Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 530: something almost forgotten

   Chapter 530 Something Almost Forgotten

   "That's not true." Wen Yuanhong raised his head, and his body became a little taller.

   "That's enough! Since I'm working with others, I'll learn more." Before she could finish speaking, she suddenly widened her eyes and stood up abruptly, "Wait, I seem to have thought of something."

   "What?" Wen Yuanhong looked blank.

  Chen Ningya got close to him and asked, "You said that the bandit den is in those five mountains?"

   "Yeah! Is there anything strange about this?" Wen Yuanhong didn't know why.

  Chen Ningya shook her head, fell into deep thought, and said after a while, "I'll go out tomorrow and talk about it."

  Wen Yuanhong didn't know what medicine Chen Ningya sold in the gourd, so he didn't care too much, and left after answering softly.

   On the same day, Chen Ningya sent someone to send a message to Changxin.

   It was not dawn the next day, and Changxin's carriage was already waiting outside Shizhizhai. Chen Ningya followed Changxin without taking anyone. When Wen Yuanhong and his wife received the news, Chen Ningya had been out for a long time.

  Because he didn't understand, Wen Yuanhong was a little uneasy, so he came back early and was invited by Lan Silk as soon as he entered the yard.

   Seeing Chen Ningya, Wen Yuanhong couldn't wait to ask: "Mother, why did you leave today without saying a word, and you didn't bring anyone with you? What if something happened?"

  Chen Ningya spat at him and rolled her eyes, "Can't you just hope for me?"

   "Mother, that's not what I meant!" Wen Yuanhong was so anxious that he broke out in cold sweat.

  Chen Ningya gave him a funny look, "That's it! It's done, I won't tease you anymore, you can take a look at this thing."

As she said that, she took out a wooden box from her arms and explained: "This thing was found in the bandit's den, because it looked strange and weighed heavily. Your Uncle Zhang Yun took it as a treasure, turned around and sold it to Your father, because your father is a carpenter, the quality of the wood can still be judged, so he spent 1,000 taels to buy this thing. Later, we tried to call this box, and after researching for a long time, we found that this thing is a mechanical box .

With the ability of my father and I, I can't open it, and the things are idle. Yesterday, you mentioned it before I remembered that there is such a thing. Let's talk about it first. I don't know what it is, and I'm not sure. Can I help you? Also, it takes a lot of energy to unlock the lock. Maybe you've been busy all the time and it's all in vain, so do you have to open it? "

  Wen Yuanhong took the box without thinking about it, and said excitedly, "Yes! Even if it's a waste of time, you have to open it. Don't worry, mother, the things are yours. If you open it, you will be notified as soon as possible."

   said, Wen Yuanhong rushed out excitedly.

  Chen Ningya shouted from behind him: "Where are you going to go so late?"

   "I won't be back tonight! Mother, tell Evian for me."

   There was only one sentence left in the wind, and Wen Yuanhong had already disappeared without a trace.

  Chen Ningya smiled helplessly, so she didn't care about it anymore. The next morning, she took Wen Yuanjing back to Fushan Village.

   The changes in the village amazed her, especially the sound of reading aloud from the entrance of the village. This was a sound that was impossible to hear before, but now, she heard it.

   At this moment, Chen Ningya slowly closed her eyes, thinking far away, thinking about the little things she had with Wen Youshan, as well as the hardships and difficulties along the way.

When the carriage stopped, she thought she had arrived at her house halfway up the mountain, but she didn't realize that she was still on the village road. She stuck out her head and looked at it, just looking at Zhao's eyes. So, in the earth-shattering shout of Zhao's. , the whole village knew that Chen Ningya had returned.

   When she was sitting in the main room of her house, she was still a little bit dumbfounded. She looked at the woman sitting in the room, raised her eyebrows and asked, "Aren't you busy at the moment?"

   Everyone shook their heads in unison.

   Mr. Ye grinned and said, "You're back, no matter how busy we are, we can still make it here."

  Chen Ningya was very heart-warming, but she teased: "Since you miss me so much, did you bring me something good?"

   "Really!" Saying that, Mrs Ye went out with a basket and came in, "The first lotus seeds are the most tender, peel them and eat them straight away! How about it, I'll treat you well!"

  Chen Ningya was shocked, "I'm just joking, you're really here."

   Ye shi raised his eyebrows arrogantly, "I used to eat you and take you, now it's my turn to go back, or I'll be embarrassed to come to your house in the future!"

  Chen Ningya laughed and asked the maid to put lotus seeds on a plate, and saw that Zheng Cui took out a bag of preserved fruit from nowhere as if she was conjuring a trick.

Mr. Zhao stared at it, "Okay! You are all busy with me bringing things. If it doesn't work, then I will also count it, otherwise I will look too stingy. In this way, I will go home and kill a few chickens and ducks. Come here, you guys. Whether it’s stewed or roasted, that’s it!”

   said that the Zhao family ran away in a hurry, not giving anyone a chance to refuse at all.

Ye Shi and Zheng Cui looked at each other, got up and said, "I remembered, those fish and shrimps in my family are almost ready to leave the pond, Aning, wait, I'll ask the boss to send us a basket now, let's eat roasted Fish, fragrant!"

   "Yes, yes, my sheep can also be slaughtered, you wait." Zheng Cui said hurriedly.

   Ye Shi's eyes widened instantly when he heard this, and he gave Zheng Cui a thumbs up, "You can do it!"

  Chen Ningya's face changed with fright, "Don't be fooled! Don't worry about chickens, ducks and fish, what's the matter with slaughtering sheep?"

   A sheep costs several taels of silver, which is not comparable to chickens, ducks, and fish. She dared not let Zheng Cui make such a big head.

   Zheng Cui was determined to slaughter the sheep and ran faster than Ye Shi.

   Chen Ningya was helpless, so she could only let Lan Shu catch up and persuade her.

   As a result, Lan Shu failed to stop Zheng Cui, but instead stayed at Tao's house to help.

  Wen Yuanjing couldn't help laughing after knowing this, "Mother, these aunts are really sincere to you! Sure enough, you still have vision!"

Chen Ningya had a headache, "It's too sincere! I just came back and slaughtered the sheep! Even your second sister-in-law didn't get this treatment when she returned to her parents' house. I'll explain to Lan Ling later and give the Tao family some compensation before leaving. , can't let them suffer."

   A sheep may be half a year's income for ordinary people, it's too precious!

Wen Yuanjing also knew the truth, rolled his eyes, and said, "Mother, you should compensate others, but don't make it too obvious, just this time we brought back a lot of things from Lingnan, you can send some to them."

"for example?"

"For example, the pearls produced in Zhuya, of course, are not Nanzhu, but those ordinary pearls. When I left, my two aunts gave me a box each, saying that they were not worth a few dollars, and asked me to bring them back to make hair accessories. A pearl that looks good and is not worth a few dollars in their eyes can be sold for a few taels of silver in Qing'an County. After all, it is something from the sea, and it is not common. You only need to give them a few to play with. Shouldn't you be compensated?

   In addition, there are many daughters in the Tao family. Although they are married, they can be counted. If you give one or two grandsons, they will not say anything. "Wen Yuanjing said calmly.

   (end of this chapter)

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