at the commander of the secret camp, don't they also follow you to mine, but like you?"

   (end of this chapter)

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